The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1371: Mutant

Apart from Natasha, the longest following Cai Ruichen is Ralph and Clark, and then the general.

Ralph's strength had always been the melee king of the Red Police Corps before Qin Chen was called up.

As one of Cai Ruichen's three personal bodyguards, Ralph is indeed very qualified, and even killed a fourth-level mutant alone.

In the Red Police Corps at that time, it was the only one besides Qin Chen.

Putting Ralph in second, it can be seen that Cai Ruichen values ​​him.

Natasha's strength has been unprecedentedly improved, and Cai Ruichen is also very much looking forward to Ralph's further improvement under the gene mutant.

Ralph's power originally surpassed superheroes, and was stronger than all ordinary heroes. In terms of progress in fighting, all superheroes are not Ralph's opponents.

Cai Ruichen didn't expect that after Ralph came out, he would be able to reach a terrifying level. He hoped that the height of Ralph's improvement would be enough to reach a level similar to Natasha.

As for the level of genetic repair, it is not fixed. The potential of genius is often higher than that of ordinary people.

The description of this gene mutant is also very clear.

The three bodyguards, in Cai Ruichen's view, all have the potential as superheroes.

Ralph accepted the order, with a look of expectation on his face, and walked into the training tank.

The door of the culture tank closed automatically, and an eight-hour countdown appeared on it.

Cai Ruichen left with Natasha. Eight hours later, Cai Ruichen will come here again to welcome a brand new Ralph.

As soon as the two of them walked out of the genetic mutant, they saw Lianna hurrying over. As soon as they saw the two, Lianna said anxiously from a distance: "The mutant is moving."

The smiles on Cai Ruichen and Natasha's faces disappeared at the same time.

After three months of preparation, the mutant finally started to act, and the long-awaited battle will officially arrive.

Cai Ruichen took Natasha to the base console for the first time. In the Supreme Command, Ling Liang was already sitting in the command position. The battle with the mutant was not only unprecedented in scale, but also unprecedented in danger.

Cai Ruichen, who came to the console, immediately said to the base: "Start the map simulation and move to the forward position of the mutant army."

Inside the originally pitch-black console, there was a bright, dim sky, green weeds, and an invisible army of mutants in front of them, reaching a width of more than 20 kilometers.

Under the projection of augmented reality, Cai Ruichen and Natasha in the console seemed to instantly move on top of the mutant army.

Of course, this is just false, it's just that the base uses augmented reality projection technology to display the images in this area into the console.

All changes on the screen can also be reflected in the augmented reality projection screen.

A mutated person outside, while walking, while pulling a maggot on his face, the augmented reality picture is exactly the same.

It can be done without delay, and can also simulate smell, sound, wind, flow, and rain. Except for not touching all the objects in the picture, there is no sign of projection at all.

As soon as the picture came out, Cai Ruichen's gaze was immediately placed on the projection picture, on the army of mutants at his feet.

In his eyes, all the mutants seemed to be a whole, and their footsteps were completely coordinated and uniform, as if they were a line of soldiers walking in order.

Without control and command, it is completely impossible to reach such a level.

"It will take at least two days to reach the base here at a speed of six kilometers per hour, plus rest," Natasha said.

"It's impossible to arrive in five days." Cai Ruichen snorted, watching the uniform footsteps of these mutants, and said.

At this time, from the mini-controller on Cai Ruichen's wrist, a call came from: "Report to the commander, in front of the line of defense, a level 6 mutant suddenly appeared and said he wanted to see you."

"Unexpectedly, this guy Biao Ji still has a rank 6 mutant." Cai Ruichen said sarcastically, and then said to the communicator: "I know."

After finishing the communication, Cai Ruichen directly said to the base: "Base, turn on the projection function."


As soon as the voice of the base fell, the augmented reality picture in the console had moved to the front of the wall.

On the wall, an armored battalion in charge of this area, all weapons were aimed at a sixth-level mutant standing under the wall.

This sixth-level mutant has obvious yellow hair, and his body is almost indistinguishable from humans, and his evolution is fairly balanced.

At this moment, this sixth-level mutant stood calmly in front of countless gunpoints, quietly waiting for Cai Ruichen's arrival.

The muzzle and muzzle exposed on the wall seemed to have not seen anything, or it was a bold and confident person who could avoid these guns.

And this guy is not in a hurry. Of course, there is no need for him to be in a hurry. The mutant army is still more than two hundred kilometers away from here.

It takes at least two days to walk here normally, just as Natasha expected.

However, Cai Ruichen didn't want him to wait, his figure appeared abruptly in the predecessor of this sixth-level mutant.

The whole process was silent and silent, as if this sixth-level mutant had suddenly appeared in front of the wall before.

Of course, there is a fundamental difference between the two. Cai Ruichen's figure is just an image projected outside the wall by augmented reality.

And this sixth-level mutant really appeared suddenly.

"Could it be that there is nothing left to say about the misfortune?" Cai Ruichen said directly as soon as the projection of Cai Ruichen appeared.

The sixth-level mutant was obviously shocked at the sudden appearance of Cai Ruichen, but he immediately recovered, because it felt that there was nothing in front of him, and this thing was just a small trick of the other party.

The appearance of the sound made it somewhat incomprehensible. Fortunately, it also locked the source of the sound for the first time. It was just a loudspeaker on the wall, not the shadow in front of him who could speak.

The sixth-level mutant said: "Our lord, I hope you will consider his suggestion one last time. The lord is willing to give you the opportunity to avoid being overwhelmed."

"Bao Ji is really timid, with the ability to teleport, don't you dare to come over?" Cai Ruichen's mouth curled up and did not answer the other party's words. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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