The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1360: The invisible truth

PS: There will be updates in the evening!


When Natasha brought Yuriko over, this sixth-level assassin had already been torn apart by Cai Ruichen with brute force.

If Hua Meixue sees Cai Ruichen's side at this moment, it is absolutely unimaginable that Cai Ruichen, who has always been gentle and elegant, has such a **** and cold side.

"Take it down, you must be very careful, this guy will be invisible, and has the ability to quickly recover, who knows if there is any regenerating ability." Cai Ruichen was too lazy to look at the people at his feet again, and ordered the red police soldiers. Come in and pack this stick out.

At this time, Qin Chen and Wu Jie also came over and asked them to take this guy away.

This is the first time that Cai Ruichen has confronted a sixth-level mutant, and he was able to smoothly solve this guy, mostly luck.

At least in Cai Ruichen's opinion, he was indeed lucky. If it hadn't been for the first fight, he could more and more clearly perceive the other party's hidden body. It was definitely not the other party who died, but himself.

This sixth-level mutant is definitely an extreme evolution type that takes the attack route. The four bone knife arms are extremely sharp and can easily cut through the alloy of the individual armor, and can also kill the fifth-level mutant in seconds like the tofu version. .

Such an attack is also enough to cut through the armor of the tank. The most terrifying thing is that this guy has the stealth ability that even the base can't find.

Not only did it approach Erbil silently, but the base didn't even know about the murder.

It is important to know that the base has information signs for every soldier of the Red Police Corps. Once attacked, the base will give early warning under normal circumstances.

But under this guy's attack, the base didn't notice at all, the doorway inside was not small.

Even now, Cai Ruichen is a little unbelievable.

Fortunately, this assassin has very weak abilities except for his stealth ability and super attack ability.

In Cai Ruichen's eyes, the strength of the body is about the same as the fifth-level mutant.

But even so, under the opponent's stealth ability, even if the strength and speed are the same as the second-level mutants, it is super terrifying.

Cai Ruichen felt that even the original king of Baghdad, no such guy was threatening.

If such a guy hides in the base and carries out an assassination, it would really be a big trouble.

And if it weren't for this underground space, there would only be a narrow exit, and Cai Ruichen wouldn't be able to keep the opponent, at least he couldn't keep this guy if the opponent desperately left.

Cai Ruichen is not afraid of those powerful opponents, but he is often helpless for this kind of undefended guy.

"Sixth-level mutant?" Natasha asked with some concern looking at the sticks taken by Qin Chen and Wu Jie.

Cai Ruichen nodded, took a deep breath, and said nothing.

Upon seeing this, Natasha said anxiously, "Now there are six-level mutants appearing, then..."

Cai Ruichen can understand Natasha's worries, because in the entire base, there are only two or three people who can deal with level 6 mutants.

Unless all the superheroes are strengthened after the gene mutant is built, it will only be Cai Ruichen, Qin Chen and Wu Jie.

The sixth-level mutant is better, Cai Ruichen can deal with one, and neither Qin Chen nor Wu Jie have any problems.

But if there are more advanced mutants, the situation will be completely different.

In terms of high-end combat effectiveness, Cai Ruichen can only rely on Yuriko and Wu Jie after being completely transformed to deal with the seventh-level mutant. Qin Chen can barely contain the seventh-level mutant.

Mutants are above level four, and each level is a watershed, and the level of threat has essentially increased.

"We can only strengthen our vigilance now." Cai Ruichen has no better way, but he always defends passively, not his style, and continues: "Transfer Qianhe to the base, what will we do next? Make a decision based on the situation."

Natasha nodded and did not say much. Although static braking is very passive, it is the only way at present.

Take the initiative to attack, don't know any intelligence of the mutant, there is no way to attack.

Cai Ruichen walked to the bed, picked up Qianhe who was wrapped in white silk, and returned directly to the base.

As for whether Qianhe can be moved, Cai Ruichen can't take care of it. After all, this place is already very unsafe.

At present, the safest place in the entire wasteland base is inside the base. Otherwise, attacks like this may still occur again.

Regardless, Qianhe must be placed in a safer place, and Cai Ruichen does not want to continue to make more unnecessary sacrifices for his subordinates.

Bring Qianhe back and place it in Qianhe’s original room. Cai Ruichen also ordered the machine butler to put strips of white gauze in Qianhe’s room to restore the air humidity and airflow in the underground space as much as possible. .

Seeing Qianhe on the bed, still emitting white light, exactly the same as the situation in the underground space, Cai Ruichen was also relieved.

"As long as I have one day, you will never have anything to do."

After leaving Qianhe's room, Cai Ruichen immediately came to the base's console. Some things must be clarified.

A sixth-level mutant, a terrifying assassin, enters his own sphere of influence, like entering the realm of no one, killing people is more like trying to get something.

If you don't figure it out, Cai Ruichen feels that she can't sleep well.

"Base, I need an explanation." Cai Ruichen asked directly as soon as he reached the console.

"Extremely sorry Commander, the detection method used by the base is neutrino detection technology, and such a technology has the possibility of being shielded." The base explained.

"It seems that you are not almighty." Cai Ruichen shook his head, and then asked: "But my soldier died silently, don't you intend to explain this?"

"The base currently does not have more information to analyze the matter, and the commander should know that the current capabilities of the base have not yet reached the most complete point, especially in terms of security, and there is a lack of building units-mind detectors. Help." The base replied.

"Mind detector?" Cai Ruichen asked.

"The function of the mind detector is to directly monitor the mind and detect inner thoughts. Under the mind detector, any invisibility and shielding will be ineffective." The base replied confidently.

Hearing the explanation from the base, Cai Ruichen slowly fell silent. He believed in the base that if soldiers were killed or attacked, they would inevitably issue a warning immediately.

There is no warning, there must be a problem inside, and if the problem does not appear in the base, it is in the mutant person, or...

"Base, do you say that mutants are really capable of shielding your monitoring ability?" Cai Ruichen asked after thinking about it for a long time.

"Maybe, maybe not, the mutation direction of the mutant is so strange that it cannot be estimated." The base replied.

"This matter, we must find the answer as soon as possible, and can't be confused." Cai Ruichen hates this passive feeling.

Regular mutants have balanced abilities and strengths, but some mutants do take an extraordinary route, just like this sixth-level assassin who takes the extreme of a pure attack route.

If there are mutants that can shield the base's detection capabilities, it is not completely impossible.

The world is inherently strange, not to mention that there are at least a few billion mutants in the wasteland world, if there are some mutants with special abilities, it is not surprising at all.

Tonight, it is destined to be a sleepless night. In the future base, the second-level combat alarm has officially sounded, and the night ban will be enforced.

Under the lights, there are soldiers standing guard on duty everywhere. You can see military dogs walking around, as well as war bears and war eagles, monitoring every place inside and outside the future base.

All soldiers on duty must be kept within the sight of everyone on duty and provide each other with investigative capabilities.

1. The night passed. There was no second attack in the base. It was a peaceful night without any storm.

Early the next morning, Cai Ruichen, who had just opened his eyes from Qianhe's bed, received a call from Qin Chen, saying that he had discovered an accident.

Cai Ruichen, who slept in his clothes, simply washed himself and went directly to the underground biological research center.

In order to ensure the safety of Qianhe, Cai Ruichen also decided to rest in Qianhe's room at night to ensure that Qianhe is safe.

When he came to the Biological Research Center, Qin Chen and Wu Jie, who were sleepless nights, were already waiting for him. As soon as they met, Wu Jie said, "We have conducted a comprehensive analysis and inspection of this guy. Sure, this guy will never be invisible."

"What?" Cai Ruichen thought he had misheard.

"Commander, we can be sure of this. This guy will never be invisible. The invisibility ability it possesses is more like a spiritual barrier, which can hide it without making any noise."

Qin Chen nodded very surely, and further explained: "Through all the details you said about fighting against it last night, we are very suspicious of this. Even if it is invisible, it is impossible to be unable to hear it at all. Heartbeat, breathing, and some subtle sounds produced by body movements, we believe that such movements can never be hidden from you."

At this time, Wu Jie also continued: "We have carried out an all-round analysis of this guy's genes, and it can be concluded that this guy has no invisibility at all, but has external power that shields his whereabouts. "

Hearing this, Cai Ruichen basically believed the results of the two people's research, because only this kind of explanation can reasonably explain what happened last night.

Thirty-six heavy infantrymen died without warning. If just such an assassin took action, at most one or two heavy infantrymen would be killed at the same time, while other heavy infantrymen would inevitably find that their comrades were assassinated.

But whether it was the heavy infantry or ten fifth-level mutants, they all died without feeling. They didn't even know how they died, and it seemed that they didn't see the hope of their companions.

To complete such an assassination, there are only two possibilities, one is that there are many assassins who shoot at the same time and kill all of them at the same time.

Another possibility is that someone has concealed all the actions of the assassin so that even the people on the side can't detect it.

"What kind of method do you think this is?" Cai Ruichen thought about it for a moment, and said with some confusion.

"This is also the key point we want to report to you. After our analysis, the most likely result is that there is a mutant with strong mental power that shields the five senses." Wu Jie said.

"Tell me carefully." Cai Ruichen heard this and immediately became interested.

"The meaning of invisibility is that letting everyone invisible to the invisible target, and invisible to the target, does not necessarily mean that the target has the ability to hide. As long as you can control the five senses of the person who sees the target, it is not Did you make this guy invisible?" Qin Chen said.

"Is there any basis?" Cai Ruichen asked.

"Commander, are you contacting the other party, causing the other party to lose their invisibility, and you can only use your sixth sense to perceive the other party's existence?" Qin Chen did not answer, but asked instead.

"Yes, it is true." Cai Ruichen nodded.

"That's it, your sense of touch determines the location of the target, and that sense of shielding you has no effect."

Form, sound, smell, taste and touch are the five sense organs of human beings: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.

In detail, I once again recalled everything that he had contact with this sixth-level mutant. Cai Ruichen also found a lot of the same facts as Qin Chen analyzed.

Can't see, can't hear, can't smell, even if it's invisible, it should be purely visual deception. It's a bit abnormal if it can hide all sounds or even the smell.

Cai Ruichen still trusts his five senses. Whether it is hearing or nose, it can be said that they are far beyond normal human beings, and their agility is no less than those of sensitive little animals.

As for the taste, Cai Ruichen is not very particular about but the entrance can detect the ingredients and whether they are poisonous.

After two people’s research and analysis, Cai Ruichen has also recalled. He has always felt that this sixth-level mutant is a bit scary. If it really has such a perfect stealth ability, plus its terrifying attack power, it feels Even a seventh-level mutant can't avoid its assassination.

"If this result is true, it would be a little troublesome. Obviously, there is a stronger mutant man hiding behind him, and this guy is the key." Cai Ruichen said.

"This is also what we worry about. If we really hide a high-level mutant who can shield the five senses, then it is possible to continue to use assassination methods at any time. Assassinations like yesterday's, I am afraid they will repeat themselves." Qin Chen said.

"Shielding the five senses, maybe even what we see may not be true. Fortunately, this guy can't affect the touch, otherwise there is really no way to fight." Cai Ruichen said with some fear.

If there is no sense of touch, that is to say, everyone will become the puppet of that guy and manipulate it at will.

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