The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1359: Cai Ruichen's violent killing intent

PS: The power went out until ten o'clock in the evening, and the code word was started when the electricity came to eat and meal. The eight thousand characters were not completed until 2:30. The original plan was 12 thousand, but it is really impossible to complete, everyone understand!


Thirty-six heavy infantrymen were killed silently. This loss was the first time since the establishment of the Red Police Corps.

After a war with Israel, the heavy infantry maintained a record of zero losses.

This alone is enough to make Cai Ruichen angry. Every Red Police soldier is like his family, but now he is in a different place.

This makes Cai Ruichen not angry, but he is also very clear that in such a strange situation, he must not let his emotions control.

Taking every step carefully, Cai Ruichen tried his best to keep his body in the most relaxed state.

In this underground space, although no enemy was found, the sense of crisis that clouded in his heart became extremely strong.

However, when Cai Ruichen walked to the bed, nothing happened.

In the end, Cai Ruichen put his gaze on Qianhe's bed, the body still wrapped in white gauze, exuding bright white light.

The strips of white gauze in the underground space are also automatic without wind, exactly the same as the scene when he came last time.

The only difference is that there are forty-six more bodies at the door and outside.

Standing in front of the bed, Cai Ruichen didn't move, his eyes were always on Qianhe's body, and he didn't move a half point away.

However, Cai Ruichen's eyes didn't have the slightest focus.

This behavior lasted for nearly ten seconds, and the entire underground space seemed to freeze.

At that moment, Cai Ruichen's whole body stepped back without warning, and there was an almost inaudible sound of breaking through the air behind him, and a long bone knife passed over Cai Ruichen silently. Where he was standing, had it not been for him to take a step back, the blade had already cut his neck.

Cai Ruichen's heart is like a mirror. When he saw the appearance of a long bone knife, he moved his hands forward and wanted to grasp the air in front of him. The scene in front of him was like ripples in time and space. A slender arm was tightly locked by Cai Ruichen's hands.

It's just that this arm doesn't look like a human palm. A long bone knife extends directly under the wrist.

Finally found the attacker, but before Cai Ruichen could make a new move, he hurriedly let go of the opponent and stepped back again.

The arms that had just appeared disappeared in front of his eyes together, and the clothes in front of Cai Ruichen's chest were also cut long by an invisible blade.

Under a pair of gaps, the skin on the front of Cai Ruichen's chest was exposed. If he hadn't dodged in time, two invisible blades would have broken his stomach.

At that moment, the skin on the chest seemed to be able to feel the chill shining from the blade.

The entire fight broke out between the lightning and flint, locked the opponent's arm, and also released it in an instant.

"Sixth-level mutant who can be invisible, four-handle bone knives, it seems that my subordinates died unjustly."

After the instant confrontation, Cai Ruichen didn't make any movement, and said to the air in front of him.

At that moment, it was really thrilling, but the gain was not small.

Since entering here, Cai Ruichen has been guarding against enemies in the dark. When standing in front of the bed, Cai Ruichen is also communicating with his heart.

When the sense of crisis reached its peak, he suddenly and clearly felt the attack that appeared at that moment in his mind.

Only then can I escape calmly, but this scene, looking back at this moment, Cai Ruichen is also somewhat afraid.

After such a crisis, the gain is not small. At least now, Cai Ruichen can vaguely feel the enemy's location, and can even vaguely see the body of the opponent.

This guy is definitely a sixth-level mutant, and he is standing less than three meters in front of him at this moment.

I can clearly feel the four long arms, petite body, and calm demeanor of this guy.

Stealth, this superpower in human fantasy, and in reality, optical stealth is no longer something out of reach, technology can already make people realize visual deception.

Cai Ruichen is also very familiar with this technique, but he can be sure that the enemy in front of him is definitely not using optical deception, but will really be invisible, completely hiding his body in the air.

Can't even feel the other person's breath, taste, breathing, heartbeat and other sounds and movements.

But there is one thing that the other party cannot hide, and that is the resistance formed by the body and the air.

In the underground space, all the white yarns are in no wind. The airflow comes from Qianhe, and the airflow flows in the underground space. If it is really empty, it will naturally be smooth.

Coupled with the airflow flowing from Qianhe, it is very stable and at a constant value.

Not to mention the ability to feel the air flow, just by looking at the white gauze that is all the same, you can perceive the other's existence.

Facing the temptation of Cai Ruichen's words, the other party did not move at all, and still stood quietly three meters in front of Cai Ruichen, seeming to be considering **** the human in front of him.

At the same time, Cai Ruichen didn't dare to attack blindly. The opponent's invisibility was already difficult enough, and there were four long bone knives. Being held by these bone knives was absolutely dead.

After all, even Tier 5 mutants and heavy infantry wearing individual armor were killed in seconds, not to mention their own bodies.

The opponent didn't dare to move, Cai Ruichen didn't dare to move, the sixth-level mutant was already very dangerous, let alone this kind of assassin in the dark night.

The most important thing is that Cai Ruichen doesn't have any weapons in his hands, two fists are hard to beat four hands, not to mention that the opponent still has four long knives for haircutting.

"This is my site. If you don't do anything, there will be no chance." Cai Ruichen said again.

This sentence seems to have really played a role, the other party moved.

However, to Cai Ruichen's surprise, this guy didn't launch an attack at him, but went straight away.

The attacker ran away quickly with both legs, but Cai Ruichen was faster than him, and his explosive power far exceeded the opponent.

Before the opponent passed through the layers of white gauze before reaching the exit, Cai Ruichen had already blocked the exit of the narrow underground space.

When the attacker saw Cai Ruichen at the exit, his footsteps stopped immediately.

"You are really an assassin. You can't kill you and you want to escape. Unfortunately, you met me today and killed so many subordinates. Do you think you can leave?" Cai Ruichen's gaze is right again. The invisible moment in front of him was allowed.

This allowed the attacker to further confirm the fact that the human in front of him could really see himself.

With this alone, let this assassin be very tempted.

The most important thing is that at the moment when it confronted this terrifying human being in front of the human, it clearly felt from the opponent, a strong killing intent, and a strong sense of crisis.

When did humans have such masters?

The assassin was anxious inside, and this place really couldn't stay longer.

"You are beginning to fear." Cai Ruichen spoke again.

The other party still responded in silence, and the footsteps were vaguely moving backwards.

None of these escaped Cai Ruichen's induction, and the outline of the opponent's body appeared more clearly in his mind.

Cai Ruichen, who had never encountered such a thing before, didn't know why he could see this invisible guy in front of him more and more clearly.

But this is not important. What is important is that he will never let this guy slip out of his hands.

Whether it was for revenge for his own subordinates, or for the invisibility of this guy, he wouldn't let him slip away from his eyes.

As for dragging time, Cai Ruichen can also afford it. Yuriko and Natasha will come soon, and this guy will really have no chance at all.

And outside the underground space, it has also been completely sealed off.

If Cai Ruichen didn't really have the confidence, he could take the initiative to keep this guy alone, and he wouldn't have to talk nonsense with the other party.

It may be this assassin who really realized the situation in front of him. The body, which had retreated slightly, began to move forward slowly.

Feeling the action of the opponent, Cai Ruichen's mouth faintly curled up. He was not afraid of the opponent's movement, but was afraid of the opponent's motionless defense.

The assassin who really couldn't hold back, moved silently to the best attack position, and then the long sword came straight to Cai Ruichen's head.

Feeling the opponent's movements, Cai Ruichen's heart relaxes a bit. The opponent will be invisible, and the attack will be extremely sharp, but the speed is far worse than the bullet.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen even had a thought in his mind. If the overlord faced this guy, he would definitely kill the opponent instantly.

There is no need to entice the opponent to do something like him, or to hold the opponent with the results and wait for Yuriko to arrive.

Cai Ruichen's body moved instantaneously when he lost his mind. He didn't avoid backwards, but stuck to the other side.

Two consecutive steps, passing close to the opponent's blade, Cai Ruichen appeared in front of the opponent in an instant, and the opponent's four arms could not attack him close to his body.

This time, Cai Ruichen didn't give the opponent any chance at all. In the first round of confrontation, only because he was not familiar with the opponent, he grabbed an arm of the opponent.

It was completely different at this moment, both hands instantly pinched the opponent's armpits and two more arms appeared, and huge power burst out instantly.


Two clear and broken bones sounded almost at the same time. The two pale arms that were completely broken had lost the ability to be invisible and were exposed to the air.

The attack was successful and successfully broke off the opponent's two arms, and the opponent's entire body completely appeared in front of Cai Ruichen.

The two drooping arms under the armpits dragged the long bone knives in place, and Cai Ruichen quickly pinched the joints of the other two arms, making the opponent unable to attack at all.

The long bone knife completely lost its incomparable lethality after getting close.

When the other party was completely exposed, and controlled the other two remaining arms, Cai Ruichen did not take any further action, but looked at the appearance of the other party with interest.

His small figure, his head is only as high as his chin, his yellow hair, a face almost the same as a human being, and his slightly yellow belly, it looks exactly like an oriental face.

She has a thin body, with almost no muscles on her body, and she looks quite skinny.

From the first time he squeezed the opponent's arm, Cai Ruichen had already felt that the opponent's strength was not as good as that of a fourth-level mutant.

The two points that Cai Ruichen is most satisfied with of his strength are strength and speed.

The two broken arms, the assassin who looked thin and dry before his eyes, showed intense pain on his face.

If you don't look at this guy's arms sticking out under his armpits, it really feels like a bit of a fattening on Matt in the countryside.

Of course, Cai Ruichen could not have the slightest pity for such a guy.

"Am I killing you now, or should I stay and torture slowly?" Cai Ruichen spoke coldly to the sixth-level mutant who was in front of him.

Before this guy had any reaction, Cai Ruichen's hands once again used force and directly twisted the other two arms of this guy into twists.

The sound of broken bones made Cai Ruichen quite happy.


All four arms were twisted, ten fingers connected to the heart, and the assassin was not a low-level mutant, and it was not that he didn't feel any pain.

The moment Cai Ruichen started his hand, he wailed in an instant.

If it was replaced by an ordinary human, and seeing his hands twisted into twists, I am afraid that he would pass out in pain.

When Cai Ruichen let go of the opponent's arm, the assassin also collapsed completely to the ground.

At this time, Cai Ruichen also clearly saw that this guy's four arms were really long, almost longer than his own body.

But now, all of them are hanging weakly on the ground.

However, Cai Ruichen didn't want to let the opponent go directly. He completely ignored the opponent's wailing, stepped forward, stepped on the opponent's shoulder with one foot, pulled up the opponent's twisted right arm with both hands, and pulled upward forcefully.

At the moment when Cai Ruichen exerted his force, the assassin's wailing became even more miserable. At this moment, Cai Ruichen, whose heart was like a rock, relentlessly pulled the arm that was holding him from the other's body.

The intense pain made the assassin's eyes full of despair and He looked at Cai Ruichen as if he was looking at the devil.

And the devil in its eyes was holding the bone knife torn from its body, ignoring the spray of blood, swiping it a few times, seeming to try to see if it could take advantage.

It may be that the bone knife was a bit uncomfortable in his hand. Cai Ruichen just swiped it twice and threw it away. Then, despite the assassin's terrifying gaze, he tore off the other three arms in one breath.

It's not that Cai Ruichen is cruel, but the ability of the sixth-level mutants to recover quickly, and even some mutants have the ability to resemble gecko tail docking.

To deal with mutants, Cai Ruichen would not give him any chance.

Of course, this move also meant to be abusive. Cai Ruichen didn't want to kill the assassin right away, but he had to avenge his subordinates.

If it wasn't for wanting to leave the life of the assassin as a guinea mouse, Cai Ruichen would have unscrewed the opponent's head long ago, not only tore off the opponent's four arms.

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