The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1352: Discuss American tactics

PS: Thank you book friend "Brother Xiang" for your long-term support. Today's five changes and twenty thousand characters are added for him. I wish him a smooth journey and smooth progress in his upcoming military career.

The extra part of "Red Alert: Somalia" is officially updated on the gorgeous WeChat public account. The first chapter has been published. The content of the extra part is the follow-up content of the main text, and will write the most complete ending.

The extra content is free, so students who like Somalia should not miss it! Follow method: open the WeChat official account search, enter "gorgeous hypocrisy", you can search for the gorgeous WeChat official account, follow the first chapter of the extravaganza, and the following follow-up extras will also be posted On the WeChat public account. You can also see the pictures of the units that have appeared in this book!

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When the United States was preparing for war, the senior officials of the Red Police Corps also held a high-level seminar on this war.

In the conference room of the base, all the high-ranking generals of the Red Police Corps gathered together, and the stars were shining.

Cai Ruichen personally hosted this seminar, and the content of the discussion was how the United States started this war.

This is an inevitable subject. It is not only the Red Police Corps that is holding such a seminar. Every country will not fall behind.

It is indispensable to analyze the tactics that the United States may adopt. Only by understanding the enemy's methods and ideas as much as possible can we better deal with the enemy.

In order to conduct this seminar, Cai Ruichen also collected all the intelligence about Iran and the United States as the basis for the discussion.

At the beginning of the seminar, everyone spoke in turn, taking the lead in summarizing the current military situation of the two sides. In the conference room, the augmented reality simulation battlefield also fully demonstrated the situation of both sides.

In fact, at the beginning of the seminar, Cai Ruichen had already carried out a real combat simulation in the base's virtual reality system.

The result of the result has naturally come out. Iran has undoubtedly failed, but the United States is not comfortable.

However, Cai Ruichen did not take this simulation result seriously because the information he obtained was not very complete.

Especially with regard to the final deployment of the United States, there are still many uncertain factors, coupled with the tactical thinking of both sides, it is not simple to simulate.

And this kind of brainstorming can also discover more problems. Any subtle difference in tactics may lead to different results in the entire war.

Although this result cannot change the overall situation, it can affect the duration of the war and the number of casualties on both sides.

"The intelligence has all come up. This war is a life and death event for the two parties who are about to fight.

Both sides of the war will inevitably use all available means. The special intelligence operations before the war will also be directly related to the future direction of this war. I hope that everyone can speak freely and discuss the possible direction and details of this battle. All pushed. "

Cai Ruichen’s words caused the seminar to have all kinds of quiet exchanges once again. The seminar is not a single talk. Everyone can discuss together in twos and threes to exchange their opinions and draw any conclusions. , And then report again.

Because such a seminar is inherently very free, so is Cai Ruichen.

He also has his own small circle, and the generals below also have their own small circles. They start discussions and submit the results of the discussions to the augmented reality simulation in a digital format so that everyone can see.

"Ling Liang, if you were the commander of the US military and used all the intelligence we have now, how would you launch an attack first?" Cai Ruichen's eyes were first placed on Ling Liang.

As the strategic master of the Red Police Corps and the only superhero with full-time strategic commanding ability, Ling Liang has always been playing Cai Ruichen's think tank.

Even Lingliang can help Cai Ruichen make most of the decisions, implement national policies, and sign policy orders.

In terms of military command, Cai Ruichen was also able to completely hand over to Ling Liang, allowing her to fully display her talents.

Since Ling Liang was recruited to the present, she has never let Cai Ruichen down, and even in many places, she has considered issues farther than Cai Ruichen, and is relatively better than Cai Ruichen's strategic thinking.

However, Cai Ruichen is not inferior to her, because Cai Ruichen's oriented thinking controls the overall view of the whole, not the extension of strategic thinking, nor the strategic vertical judgment.

The thinking patterns of the two are fundamentally different, and they cannot be used for one-to-one comparison.

In terms of strategic command, Ling Liang is indeed more powerful than Cai Ruichen, and Cai Ruichen's grasp of the overall view is not comparable to Ling Liang.

The two complement each other.

In fact, many of Cai Ruichen's thinking and wisdom are all taught by the base. Although Cai Ruichen no longer needs to continue learning now, the way of thinking has become his habit.

"If I were the commander of the US military, in this war, I will let Iran have a taste of the super destructive power of special penetration." Ling Liang said.

"Tell me in detail." Cai Ruichen nodded and said.

"According to the information we currently have on both sides, the United States has begun special infiltration of Iran, using the CIA's intelligence agency in Iran, and is quietly launching operations against the Iranian military..." Ling Liang detailed all of his own The idea is explained again.

Ling Liang's meaning is very simple. The special penetration of the United States into Iran, coupled with the original intelligence agencies, will not be underestimated.

Finding a chance to kill Khamenei is not a problem at all. Assassinating Iran’s high-level and military commanders will make Iran chaos before the war has started.

However, Ling Liang was not talking about this. Killing these high-level Iranians would indeed enable Iran to unrest the command system at the beginning of the war.

However, Iran’s command system at all levels is quite complete, and the turbulence will soon be stabilized by mid- to high-ranking officers. Therefore, the sniping of Iran’s high-level officials will actually not have a great impact on the war.

Lingliang’s goal is to directly target Iran’s establishment of a set of coordinated command systems for various arms-the C4ISR system after the establishment of modernized troops.

This system allows the Iranian military to formally enter the digital path, coordinated with the command mechanism of Iran's various arms, and can achieve the ability of all troops to jointly command operations.

In Lingliang’s meaning, with the United States’ intelligence penetration into Iran, find an opportunity to implant the virus into this system, which will cause this system to be chaotic and unusable. For Iran, the consequences will be Is fatal.

First of all, Iran does not have a back-up command system, and the command of the arms is very dependent on this system. The implanted virus can also make most of Iran’s missiles blind, which can affect Iran’s radar. And anti-aircraft missiles.

With the development of modern information systems, more and more advanced viruses can not only destroy the system, but can even control the system and issue wrong orders to the grassroots troops.

In Lingliang’s words, if Iran’s opponent is the Red Police Corps, as long as this system is successfully invaded, all modern Iranian troops will be destroyed overnight.

Because of the control of this system, the location of the troops can be accurately located.

At the same time, it can bring Iran's military command system back to before the information age.

The Iranian military can only use long- and short-wave radio stations, or even manual messaging.

Information-based warfare against an opponent who has broken away from the information-based command system is almost a crushing victory.

The most important thing is that in the first round of air strikes, Iran will lose at least half of its combat power. All advanced equipment, missile forces, radar air defense, and shore-based missiles will all be destroyed by superior air forces.

If you want to complete such an attack, the current Red Police Corps can do it, and the US military can naturally do it.

As a result, the combat effectiveness of the Iranian army has already been reduced in the early stages of the war, and the U.S. military is not worried about Iran's ability to launch missile attacks on military bases in the Middle East.

Hearing Ling Liang's tactical ideas, Cai Ruichen nodded with satisfaction. Modern warfare is often so fast.

And this is also the terrible aspect of special operations. A small chip carrying a virus can destroy a country's millions of troops.

This was impossible in the past, but in the era of information warfare, such a possibility exists 100%.

The United States did this during the Iraq War.

The Flying Fish anti-ship missile imported by Iraq from France was once implanted with a virus chip by the United States. When the missile was connected to the Iraqi command system, the virus entered the Iraqi command system. The entire Iraqi radar was used as an air strike by the US military. When they were all paralyzed.

The current virus methods are also more terrifying and more difficult to prevent.

If the poisoned party cannot eliminate the virus in the first place, everything will be irreversible.

However, such methods are difficult to use in countries with developed information systems.

The reason is very simple. The military's command system must have multiple firewalls, which can completely resist such virus intrusion.

Even if it is a core intrusion method, it is difficult to work, and it directly affects the fundamentals of the command system.

When facing Israel, Cai Ruichen was not incapable of letting people implant the virus into Israel’s command system, but Cai Ruichen knew better than anyone that Israel’s information and electronic technology was not inferior to that of the United States. The defensive capabilities of the firewall of the Israeli Ministry of Defense are stronger than those of the Pentagon.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen has not made any attempts in this regard, but if it is facing an army that has just entered informationization like Iran, then this method is the most effective method.

After the paralyzed Iranian command system, the rest became very simple.

The fifth-generation fighter jets that the United States is preparing for the Middle East, whether it is a Raptor or Lightning, as well as a bomber, can plunge Iran into a sea of ​​flames in an instant.

By the time the Iranian army reacted, everything was too late.

"A good tactic, the United States can indeed do it, and I think it is very likely to adopt such tactics as you said." Cai Ruichen nodded, this tactic is the cheapest and most effective. Tactics.

At this time, Tanya on the side continued: "According to intelligence, the CIA people are secretly contacting the middle and high-level officers of the Iranian regular army. Some of these officers are officers left over from the Pahlavi dynasty..."

Hearing Tan Ya's words, Cai Ruichen nodded in agreement.

This must also be the choice of the United States, because the United States is very clear that the only result of an invasion war without the support of local forces is to fall into the ocean of people's war, and there is no second result.

If there was the cooperation of local forces, it would be completely different. From the perspective of the war situation, there would be two completely different situations.

When the Pahlavi dynasty fled Iran, it has never returned to Iran, leaving the army and government.

So far, the military has been basically controlled by Olemar, but some people still hold power. Although not at the decision-making level, government agencies and military agencies still control half of them at the middle and low-level government and military levels. power.

These three forces constitute the current pyramid of power in Iran. All the top leaders are members of Olemar, while the bottom is the military and royalist forces.

If the overthrow is undermining the overthrow of the Iranian government, and the descendants of the Pahlavi dynasty are allowed to stand up and re-enter Iran, the United States will be much easier.

What Tan Ya said is also a very likely method the United States will take. After all, the Americans also hope to be able to carry out this war more easily.

But no matter what the result is, it has no effect on the Red Police Corps and Cai Ruichen.

"How many troops do you think the United States will deploy in this war? How many NATO countries will participate." Cai Ruichen asked slowly.

In fact, this issue is what Cai Ruichen really needs to pay attention to. After all, the Red Police Corps is very likely to enter Iran to fight in the future. What kind of power the opponent is, always needs to pay attention.

"The navy will dispatch at least four aircraft carrier battle groups, and it is possible that even strategic nuclear submarines will carry conventional missiles.

As for whether NATO member states will participate in I think even if they participate, they are at most playing side drums. It is more like showing a stand and attitude, and will not send too many troops to participate. The country is still just waving the flag and shouting. "Tan Ya said.

"For all NATO member states, Turkey will definitely participate. Even if Turkey does not want to send troops, the United States will inevitably persuade Turkey to serve as a logistical transit and rear of the war, so that European materials can be quickly transported to the front forces." Ling Liang said.

"This war was caused by my calculations. Once the United States borrows Turkey, it will certainly not leave easily in the future. I can even imagine that the United States may soon deploy an anti-missile system in Turkey. Nominally. The missiles against Iran are actually monitoring us."

When Cai Ruichen said this, he shook his head a little funny and said: "The United States has always regarded us as a regular opponent, trying to deploy an anti-missile system to monitor every move of the entire federation, but the United States is destined to be disappointed, even if it is a hundred sets. The THAAD system is on the side of the Federation, and it is also destined to be a waste of water."

Hearing Cai Ruichen's words, the three people on the side also showed unpredictable smiles.

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