The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1357: Iran loses

PS: Update twelve thousand in the evening, can I have some recommended tickets and rewards?


As soon as he walked out of the Supreme Command, Cai Ruichen saw Hua Meixue walking over with a steaming porridge of lean meat.

Cai Ruichen, who was a little depressed, immediately showed a warm smile.

After seeing Cai Ruichen, Hua Meixue was a little bit embarrassed. After seeing Cai Ruichen's smile, she also smiled gracefully and said: "It's three o'clock in the morning. I cooked lean meat porridge and eat some."

Cai Ruichen nodded and led Hua Meixue to the office in his base.

"I just saw that your complexion was a bit bad, did something happen?" Hua Meixue watched Cai Ruichen taking a bite of the supper she had prepared, recalling the depressed color on Cai Ruichen's face, and couldn't help but care.

"I just hate that iron can't make steel. The United States has sent troops to Iran, and the war has not yet begun, Iran is doomed to defeat." Cai Ruichen shook his head and said with some regret.

"I thought something had happened to the Federation." Hua Meixue was naturally relieved after hearing this.

Now she is all thinking about Cai Ruichen. As for Iran and the United States, it is not something she will care about.

As long as Cai Ruichen is okay and the Federation is stable, everything else is too far away from her.

Cai Ruichen heard the words and did not continue to say anything, Hua Meixue's reaction seemed to him to be normal.

However, he was really disappointed in Iran. Originally, Cai Ruichen felt that no matter how Iran was, it could cause a lot of trouble to the United States.

Unexpectedly, before the war began, Iran’s old man was completely understood by the United States, and it appeared under the offensive of the US army without any secret.

As a result, with the perfect possession and offensive power of the United States, Iran will completely lose the initiative in war, and even the right to passive defense will be completely lost.

Originally, Cai Ruichen felt that even if Iran failed after this war, it could still bring some harm to the United States.

Not to mention that hundreds of fighter jets from the coalition led by the United States have to be shot down, which can bring some damage and trouble to the US fleet.

But now, Cai Ruichen has no hope. Iran can successfully shoot down the number of NATO fighters. I am afraid that there are less than 20 fighters.

The saddest thing is that the Iranian Ministry of Defense still does not know all its military deployments, the location of missiles, and defense plans are all exposed to the US Cyber ​​Operations Command.

And this is the deadliest.

In fact, as Cai Ruichen saw, Iran really has no chance at all.

Iran does not understand the tactics of the United States. The Iranians have not yet discovered that this war has already begun before the declaration of war.

The U.S. Cyber ​​Warfare Command has completely kidnapped Iran and the entire command system. It has received all the movements and intelligence of the Iranian army, every order issued by the Iranian Ministry of Defense, and all the news it receives. It also appeared in the U.S. Cyber ​​Army Commander. Ministry.

When Cai Ruichen shook his head and left the Supreme Command, the U.S. Department of Defense also officially issued an order to start the operation.

This military strike against Iran was named "Desert Ironshoe" by the United States.

At the beginning of Operation Ironshoe Desert, the four major U.S. aircraft carrier battle groups in the Arabian Sea have already gathered. A dozen missiles rose into the air and flew directly out of the atmosphere.

The Iranian radar could originally detect missiles that lifted into the air, but under the network shielding of the US Cyber ​​Operations Command, the warning message was not sent out and was immediately intercepted.

A few minutes later, the Iranian Ministry of Defense and all military satellites lost contact. All military satellites were destroyed by US missiles.

After the Iranian satellite was killed, Operation Desert Ironshoe officially began.

In front of the four major aircraft carrier battle groups, in the Arabian Sea at night, in the waves, two huge figures appeared on the sea, the huge Ohio-class nuclear-powered missile submarine, and the huge back of the boat covered the water.

The twenty-four missile vertical launchers of the Ohio-class nuclear-powered missile submarine slowly opened, revealing the neatly placed missiles.

The launch tubes of these two strategic nuclear submarines are not equipped with Trident submarine-launched nuclear missiles, but all-purpose Tomahawk cruise missiles.

After the end of the Cold War, the United States modified several Ohio-class nuclear-powered missile submarines, installed an isolation layer in the launch tube of the original Trident missile, and put the Tomahawk cruise missile into it.

An Ohio-class nuclear-powered missile submarine can carry 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles after modification.

Two such strategic nuclear submarines carry as many as 308 Tomahawk cruise missiles.

And a Los Angeles-class attack nuclear submarine can carry twelve cruise missiles at most, which is completely incomparable.

Two Ohio-class nuclear submarines that are ready for launch have just risen to the surface, and Tomahawk cruise missiles are launched one after another.

The light from the missile's tail flame illuminates the surrounding sea.

Among the four major aircraft carrier battle groups, six Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruisers and twelve Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, the Tomahawk cruise missiles on them were also continuously launched at the same time.

In just a few minutes, the US fleet launched 500 Tomahawk cruise missiles, with an average cost of 900,000 U.S. dollars for a Tomahawk cruise missile.

Five hundred missiles are worth 4.5 billion U.S. dollars, and half of the Ford-class aircraft carrier missiles were shot out in one go. This shows the determination of the United States for this war.

After launching the missiles, the two strategic nuclear submarines immediately dived and left. The two submarines have completed their missions and will return directly to the Guam naval base in the Pacific Ocean.

After the missile lifted off, the four aircraft carriers in the Arabian Sea were still busy. The carrier-based aircrafts lifted off one after another, and they soon formed an attack formation and flew towards the Iranian mainland.

However, there are attack aircraft groups that are faster than missiles and carrier-based aircraft.

When the United States submitted the war report, all three Raptor fighter jets in the U.S. Air Force base in Saudi Arabia were all ready to take off.

In the first round of air strikes, Raptor fighters took the lead, and the forces of the three wings were dispatched in one breath, also in order to kill Iran's defense system as much as possible in the first round of air strikes.

At the same time, four B-2 Ghost bombers from Europe also quietly entered Iran from the Caspian Sea.

The Iranian radar did not find the stealth ghost bomber, of course, even if it was found, it was of no use.

At this moment, the Iranian military was aware of the upcoming rhythm of the attack, but when the attack did come, the Iranian Ministry of Defense was also completely plunged into despair.

It's not that Iran doesn't work hard, but that there is no way at all.

The US air and missile strikes had not yet arrived, and the virus lurking in the command system of the Iranian Ministry of Defense completely broke out, and Iran’s command communications were completely paralyzed.

Missiles and radars have also been invaded by viruses and cannot fight at all.

The coordinated U.S. Air Force arrived at the same time as the virus broke out. Dense explosions sounded around Iran's cities. Air defense sirens sounded everywhere in the port economy.

The targets of the four ghost bombers were also very simple, directly targeting all uranium enrichment plants in Iran and completely destroying all Iran’s uranium enrichment industry.

British and French fighter jets all took off from Turkey and participated in this air strike.

The Iranian army can only use ground-based anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns, and individual anti-aircraft missiles that are not connected to the command system to counterattack.

But for fighter jets that attack at night, such air defense methods have little effect.

The most important thing is that the Iranian army has completely lost its command mechanism. Under the US air strikes, they can only fight separately.

The Iranian air force that took off on alert was unsurprisingly cleaned up under the attack of the Raptors, and all the airports were destroyed.

All Iran’s missile positions and launch vehicles, except those hidden under the bunker, were all destroyed.

The most tragic thing is that the Iranian side originally launched a counterattack in accordance with the pre-planned plan. All the missiles have been pulled out, ready to be launched to strike all US military bases in the Middle East.

This also gave the United States the best opportunity. The missiles on the missile launch vehicle were all destroyed by the firepower of air strikes before they were launched.

There are hundreds of missiles, not one in ten.

This is what Cai Ruichen regrets the most. The reason why he shook his head and sighed is because the Iranian army actually gave these missiles to the Americans.

However, the United States used cyber viruses to invade and obtained the coordinates of these missiles effortlessly. It is not difficult at all to destroy these missiles with precision air strikes.

In the first round of air strikes, Iran’s uranium enrichment plant, missile positions, anti-aircraft missiles, and radar were all devastated.

As a result, it is Iran's own combat system that bears the blame.

In an information war under modern conditions, when the information conditions are not equal, one party's information communication is broken and controlled by the other party, and the war will actually be won.

If Iran does not have its own informationized command system, this war will not go so smoothly.

In Cai Ruichen's view, the Iranian army does have combat effectiveness, but it does not have an informatization capability worthy of this combat effectiveness.

Otherwise, this war is definitely not the way it is now, but things can no longer be undone in such a place.

After seeing the intelligence of the US military in action, Cai Ruichen has clearly seen that this war must be ground combat.

A ground battle under Iran's complete loss of information control and air dominance and sea dominance, and the United States also bought a large number of Iranian military officers and royalists, and this ground war is bound to be a war to divide Iran.

Although the Oulema Group, which is supported by the majority of the people, is still able to firmly stabilize the people's minds and grasp the people and advantages, it has completely lost the time and geographical advantages.

The three advantages, the right time, the right place and the right people, are indispensable to a war.

Even when the Red Police Corps faced Israel, they were trying to control these three points.

In modern warfare, Tianshi is more about air supremacy, geographical advantage is topographical superiority, defense depth and defensive strategies that have been formulated.

Harmony is what the people want, and all people are united in resisting the aggressors. No matter what the reason for the war, it is a huge threat to the other side of the war.

At the beginning, Cai Ruichen took step by step and strategically controlled Israel's cities in order to use the mind controller to gain people and advantages step by step.

The United States does not have such a means of mind control, and coupled with the general attitude of the Middle East world towards the United States, the next ground combat is the time to truly test the United States.

Although the United States has also thought of this, it has done a good job in advance to fix the power of the royalist faction, and it can be considered to have received some support from the people, but the popular sentiment is the general trend, and the United States still cannot relax.

However, this kind of inferiority in the relationship between people can also be completely compensated by the time and location.

Once Iran loses all means of counterattack, the war must be without suspense. The only difference lies in how much the United States will pay for this war.

When the sun rose in Middle Eastern time, the whole world was frantically reporting the emergence of war.

A large number of war scenes shot in Iran have appeared in major media. Burning ports, exploding cities, and anti-aircraft firepower with tracers are telling the world that this is a real war. The Middle East is once again It's getting confused.

In this troubled land, oil has always been the focus of the world and the core of problems.

After the Iran-Iraq War, it was calm to the present Iran, and it was plunged into turmoil overnight.

The streets of the capital Tehran are full of armed forces. The city has been completely taken over by the military. A large number of tanks and armored vehicles have entered the sight of the people and appeared in the lens of the global media.

This tells the world more clearly that this battle between the United States and Iran has really broken out.

When the Pahlavi dynasty came to an, some people predicted that the United States and Iran would have a battle, but this battle came too late. If Cai Ruichen hadn’t designed it in secret, this battle would not even break out. .

When this matter is being discussed around the world, the descendants of the Pahlavi dynasty are also standing up and accusing Iran of the disaster brought to the people by the unity of politics and religion.

They cited Iran’s economic stagnation over the years, and even secretly developed nuclear weapons, dragging a peaceful country into war, and bringing the Iranian people back to the age of war.

Regarding this war, various countries have different attitudes. As an ally of the United States, the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force also took the opportunity to send a fleet to the Indian Ocean to assist the US military in anti-submarine operations and specifically search for Iranian submarine forces.

Both China and Russia also expressed that they were very disappointed with the emergence of this war, and hoped that both the United States and Iran should cease fire and resolve the issue through negotiation.

The United Nations also hopes that the two sides will stop the exchange of fire, come to the negotiating table, and not continue to expand the scale of the war.

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