The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1376: Dead body

The artillery attack is only a signal that the prelude to the war has begun.

The number of mutants is really too much, even if there are more artillery, it is impossible to kill all mutants before the opponent's soldiers approach the city.

Cai Ruichen never expected that he could kill all mutants by relying on artillery.

The goal of artillery attack is to disrupt the opponent's formation, which is very important.

If the mutant maintains a proper formation, it is indeed a trouble for the defensive side.

As long as the opponent is disrupted and the formation is scattered, it will be difficult for mutants to quickly organize large-scale coordinated attacks.

What only made Cai Ruichen puzzled was that this eighth-level mutant, Begge couldn't see his purpose?

At this moment, the mutant still just maintained a trotting posture, completely ignoring all kinds of artillery attacks.

Just like in the matchlock era, the war between the two armies and the platoon gun era, the mutant just maintained a trotting posture, and then ignored the attack.

It was as if all had come to die on purpose, and so far, Cai Ruichen had not seen any mutants above the second level appearing in the front echelon.

All of this is very strange.

This made Cai Ruichen immediately sounded. When he fought Qianhe in Erbil, Qianhe also let him kill as many ordinary mutants as possible.

And this time the opponent was also an eighth-level mutant, and the opponent was also allowed to kill those ordinary mutants.

The original purpose of Qianzuru doing this was to cultivate Daroushan.

As soon as he thought of this, Cai Ruichen's gaze also became deep. Could it be that the purpose of catastrophe is also to use these ordinary mutants to cultivate special mutants.

If this is the case, then Cai Ruichen can fully understand these ordinary mutants who are purely coming to death.

This is a strategy of killing two birds with one stone. This move can not only consume a large amount of one's own weapons and ammunition, but can also use dead ordinary mutants to cultivate special mutants.

Thinking of this, Cai Ruichen immediately told the base: "Project all the shelling points."

As soon as Cai Ruichen's voice fell, a huge augmented reality projection screen appeared in front of him.

In the picture, it was all intensive shelling, flying mud and gunpowder smoke, but no corpse of any mutant was seen, nor any blood stains left by the mutant.

Those mutants who died instantly disappeared, and the blood and water spilled by the mutants seemed to have been sucked by the earth at the moment they touched the earth.

There was no **** sign at all on the ground where the explosion was flying.

"it is as expected."

At this moment, Cai Ruichen can almost explain why the fifth-level mutant doesn't know the intelligence of the special mutant at all.

Because before that, there really was no special mutant.

And those high-level mutants with commanding ability all have the ability to synthesize high-level mutants.

In the Big Roshan under Qianhe’s command, the slugs encountered at the beginning are the most cruel, but the king is not a commander-type mutant, but the ordinary mutants under the king’s command have become nutrients and have been absorbed. Up.

Command-in-chief mutants have powerful mental powers, but their body combat effectiveness is very poor. The other is combat mutants. They are extremely powerful, but they don't have command-in-chief ability, nor will they make special mutants.

Bane is a veritable commander-in-chief mutant. Even in Cai Ruichen's view, Bane is much stronger than Qianhe, and he is very ambitious. Not only did he control the mutants in Iran, he also made him extremely angry. The offspring reproduction plan.

But Qianhe didn't have any. They just owned Erbil and had no ambitions at all. Otherwise, there would be no room for a king in Iraq.

Qianhe was unwilling, otherwise, how could the king, a fighting-type 7th-level mutant, become the king of Iraq's mutants.

Cai Ruichen had never seen the strength of Qianhe eighth level.

Strictly speaking, Bane is the first eighth-level mutant opponent Cai Ruichen encountered.

However, the two sides still have similarities. One of them is that they will not personally mutilate ordinary mutants, but they can sacrifice these ordinary mutants without reservation.

The purpose is also the same, that is to create special mutants with powerful abilities.

The idea of ​​catastrophe is more straightforward than Qianhe. The most important thing is that there were only hundreds of thousands of mutants in Erbil, but at this moment, the number of mutants in front of Cai Ruichen is 90 million.

Ninety-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-five percent are ordinary mutants. If these mutants all die in their own hands, then they will be turned into special mutants by the catastrophe.

Thinking of this, Cai Ruichen had an order to order the troops to stop attacking.

But when this idea just appeared, Cai Ruichen choked off, because such an order was impossible to give.

He has no retreat, it is impossible for these ordinary mutants to gather under the wall.

No matter what happens next, and no matter what conspiracy there is in the bane, Cai Ruichen can only kill the mutants who come to attack as much as possible.

There is no alternative, and Cai Ruichen has no second choice.

If Cai Ruichen had hyperspace teleportation now, he would definitely turn on hyperspatial teleportation, teleporting all these ordinary mutants to the edge of the sun, so that all these **** monsters would instantly evaporate into space.

Of course, this is just a thought by Cai Ruichen. If there is a teleportation, basically there will not be so many mutants entering the range of the attack base.

At the moment Cai Ruichen is also a little bit emotional. He has fought with these mutants a lot, and now I can see some of these mutants' thoughts.

"Base, have you found the reason for the disappearance of the bodies of those mutants?" Cai Ruichen asked the base.

In Cai Ruichen's view, this should be a curse to use the space teleport ability to teleport those corpses to a certain place, and then carry out the training of special mutants.

"No traces of time-space transmission were found. It is certain that those corpses were not taken away by the time-space transmission, but more like they were absorbed by this batch of land." The base replied.

If it is time and space transmission, the base can be completely blocked, but Cai Ruichen also knows that he took it for granted after hearing the answer from the base.

"Immediately explore the underground where the mutant's corpse disappeared, and see what's under it." It's not that the corpse is sent away at all times, it is absorbed. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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