The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1356: The outbreak of the US-Iraq war

Cai Ruichen naturally knew what Natasha's calculations were. He didn't stop Natasha's behavior.

It has been more than two years since I confirmed the relationship with Hua Meixue, and Cai Ruichen has never forced Hua Meixue.

After all, there are indeed many women by his side, and he has never been able to determine whether Hua Meixue has made up his mind.

Therefore, he gave the initiative to Hua Meixue herself, if Hua Meixue was really willing to accept it.

Natasha told Hua Meixue the password a few months ago, but Hua Meixue hasn't done anything.

Cai Ruichen can also understand this, after all, before this, there had always been Yuriko and Natasha in the room.

Although Cai Ruichen didn't feel surprised when Hua Meixue appeared, his mood suddenly changed completely.

With Cai Ruichen's gaze, Hua Meixue had the urge to run away, especially when she watched Cai Ruichen lying in the bathtub, her eyes flickered, she dropped her head directly, not daring to look at the scene in the bathroom.

At this moment, Hua Meixue felt that her legs seemed to be filled with lead, but she couldn't move half a minute when she wanted to leave.

Seeing Hua Meixue's extremely shy appearance and without further action, Cai Ruichen could clearly hear Hua Meixue's nervous heartbeat.

The corners of his mouth rose slowly, Cai Ruichen got up from the bathtub and walked directly towards the door.

Hearing the sound of water, Hua Meixue vaguely saw the appearance of Hua Meixue coming out of the bathtub, holding her trouser legs tightly with both hands, her heart became even more tense.

Especially when she felt Cai Ruichen approaching step by step, her breathing began to rush.

When Cai Ruichen saw Hua Meixue's appearance at the moment, his heart began to agitate. He liked Hua Meixue's shy appearance and this traditional Xiaojiabiyu.

Walking in front of Hua Meixue, looking at her who was almost burying her head in front of her chest, Cai Ruichen asked softly: "You can't regret it now."

When Hua Meixue heard the words, as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw the thing standing upright in her sight, and immediately closed her eyes in a panic, and shook her head firmly.

Cai Ruichen stretched out his hand and gently lifted Hua Meixue's chin, looking at Hua Meixue's slightly shaking lips because of tension, and he was about to lean down.

Hua Meixue felt Cai Ruichen's close breathing, she was very nervous and looked forward to it. She knew that tonight...

However, before his lips touched, the door of Cai Ruichen's room suddenly opened and Tan Ya walked in.

Seeing Hua Meixue waiting to be picked at the bathroom door, and seeing Cai Ruichen without a piece of body, Tan Ya immediately understood something, a playful smile flashed on her face, but she did not leave, but said to the two : "I'm really sorry, I interrupted the spring night of both of you."

In such a scene, let alone Hua Meixue, even Cai Ruichen is very embarrassed.

Hearing Tan Ya's words, Hua Meixue quickly fled Cai Ruichen's room like a frightened rabbit.

The brewing atmosphere is broken, and Hua Meixue has the courage to stay in this place.

The most important thing is that Hua Meixue is also very clear that if Tan Ya comes over, there must be an important report, otherwise Tan Ya will not be here in the middle of the night.

Seeing Hua Meixue escaping from the room, Cai Ruichen also recovered immediately. He pulled the towel from the bathroom and wiped the water droplets on his body, and asked, "Did the United States do it?"

Tanya said: "U.S. President Obama and Bama formally signed the order to take military action an hour ago. France and Britain will both participate in this war."

"Does Iran know?" Cai Ruichen asked.

Tan Ya shook her head, walked to the closet, took out a set of clothes, and gave it to Cai Ruichen, saying: "I am afraid that Iran will not know until the United States starts to do it."

Dressed neatly, Cai Ruichen and Tan Ya walked out of the room immediately.

Although nothing happened with Hua Meixue tonight, the real gain is that the United States officially started.

When he arrived at the Supreme Command, Ling Liang was already sitting in his place.

This war is of course important to the two warring parties, and it is also very important to the Red Police Corps.

This is the best opportunity to assess the combat effectiveness of the US military at close range. The Red Police Corps’ radars, airborne early warning aircraft and satellites are already in place.

The staff of the Supreme Staff will also study all the tactics adopted by the US military, analyze the battle situation at any time, and work out the results of the entire war as much as possible.

The emergence of this war can almost be said to be the result of Cai Ruichen's careful planning, otherwise the United States would definitely not be able to use force against Iran.

There are no absolutes in the world, and Cai Ruichen is only trying his best to turn that very few possibilities into the only ending.

The outcome of this war is already doomed before it even begins.

Although Iran has sufficient military strength and strategic depth, for the United States, which has been preparing for war for more than a month, there is still no problem in destroying Iran’s homeland defense capabilities.

Of course, for the United States to attack Iran, it is not really easy at all.

When Cai Ruichen came to the Supreme Command, American military operations also began.

A senior agent hidden in the Iranian military department inserted a virus-carrying chip into the firewall host of the Iranian Ministry of Defense.

The virus penetrated through the firewall of the Iranian Ministry of Defense and penetrated into all the command institutions of the Iranian military.

The entire virus infiltration work did not proceed silently. The cyber security forces of the Iranian Ministry of Defense discovered the virus trying to invade the firewall in the first place.

The Iranian security forces also activated the highest-level firewall of the Ministry of National Defense in accordance with the plan.

The firewall of the Iranian Ministry of Defense is indeed capable of a certain degree, but it is also far from the top in the world.

When Iran activated its firewall, the Iranian cyber security forces had already been trapped by the United States.

It seems to block the virus on the surface, but when the firewall is activated, the real killer move also penetrates into all the computers of the Iranian military through the firewall.

When Iranian security forces saw that the virus was completely intercepted, it was actually too late.

At this time, the U.S. Cyber ​​Warfare Command was not in a hurry to activate the lurking virus successfully.

At the same time, the U.S. Department of Defense, Austria, Bama, and the NATO Group News Service also held press conferences at the same time, announcing more than a dozen crimes against Iran and was at war with Iran.

NATO’s declaration of war directly refers to Iran’s nuclear weapons research.

But in the peaceful world, after this news came out, there was an uproar.

The United States finally withdrew from the Middle East. As a result, the strategic eastward movement was not completed yet, and it returned to the Middle East again, and still used Iran, a powerful Middle East country.

In fact, it has been circulating in the world network and news media that the United States may send troops to Iran.

After all, the constant propaganda in the United States and the frequent mobilization of the U.S. military really feel a bit of an enemy.

However, there are also many reasons why the United States cannot participate in the war. One of the reasons, and the most fundamental reason, is that the United States sent troops to Iran, which is completely contrary to the implementation philosophy of Austria and Bama, and it will also greatly hinder the eastward shift of power. Long-term strategy.

In addition, Iran is not easy to provoke. The United States sent troops to Iran to fight a country with a population of 80 million, and its military strength is also good. This will inevitably make the United States once again carry a heavy burden of war.

If the United States really sends troops to Iran, it will greatly affect the recovering US economy.

A considerable number of people firmly believe that the United States will definitely use peaceful means to deal with the Iranian nuclear issue.

After all, war is more harmful than good for the United States.

Many observers of international politics all support this view.

However, many people also support the view that the United States is preparing for war, and the two sides have also refuted each other before this.

Some people say that the US move to increase troops in the Middle East is more like an encirclement of the Iran-Syria Federation, and is fundamentally not aimed at Iran.

Such a statement is completely justified, but those who support the war have seen the real benefits that this war can bring to the United States.

This war can solve the old and difficult issue of Iran and stabilize the traditional allies of the United States in the Middle East.

The United States, which has no Israel anymore, urgently needs to find a closer ally in the Middle East again. The Kingdom of the Middle East headed by Saudi Arabia is naturally the best choice.

Declaring war on Iran is also an explanation for these Middle Eastern kingdoms.

Moreover, as long as it controls Iran, the US military can continue to maintain its advantage in the Middle East. Combining the kingdoms of the Middle East, it happens to be the most complete encirclement of the Iran-Syria Federation.

There is Iran in the east, Kuwait on the edge of the Persian Gulf, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, and Egypt on the edge of the Gaza Strip, a traditional friendly country to the United States.

To the northwest is the presence of Turkey. In this way, the United States can completely encircle the Islamic Federation.

Of course, all of this must be established on the basis that the United States can successfully win Iran and control Iran.

At the same time, it will continue to receive full support from Saudi Arabia and other kingdoms.

This ultimate goal is indeed one of the reasons why the United States sent troops to Iran, and there are many other reasons.

The United States could not have tolerated Iran's possession of nuclear weapons, otherwise the oil channels in the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf would be really dangerous.

Iran, which possesses nuclear weapons, will absolutely dare to confront the United States and no longer worry about the US military threat.

Even in the future, Iran’s oil and natural gas exports will no longer be settled in U.S. dollars, which will directly affect the global crude oil supply and at the same time affect the dominance of the U.S. dollar.

This is absolutely not allowed by the United States, and it is also the absolute bottom line of the United States.

The most important thing is that Iran is continuing to enrich uranium at the nuclear weapons level. This news is not false, and the United States has no reason not to send troops.

What's more, the domestic contradictions and the suppressed emotions of American citizens also need to erupt.

This is a war supported by all the United States. When Austria and Bama declared that they were at war with Iran, none of the United States stood up and opposed it.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran also received the U.S. war documents immediately.

The whole country of Iran shook suddenly, but the Iranian government was also prepared for war in this month.

Iran is the most able to feel the atmosphere of war. The secret uranium enrichment plant was exposed. Although the United Nations passed the most severe sanctions on Iran in history, the United States did not take any further action.

Nuclear negotiations have also ceased endlessly, and the United States has deployed troops in Turkey and Saudi Arabia. How can Iran sit idly by.

Although Iran has never revealed this situation to the country, the Iranian military has also been in a state of combat readiness from the beginning.

However, the Iranian government also hopes that this is just too sensitive. The United States does not really want to send troops to Iran, but just finds an excuse to increase its troops in the Middle East and restore its former dominant position in the Middle East.

At the moment when the U.S. war documents were received, the Iranian government and all officials could only accept the facts of the war.

Hope is good, but reality is cruel.

With no chance for Iran at all, it can only show the most tenacious fighting spirit. After all, in the eyes of Iranians, this war is not without a chance.

The U.S. military action has not yet officially started. Khamenei also convened a national television speech for the first time to announce the shocking news. At the same time, he also called on all Iranians to show courage and determination to resist the evil invaders.

At the same time, the Iranian Ministry of Defense also sounded the first-level combat alert, ordering all Iranian troops to open up and proceed in accordance with the formulated offensive and defensive plans.

The only thing that the Iranian Ministry of Defense cannot understand is that the United States did nothing after the declaration of war. This makes the Iranian Ministry of Defense quite confused.

Under normal circumstances, air strikes and missile strikes should arrive at the same time as the war documents.

And even if it is a sneak attack tactic, it is not surprising at all.

On the contrary, it was this kind of upright that for a while, the Iranian side did not know what medicine was sold in the gourd of the United States.

In fact, the United States is waiting for the Iranian army to fully move. The virus hidden in the command system of the Iranian Ministry of Defense is sending the information and coordinates of all Iranian forces to the US military satellites.

When the various Iranian forces took action, the United States also obtained the most complete Iranian military defense plan.

Iran’s conventional armored forces, missile forces, navy, air force, shore-based missiles, and combat commands at all levels all leaked out at the same time.

In the Supreme Command of the Red Police Corps, Cai Ruichen, who had been paying attention to the military developments of Iran and the United States when he was from Austria and Bama, saw all the Iranian troops move and the orders were transmitted to the headquarters and troops at all levels. , Cai Ruichen looks like he hates iron but steel.

"Iran has lost everything before the war has started." Cai Ruichen shook his head and left the Supreme Command with a sense of excitement.

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