The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1363: Overlord's Information

: This chapter is Chapter 1363.

The chapter repetition was not deliberately made by Gorgeous. The background was convulsed, and one upload failed. Two chapters appeared at the same time. Gorgeous could only code another four thousand words to follow up and replace this chapter.

The background chapters cannot be deleted, and the subscribed coins cannot be returned. Therefore, this method can only be used to avoid everyone's loss.

Lieyan, the name Cai Ruichen is not unfamiliar, because among the superheroes of the Red Police Corps, there is also a female superhero, also called Lieyan, who also wears fiery red costume.

A group of four people walked towards Tehran. Cai Ruichen was also observing this woman named Lieyan along the way.

This is the woman whose genes tend to be perfect in the base's mouth, a woman who doesn't look terrific, but is very likely to be extremely scary.

And every time she met Cai Ruichen's gaze, Lie Yan smiled politely, and her attitude was a little bit respectful.

But this respect is not very obvious, if you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

"How do you infer that I will come to this place?" Cai Ruichen really couldn't see anything from Lie Yan, and it was hard to keep staring at a woman, and once again focused on the overlord.

"We are all the same kind of people, way of thinking, and habits of doing things." The overlord said if there was a point.

"Then I really haven't seen it." Cai Ruichen said with a shrug.

"You will understand later. In fact, I am also very curious about the guy inside." The overlord's gaze drifted away and landed in the center of Tehran.

This is a tall building that is nearly one thousand meters long. The exterior is all reinforced glass, with more than one hundred floors. It is well maintained and shows no signs of weathering and water seepage.

The building still stands steadily in the city, looking at the whole city, not inferior to the future headquarters of the future technology group.

"How strong is an eighth-level mutant?" Cai Ruichen muttered to himself somewhat curiously.

"Isn't your little lady of the eighth level?" The overlord's meaning is very obvious. You are surrounded by an eighth-level mutant every day, why don't you know?

Cai Ruichen heard this and said with some embarrassment: "This situation is a bit special. Qianhe doesn't like fighting and doesn't want to fight, so"

"That's really rare. If there are more such mutants in this world, that would be great," said the overlord.

"I have encountered a fifth-level mutant before. He is also a guy who doesn't like fighting. He also said that the world is so big and he wants to go and see. After leaving Mosul, he doesn't know if he is still alive?" Cai Ruichen Thinking of the strange fifth-level mutant that I met in Mosul, he said.

"For the fifth-level mutant, the world is full of crises. There are many powerful mutant creatures outside. The mutant wants to obtain genes from the mutant creature to improve and strengthen himself. The mutant creature is also salivating for the mutant." The overlord said lightly.

Cai Ruichen also encountered some mutant creatures, but the mutant creatures he saw were basically the rations of mutant people.

Regarding the situation that the overlord said, Cai Ruichen also kept in mind, and immediately asked tentatively: "There are not a few mutant creatures here, and a few will soon be rationed by mutants."

"The Middle East has a large population and there are no wild animals. They are all artificially raised poultry. In Africa and South America, the situation is completely different. Especially in South America, mutants have no room for survival at all." The temptation in Cai Ruichen's words is to follow the flow of the boat.

This situation really made Cai Ruichen a little emotional. In his first impression, the mutant was already enough to dominate the world. He didn't expect that mutant creatures could actually dominate.

However, those places in South America and Africa are originally tropical rainforest areas, where there are countless beasts and dangers in the virgin forests, and the wild African savannahs, think about it.

"Are those mutant creatures powerful?" Cai Ruichen asked.

"It's okay! It's really tricky to move your hands, and do you know why I prevent you from using nuclear weapons?" The overlord suddenly asked.

"Will nuclear radiation make mutant people mutate again?" Cai Ruichen asked tentatively.

"Although I can't answer 100% on this point, mutation is inherently an unpredictable thing. The reason why South American mutant creatures can kill all mutants is probably because the United States launched several nuclear warheads into South America. There is a direct relationship." The overlord was a little uncertain, paused and continued:

"As for the nuclear warhead, I don't think I can be sure that I can kill the guy inside."

The words of the overlord made Cai Ruichen frowned and asked: "The five million tons of hydrogen bomb can't kill the eighth-level mutant?"

"If it's a hit, it's an 80th-level mutant and it will evaporate instantly, but what if the opponent is not inside?" the overlord asked rhetorically.

"I can be sure that that guy is inside, there is definitely nothing wrong with that." Cai Ruichen said very confidently.

"Sometimes, intuition and sixth sense can also be deceived." The overlord said flatly.

"Then you said, it is not in Tehran, what do you invite me to Tehran for?" Cai Ruichen asked rhetorically.

"Did I say it wasn't inside?" the overlord asked rhetorically.

"You really didn't say that if this is the case, then there is no need to go. After leaving here, the nuclear bomb can arrive in a few minutes and completely destroy the city." Cai Ruichen's mouth curled up and stopped and said.

"Youth, I'm good at chatting!" The overlord curled his mouth, shook his head slowly, and continued to move forward, then said: "The high-level mutants are all very cunning. They can no longer simply call them mutants. People, they have the same abilities as gods. The most important thing is that their way of thinking, smart and wisdom, is far beyond normal human beings.

These high-level mutants are all talented and clever in command. If someone naively regards them as irrational beasts, then these talents are irrational. "

"They?" Cai Ruichen caught the words of them in the words of the overlord, but not them.

"In fact, mutants above level 5 have always been indistinguishable from humans, did you know? Not only do they have the ability to multiply the opposite **** with each other, but also"

Having said this, the overlord stretched his voice a little bit. Just as he was about to continue, he heard Cai Ruichen and then said: "Moreover, they can also reproduce and live with humans, and the descendants of humans will not be affected. The impact of the virus."

"It seems that you know a lot!" The overlord nodded and said.

"Can I not know? Qianhe chased me every day to have a child." Cai Ruichen thought to himself, of course, he was not embarrassed to say this matter.

But who is the overlord, he asked directly: "You and the little lady named Qianhe, haven't

Did you give birth to a child? "

"How did you know?" Cai Ruichen's face was a little uncontrollable when his mind was spied on, or it was such a private matter.

"An eighth-level mutant is staring at you, and the only goal is to see through your genetic data, discovering your hidden potential, and wanting to achieve a good relationship with you. What's that? Secret?" The overlord said with a face as usual.

"Are you too?" Cai Ruichen asked in a long voice with a joking flashing on his face.

However, the overlord didn't put it on, and his face didn't even change at all. He just said flatly: "My situation is a bit special. For mutants, it's not attractive at all."

"I also feel that your body is a bit strange, it's not your body." Cai Ruichen's face instantly returned to a serious look, said.

"Your vision is very good, my current body is really just a container." The overlord admitted directly without any concealment.

"No wonder, I didn't feel your breathing, nor did you feel your heartbeat. This body is really not a pure human body." Cai Ruichen said with a deep understanding.

"The same can be said." The overlord admitted again.

"Who are you?" Cai Ruichen asked seriously.

"I can’t tell you my name yet, otherwise something will be revealed, which will inevitably cause another drastic change in the world, and the situation I managed to maintain will be broken, and not only will I be in danger. , You can't hide it."

The overlord said this with a serious face, and then said: "And you should have guessed something, but I hope you don't say it, what you hear, or what you find, don't mention it to outsiders. This is especially important. , When you can tie me, I will tell you everything."

Having said that, the overlord paused, looked at Cai Ruichen a little jokingly, and said quietly, "But, when the time comes, don't be afraid."

"In this world, there are really not many things that can scare me. If I must face it, even if I lose my life, it is not as strong as a human being." Cai Ruichen was really not frightened by the overlord. This is also his always character.

However, after talking with the overlord, Cai Ruichen is also very rewarding, at least he is also considered to have increased his world in this world.

Moreover, he firmly believed that the information contradiction in this world must be closely related to the real identity of the overlord.

Cai Ruichen also cares about the solemn appearance of the overlord.

"Have you ever met a mutant person who can block the five senses and block the investigative ability" Cai Ruichen asked suddenly, pulling the topic away.

The overlord shook his head and said, "Although I have also met several top mutants, I have never met a mutant with such ability."

"I guess we will see it soon." Cai Ruichen said, looking at the city he was about to enter.

By the way, the four of them are all very fast, unknowingly, they have reached the edge of the city of Tehran.

The metropolis in front of us is deserted and lonely, and only solitary weeds grow tenaciously into the green belt of the city, bringing a touch of vitality to the city.

"I'm not here to be your thug. Rather than expecting that I will help you kill that eighth-level mutant, I just accompany you to come in and have a look, at best, so that you will not be killed." Stepping into the city, the overlord said calmly .

While speaking, the overlord waved his arm, and there was a wave of fluctuations in the air in front of him. A guy with yellow hair had his whole head shot out.

After killing an invisible sixth-level mutant, the overlord looked at the dead sixth-level mutant on the side with some surprises, remembering what Cai Ruichen said just now, and then said with interest: "It seems that you have already encountered this. Attacked."

It's just this scene. In Cai Ruichen's view, the overlord's behavior is a bit awkward, and he asked: "Don't you feel that guy appears next to him?"

"No, this is just an instinctive reaction of my body. The process of feeling the body from five is too long in my opinion. When facing the danger that may arise at any time, I only have to exercise every muscle of my body. Able to counterattack without thinking." The overlord suddenly took the role of a teacher and taught Cai Ruichen.

Cai Ruichen heard that, combined with the fact that the overlord had just killed the attacker, he knew the existence of this sixth-level mutant, and understood what the overlord meant.

However, this guy, obviously pretending to be forced, the corner of Cai Ruichen's mouth trembled, and then glanced at the foot of the overlord with interest, and said jokingly: "You stepped on the mutant's rake under your feet."

The overlord glanced at his feet. Sure enough, he really stepped on that thing. Numerous black lines appeared on his face, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Rarely, a little embarrassment appeared on his face. He hurriedly pushed away. On the corpse of the sixth-level mutant on the side, wiped off the rake stuck to the shoes, and defended: "Shoes are not part of my body, it doesn't count."

When Cai Ruichen heard this, he suddenly felt a little funny, but now is not the time to be joking. He glanced at the Level 6 mutant who was easily killed by the overlord. Cai Ruichen was basically certain that the assassin who attacked last night must have something to do with this guy. .

This sixth-level mutant who fell on the ground is also a sixth-level mutant with obvious yellow hair and yellow skin, and most importantly, two arms, five fingers are slender bone knives ~ ~ with sharp edges.

And the stealth ability is exactly the same as the assassin last night.

When he stepped into Tehran, Cai Ruichen felt a trace of unusual existence. When this guy quietly wanted to get close to the overlord, Cai Ruichen also found some, but when he wanted to remind, the overlord had already killed this guy in seconds.

After another glance, Cai Ruichen was still on the body of the sixth-level mutant, wiping the overlord, and Cai Ruichen agreed with the overlord just now.

The man in front of him really has a lot to learn and understand. He is indeed better than himself. If he can't even learn humbly, how can he surpass him?

After three full minutes, the overlord wiped his shoes thoroughly, the embarrassment on his face was all relieved, and he said, "I haven't met, I just want to get off the hook. It's really unfriendly. "

"Maybe people just came over to meet us, but you just killed them indiscriminately." Cai Ruichen said jokingly.

To be continued^

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