The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1372: The base vehicle was invaded by mutants

PS: The Somali extravaganza has been officially released on the gorgeous WeChat public account, and interested students can check it out.

Today, five shifts will break out tomorrow. It’s okay for everyone to give some support.


When the two armies were at war, it was normal when the two armies were facing each other.

There has hardly been any modern war.

Anyway, there is nothing wrong now, and Cai Ruichen doesn't mind listening to what this sixth-level mutant comes from.

As for the catastrophe, as long as it is within the scope of the base, Cai Ruichen really does not worry about the appearance of this guy.

The base has the ability to block space, and even the teleportation over time can be blocked. The space movement used to block the catastrophe is simply a killer knife.

If Shao Ji really came to Iraq without knowing what to do, he must have determined the location of this guy, and Cai Ruichen would never let him escape again.

As for the ability to block space, Cai Ruichen believes that Shao Ji absolutely does not know, but he is not sure whether Shao Ji will reach Iraq.

Maybe the misfortune is still in Tehran, remotely commanding this war, the ability to mutate people's circle of friends of 500 kilometers, it is very simple to remotely command.

Just a few fifth-level mutants can do it.

Of course, Cai Ruichen would also feel normal if the misfortune were hidden among the 90 million mutants.

Just trying to find it out is almost like finding a needle in a haystack.

"Our masters are related to the overall situation. Naturally, it is impossible for us to take risks. Just like you, didn't you also not really appear in front of me?" The sixth-level mutant still has a bit of eloquence, and then asked, then continued: Do you still insist on fighting us?"

If the war broke out a month ago, Cai Ruichen won't even have a chance of winning, but if it broke out now or a few days later, Cai Ruichen has at least a four-point chance of winning.

As for the idea of ​​curse, how can Cai Ruichen fail to see that whether he surrenders or does not surrender, there will be no change in the result.

This battle will be unavoidable, and the misfortune will never let go of the 350,000 Red Police soldiers in the base and more than 200,000 survivors.

"Tell Shaojie, the outcome is still unknown. If he really takes me down, then why send an envoy to persuade me to surrender." Although Cai Ruichen did not answer clearly, the meaning was quite obvious.

In Cai Ruichen's view, Wu Ji sent an emissary, no matter what tactics were secretly, one thing was certain.

If Woji feels that he has absolute crushing strength, there will be no messenger coming.

Even if there is a conspiracy in it, it is a curse that absolute one's strength is not a stable one.

The sixth-level mutant received a reply, and said very simply: "If this is the case, then see you on the battlefield."

As soon as the voice of the sixth-level mutant fell, his body disappeared again, and Cai Ruichen did not order the troops to attack.

Otherwise, this sixth-level mutant who stood still, has no idea how many times he has died.

Although the sixth-level mutant is very powerful, it can't stop the tank's main gun. After all, the size of the body is there.

It’s just that under normal circumstances, the tank’s main guns don’t even want to hit the sixth-level mutants, and the success rate is countless times lower than that of a cannon to hit mosquitoes.

Moreover, there are large sniper cannons on the fence, sniper shells fired, and even the armor of the main battle tank can penetrate, let alone the body of a mutant.

The sixth-level mutant left, and Cai Ruichen also finished the projection. He also immediately asked the base: "Has the base collected the opponent's spatial gravitational fluctuation signal."

Since it was determined that the effect of the mutant’s invisibility was achieved by spatial means, Cai Ruichen ordered the base to collect signals from space gravitational waves once it appeared again.

In the process of this sixth-level mutant appeared and became invisible again, the two laser gravity detection devices on the base had already aimed at this guy.

"The opponent's gravitational wave signal has been successfully collected. Once the same signal appears again, it will be determined as an enemy attack." The base replied.

Unknown enemies are the most terrifying. If the base can't find these mutants that can be invisible, it will always be a huge threat.

Even if you don't worry about misfortune, you can use the means of teleportation to directly teleport high-level mutants into the base, but these stealth mutants can infiltrate by conventional means, and the Red Police Corps has nothing to do.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen has always been considering how to discover the invisibility abilities imposed on his subordinates.

The base can block the enemy's teleportation. The principle is that it can detect the gravitational fluctuation of the space teleportation for the first time, and then conduct the space blockade.

Gravitational waves are one of the four theories put forward by Einstein, and they have only recently been confirmed to exist.

The base has also been improving. The mutants actually have spatial abilities, which also caught the base off guard.

As for now, as long as the gravitational fluctuations caused by Shaoji's spatial ability are exactly the same, then for Cai Ruichen, invisibility will completely lose its meaning.

"Immediately inspect the territory of Iraq and determine all the same gravitational fluctuations." Cai Ruichen ordered the base.

"The intruder was found on the second floor of the base. It is in the highest command." Cai Ruichen's voice just fell, and the base's terrified voice immediately sounded.

When Cai Ruichen heard the words, his expression of horror was also on his face. The thing that worries him the most has appeared. In the past three months, he is not simply preparing for formation.

The most frightening thing is that there are mutants who stealthily enter the Supreme Command.

"The base, is there any check error, how did the enemy get in?" Cai Ruichen said in disbelief.

There was an enemy coming in in the base, the news was really terrifying.

"In the Supreme Command, it is true that the same gravitational wave as just collected has been discovered. It can be determined that there is a mutant in the Supreme Command." The base replied confidently.

"Natasha, leave it to Cai Ruichen took a deep breath and ordered Natasha, who also looked incredible behind him.

Natasha said nothing, and walked out of the console quietly.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen felt an unspeakable depression in his heart. He felt that the tactics he had formulated in the past three months had probably been obtained by the misfortune.

The mine arrays, the self-exploding trucks ambushed, and the highly toxic area, I am afraid they have all been touched by the catastrophe.

As for how this mutant got in, Cai Ruichen can also imagine it, and he must have sneaked in after following the staff of the staff. Before the base, it was impossible to detect mutants who were invisible in space, and naturally it was impossible to find mutants who had sneaked in.

As for this mutant, Cai Ruichen can use the teleportation function inside the base to teleport him into the universe, but he needs to catch him alive.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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