The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1373: Mutant tactics

The invasion of mutants is simply bad news.

All tactical arrangements are all carried out in the Supreme Command, which means that all tactical mutants already know.

However, Cai Ruichen's tactical arrangements for Misfortune, and the information of the special mutants, still don't know anything.

The war hasn't started yet, and originally there was a four-point guarantee. Now Cai Ruichen feels that he might not even have a three-point chance of winning.

High-level mutants have no less wisdom than humans, knowing themselves and the enemy in a hundred battles. After all their tactics are known to the enemy, the next war will become difficult to control.

Now Cai Ruichen wanted to know when this guy lurked in and how much information he got.

Otherwise, there is no need for Natasha to do anything. Inside the base, Cai Ruichen is invincible.

Even if Bane had sneaked into the base, it was definitely an act of seeking death.

Natasha moved quickly, and Yuriko also moved at the same time.

Natasha, who entered the Supreme Command, walked towards the place where the mutant was hiding without incident, it was an unmanned corner of the Supreme Command.

The mutant hidden in the corner immediately noticed Natasha's approach and immediately became alert.

Moved away quietly, but Natasha still walked straight towards him. Now, this mutant also knew that she had been discovered.

Just when it was about to act, it suddenly found that its body could not move at all. I don't know when, beside it, Yuriko appeared floating here, blocking all its ability to move.

Natasha, who walked in, reached out and pulled this guy out of invisibility.

This is just a very ordinary fifth-level mutant. At this moment, he can't move half of his body. Looking at the two terrifying humans around him, cold sweats even appeared on his forehead.

The situation here also caused an uproar in the Supreme Command. Ling Liang walked over for the first time. Seeing the Level 5 mutant who suddenly appeared in the base, Ling Liang immediately thought of what was going on.

"When did you come here?" Ling Liang asked very severely before he even walked over.

At the same time, in a little-known village in Iran, there was disbelief and doubt on the face of misfortune.

The mutant who had lurked around Cai Ruichen's own arrangements was actually accurately found.

The most important thing is that he wanted to send this guy back, but found that his abilities couldn't contact his subordinates at all.

And that fifth-level mutant just kept calling for help, indicating that he could not move.

Bane also wanted to rescue him, but his ability suddenly failed, and his teleportation ability had no effect at all.

After retrying several times, the results were the same, but sending other mutants over was completely fine.

In the end, Bane had to give up this fifth-level mutant, but fortunately, he had already got everything he wanted to know.

He also understood the defensive deployment of the opposing humans, and at the same time, he was extremely fortunate that the opposing human base was much stronger than he thought.

Had it not been for the advance investigation, once this battle broke out, it would have been extremely difficult from the beginning, and my army would have to pay extremely heavy casualties.

Now, the corners of Wu Ji's mouth turned slightly. Although he lost a fifth-level mutant, it was completely worthwhile to get detailed information in exchange.

And he didn't worry at all, that the fifth-level mutant would betray him, and it was absolutely impossible to divulge the tactics he formulated.

Wu Ji was very confident of his subordinates, but he didn't know that Cai Ruichen didn't need interrogation at all. With Yuriko, any interrogation was unnecessary.

In the base's highest command department, the fifth-level mutant controlled by Yuriko was already like pouring beans from a bamboo tube, and said everything he knew.

When he became worthless, he was immediately destroyed by humanity.

Cai Ruichen also heard the confession of this fifth-level mutant throughout the whole process, which made him hang his heart a little bit.

The time for this fifth-level mutant to enter the base was not very long, and he did not know the plans for the self-destructed truck, the virus area, and the minefield.

However, almost all of the firepower on the base wall was discovered by this guy, and the information was transmitted to Shao Ji the first time.

The defense on the base wall, the layout of the firepower points, the rationing of troops, the logistical capabilities, and the misfortune have all been combat effective.

Fortunately, this guy doesn't know too thoroughly. The production capacity of ammunition, the consumption of ammunition and the replenishment mode of defensive weapons, this guy doesn't know, and the catastrophe naturally doesn't know.

From this guy's mouth, Cai Ruichen also got all the information he wanted, the tactics used by Shao Ji, although this guy is not clear, but Cai Ruichen also saw a clue from the intelligence rationed by the opponent's troops.

Bane seems to intend to adopt the mode of war of attrition, using ordinary mutants to consume the base's weapons and ammunition as much as possible.

Such tactics are the experience gained from fighting against survivors in Iran. As long as a part of ordinary mutants are sacrificed, they can quickly capture human defenses and safety zones.

In fact, the attrition tactics adopted by Bane are indeed very effective for ordinary survivor bases and safety zones. After all, in this world where there is no general industrial and production capacity, it is difficult to obtain sufficient weapons and ammunition for survivors. Supplement.

If Cai Ruichen had not owned the Red Police Base, it would be difficult to obtain enough weapons and ammunition.

Once the weapon in the human hand has no bullets, in front of the mutant, it is a lamb to be slaughtered.

A weapon without ammunition is not much better than a fire stick, and it is completely impossible to resist the attack of a mutant.

It’s just that if Shao Ji plans to adopt such a tactic on, Cai Ruichen would probably wake up in dreams.

Cai Ruichen is able to settle down in this world because of the strong industrial production capacity of the base. Whatever the enemy, he is least afraid of war of attrition.

What worries Cai Ruichen is that this fifth-level mutant also doesn't know where the special mutants under the curse are, or even in its memory, there is no impression of the special mutants.

It seemed that there were no special mutants under the command of Bane, which made Cai Ruichen feel a little obedient.

This kind of intelligence is completely consistent with the results of Warhawk's investigation, and it is true that there are no special mutants among the enemies.

But the more this happens, the more Cai Ruichen feels that things are not so simple.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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