The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1364: Level 8 mutant bane

A discerning person would know that Cai Ruichen was talking ironically.

But as soon as Cai Ruichen's voice fell, a five-star mutant appeared on the street in front of him, and his long black hair was particularly obvious.

This fifth-level mutant didn't even look at the sixth-level mutant who was spiked. Instead, he bowed to Cai Ruichen and others, and respectfully invited: "My master, invite four distinguished guests to talk and have a drink. tea."

It was really not the first time he was invited by a mutant. Cai Ruichen didn't mean to refuse, and the overlord beside him nodded gently.

One is to have absolute strength, it doesn't matter.

And Cai Ruichen is because he has the overlord by his side, so it doesn't matter.

As for why the other party had revealed the murderous intent just now and turned into a kind invitation in an instant, the reason, whether it was Cai Ruichen or the overlord, was bright in his heart.

The hand of the overlord just now is enough to have a complete deterrent effect, and it is not easy for the opponent to judge the situation and make changes in a flash.

The most important thing is that the opponent can stretch and shrink, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles can suppress the inner anger, obviously also very courageous.

"Lead the way ahead." Realizing that the overlord took a step back, Cai Ruichen also understood what this guy meant, and said to this fifth-level mutant.

The overlord didn't want to show up, obviously he wanted to push him to the front desk to make the other party think that Cai Ruichen was the leader of this combination.

Cai Ruichen did not reject the decision of the overlord, after all, this time he came to Tehran, the protagonist should indeed be himself.

The speed of the fifth-level mutant is very fast, and Cai Ruichen and others easily follow behind it. Not surprisingly, this fifth-level mutant took them to the thousand-meter-high skyscraper in Tehran.

As soon as he entered this building, Cai Ruichen hadn't seen any mutants yet, all of them were ordinary humans.

These humans were all squatting listlessly in the lobby on the first floor, and no mutant guards were seen. However, with the ability of normal humans to escape, they had been caught back before they left the lobby.

Cai Ruichen just glanced at it casually, and he probably understood the situation of these humans. Although they were not very energetic, they were all healthy and had no obvious dishes, which proved that they did not go hungry.

"Please follow me." The fifth-level mutant gestured a please gesture very respectfully, but it was not the elevator, but the stairs.

Cai Ruichen shrugged. There is electricity to maintain the power system inside the building, but deliberately going up the stairs is obviously a distraction, but Cai Ruichen really doesn't care about the stairs.

A group of five people walked through the hall, leaving all the survivors in the hall looking at each other.

In the beginning, this fifth-level mutant led Cai Ruichen and the four of them in, and they instinctively thought that these four were also mutants.

But when they took a look, they immediately confirmed that all four of them were humans.

"Who are these four people, and when will those guys be so respectful to humans?"

"Three Chinese, one Westerner, don't understand."

"No matter what, it's definitely not here to save us."

"It is estimated that he was also arrested."

"Caught it, how could it be so polite."

"For those who are useful, aren't these guys always polite?"

"It's probably the guys above who fell in love with the two women. Those two men also seem to be talented and very temperamental. Maybe there are really female mutants who love them..."


Cai Ruichen vaguely heard the rumblings in the hall, and then listened to the vague groans from above the building, and immediately understood why these humans were raised here.

Relatively speaking, there are too few mutants above level five.

No wonder there are almost no humans in Iran, and maybe they have all been caught here.

And this place has also become a place of lust, just looking at the appearance of those humans, this place is more like a disaster place, the ecstasy cave of mutants.

All the way up the stairs, after walking for dozens of floors, the voice never stopped, which made Cai Ruichen gradually frowned.

Along the way, Cai Ruichen can come up with a rough figure. There are tens of thousands of human beings living in this building for those fifth-level mutants to enjoy.

But these five-level mutants are too many, even if Iran has nearly 100 million mutants, are there thousands of fifth-level mutants?

Cai Ruichen shook his head firmly. If there are so many mutants at Level 5, it would be really terrifying.

The speed of the stairs was very fast, and when Cai Ruichen was thinking about this problem along the way, the above began to become much quieter.

However, the few baby cries that followed immediately made Cai Ruichen's face a little cloudy again.

He glanced at the overlord on the side, and found that he had not changed at all. Obviously, he was not very strange to such a situation.

Humans can't give birth, but mutants can, and every baby's cry is sonorous and full of air, completely unlike ordinary human infants.

The most important thing is that Cai Ruichen can hear clearly that the number of babies is no longer small.

When walking to the 100th floor, Cai Ruichen finally couldn't help it. At the corner of the stairs, he pushed open the door of the stairwell.

The 100th floor of the building is obviously a hospital, and now it has completely turned into a maternity hospital.

As soon as he opened the door, Cai Ruichen saw many survivor women with big bellies lying in makeshift beds in the hospital lobby.

These women generally have a pale yellow face, just listening to their pregnant belly in bed, relying on oxygen and infusion to maintain their lives.

Every pregnant woman has no strands. The infusion bottle is not glucose, but bright red blood.

The infusion needle is inserted into the belly of the pregnant woman instead of blood.

What irritated him most was that all the women who took care of these women were all human beings.

And outside the door with a delivery room sign hanging on the side, a few withered women's bodies were thrown at random.

This scene gave Cai Ruichen a kind of unspeakable uncomfort, and more of it was a gushing anger.

In the hospital, two fifth-level mutants saw the sudden appearance of Cai Ruichen, and immediately walked over.

"Do you want to live anymore?" One of the fifth-level mutants exclaimed angrily as they walked.

Cai Ruichen didn't even have the mind to pay attention to these two fifth-level mutants, which made the two fifth-level mutants a bit furious.

Walking to Cai Ruichen's side, raising his arm, it seemed that he was about to teach Cai Ruichen a lesson.

Cai Ruichen, who was furious, snorted coldly, "I'm looking for death."

His hands moved in response to the sound, and his fists kicked out like a tiger, and instantly landed on the heads of two fifth-level mutants. Two heads that were so hard to resist bullets burst open, and their brains were everywhere.

This shocked everyone in the hospital, and all of them flinched and paused.

On the other hand, Cai Ruichen, like everyone else, shook off the contaminated brain and blood in his hand, and the blood and brain in his fist were cleaned with a single shake.

However, Cai Ruichen did not intend to let it go. The scene before him, as a human being, is absolutely unacceptable.

These **** mutants obviously use these human women as fertility tools. Every time a new mutant is born, the only result of these women is death.

What made him even more angry was that these dead women, these mutants did not intend to let them go, drawing blood and continuing to feed the newborn mutants who were still growing in the fetus, the corpses might end up in the mouths of these mutants.

How can Cai Ruichen not be angry, he wants to demolish all this building just for this scene.

Just when Cai Ruichen was about to do something else, the overlord stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder gently, and said, "You know now, why should I stop you!"

Cai Ruichen nodded, the tens of thousands of survivors in it, if possible, he also hopes to rescue these people from this magic cave.

"Before waiting for you here, I have traveled throughout Iran. Although there are many survivor bases, I can't see any survivors, and I guessed such a picture." The overlord said.

"You can save them!" Cai Ruichen said unkindly to the overlord.

He used to think that the overlord should be a good person, but now, he feels that he has completely misunderstood this man.

"I'm just a person. It is impossible to kill all the mutants in the building instantly." The overlord was helpless and explained.

Just such an explanation did not satisfy Cai Ruichen. At this time, the fifth-level mutant staying at the top of the stairs said: "Four distinguished guests, our Lord is waiting for you on it."

This fifth-level mutant witnessed Cai Ruichen's process of killing two fifth-level mutants throughout the process, but not only did he not stop it, he did not even change his face.

In fact, this is also his cleverness. Once he speaks, it will inevitably be killed by the angry Cai Ruichen.

Cai Ruichen, who had come to the enemy's lair, also didn't care if anyone led the way.


Cai Ruichen snorted coldly, and left the hospital on the 100th floor without saying a word, and walked towards the stairs.

For the overlord, he instinctively alienated a little, and the overlord's behavior just now made him too disappointed.

Seeing Cai Ruichen's appearance, the overlord shook his head and said nothing.

The rest of the journey was very quiet, only the sound of feet stepping on the stairs echoed in the stairwell.

The top floor of the skyscraper is luxuriously decorated like an imperial palace.

And the top floor is indeed a huge bedroom. In the middle of the bedroom, there is a huge round bed on which the precious tiger and mink skins are neatly stacked.

On the bed lay a tall man.

A uniform figure, all over the body, perfect muscles, a sharp face like a knife, and the blue eyes of the mysterious eyes, the pupils are as deep as a galaxy, and the vigorous white hair falls behind him and falls on his shoulders.

There was only one piece of armor that looked like metal, blocking the thing below.

The first impression Cai Ruichen really remembered was the completely different skin color on the upper and lower body of this guy.

The upper body is a fiery red skin with blue flame-like lines on it, while the lower body is all dark gray, the palms of both hands are dark blue, and the nails are like sharp claws, but they are short.

In Cai Ruichen's view, everything aside, this is a very stylish man. If it weren't for the colorful colors, he must be a very handsome and sunny man.

Especially the well-proportioned muscles seem to be very coordinated.

Of course, this is viewed from human aesthetics, and maybe mutant people like this colorful, non-mainstream color.

"The distinguished guest is here, please sit down." The man on the bed did not look at Cai Ruichen and the others, but pointed to the sofa beside the bed and said.

At the same time, several women pushed the door in from the other side of the room, brought tea sets and boiling water, and really planned to invite Cai Ruichen and others to drink tea.

It's just that Cai Ruichen didn't mean to accept all of this. He said straightforwardly: "The relationship between you and me does not need to be redefined. Tell me about the purpose of seeing me."

Hearing this, the man floated gently from the bed and landed on the carpet very softly. He looked at Cai Ruichen who was making noise with a smile on his face, and said, "Don’t worry, Mr. Cai, I’m very happy to be with you. Meet here."

"Do you know me?" Cai Ruichen asked calmly without showing any unexpected emotions.

"Although it is the first time for you and me to face each other, I also have some understanding of my husband." Wu Ji said with a very sincere smile.

"It seems that you have sent people to listen to my news, but it is also normal, knowing yourself and the enemy is not dead." Cai Ruichen shrugged and said.

For this result, Cai Ruichen really didn't have the slightest surprise. This guy was able to kill people in the base silently, let alone snooping news.

"Mr. Cai is an amazing person. I don't want to be an enemy of Mr. Cai, so I hope to be able to cooperate with Mr. Cai," said Wu Ji.

"But I don't have the slightest idea to cooperate with you." Cai Ruichen said sharply.

"Although I don't have the confidence to keep the four of you, I am fully capable of destroying everything that Mr. Cai owns. Doesn't Mr. Cai want to listen to my advice?" The compelling meaning in the curse words is very obvious.

Cai Ruichen really didn't plan to eat this set. If it weren't for the overlord to stop it, he would have razed the city long ago.

No matter how great this guy is, how can it block the power of the hydrogen bomb.

But Cai Ruichen is really interested to hear what kind of deal this guy wants to make with him.

"Tell me!"

Wu Ji nodded and said, "I only need one person. If Mr. Cai can deliver her to me, then Mr. Cai will be my friend. All the resources here are available to Mr. Cai at will."

Sure enough, it was coming towards Qianhe.

Not to mention that Cai Ruichen really had a feeling for Qianhe, even if he didn't feel the slightest feeling for Qianhe, he would never agree to this guy.

Cai Ruichen could figure out what idea this guy made with his toes.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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