The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1377: One stone and two birds

Cai Ruichen has also seen special mutants who can absorb mutant human corpses across the land.

It's just that that special mutant has a 100-meter-high body, but it is a failed product.

The scan results of the base came out quickly, this time, it did not exceed Cai Ruichen's expectations.

"Under this land, powerful life characteristics have been discovered."

"Depth?" Cai Ruichen asked.

"Two hundred meters deep."

The base's answer made Cai Ruichen a little messy. If it was only a hundred meters deep underground, the base's fortress crushers could penetrate the bomb and squeeze out the things below.

But at a depth of two hundred meters, there is absolutely no way.

Although there is no reinforced concrete structure underground, the soil layer at a depth of two hundred meters is not the depth that a ground bomb can reach.

"Is there no way?" Cai Ruichen is very depressed because he knows the other party's conspiracy, but there is no way to crack it.

The base was also silent. The Red Police Corps was not specifically designed to fight against such monsters. The real enemy of the Red Police Corps was a modern military group, rather than this strange mutant species.

There is no way for this base. If it is under a shallow soil layer, even one hundred and fifty meters, you can try it. Can you use penetrating bombs to force out the special mutants hidden underground.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen didn't bother to think about how the catastrophe sent special mutants to the ground on the battlefield.

After all, Cai Ruichen had never seen a special mutant, the birth process.

According to the analysis of Qin Chen and Wu Jie, those special mutants are special mutants that use special mutant cells, then absorb cells from other mutants, and then grow up.

Cai Ruichen is not very clear about this. Without his own eyes, the guesses are not accurate.

Cai Ruichen, who couldn't think of a way to report, could only let the troops continue to attack, even if the opponent's special mutant was born successfully, he couldn't let the mutant get close to the wall.

The attack is inevitable, and Cai Ruichen has no better choice.

The big deal is to fulfill the conspiracy of misfortune, Cai Ruichen has no better way.

In fact, just as Cai Ruichen thought, the bane of remote control operations far away in Iran, seeing more and more ordinary mutants, all falling under the gunfire, the smile on his face became even more intense. .

Cultivating special mutants is naturally a curse of this ability, but if you want to cultivate good special mutants, the most important point is to look at your needs.

In the past, Bane had no need for this aspect. The survivors in Iran do not need special mutants to increase their strength.

And there is no opponent, and the special mutants cultivated do not have any benefits.

There is no doubt that the special mutants are powerful, but the huge body and huge energy consumption are also an unavoidable problem.

Without opponents, cultivating special mutants is just for trouble.

Therefore, Bane is also the first training of special mutants.

Shao Ji believed that the other party would never expect that he was simply releasing those ordinary mutants to death.

Of course, he wasn't afraid that the other party would know, even if he knew, he couldn't change the fate of having to kill ordinary mutants under his command.

Otherwise, there is no need for a special mutant at all, and you can successfully take down this strong defense opponent.

Only soon, the smile on Bouji's face solidified.

The shelling continued, but all the opponent's city gates opened one after another, and a large number of trucks drove out of the wall and rushed directly towards the forward of the mutant army.

This makes Woji very confused, what does Cai Ruichen want to do?

The answer soon appeared. These trucks rushed towards the mutant, and the machine gun on the roof of the car kept firing, quickly cutting the running mutant to the ground like a stubble of wheat.

The most important thing is that these trucks all have the ability to absorb corpses, and the corpses of the ordinary mutants who were killed were all taken away by the trucks.

Shaoji didn't know the armed mining vehicle, but he knew that the other party had fully thought of his purpose.

This truck was dispatched to absorb all the corpses and prevent their special mutants from being cultivated.

In fact, Cai Ruichen also had a flash of inspiration and this idea appeared.

But Cai Ruichen is also very clear that it is completely useless to rely on the collection of armed mining vehicles.

It can only clean up part of the mutant body as much as possible, and then dump it into the ore refinery. A car of mutant body can also be exchanged for fifty funds, which is better than nothing.

At this moment, all armed mining vehicles in the base were all dispatched, and a large number of trucks began to enter and leave the base.

It's just that the efficiency is really not very good.

After watching the misfortune for a while, I was also relieved. Although the other party thought of his own purpose, this method was indeed very targeted, but in fact, it was a drop in the bucket.

After all, the tens of millions of mutants might be absorbed there.

The number of mutant casualties caused by artillery fire, even if all the armed mining vehicles came to collect it, would be too late.

What's more, there is no way for the armed mining vehicle to go in and collect the shells near the point where the shells fall. They can only collect the mutants that they killed on the periphery.

The intensive shelling lasted for nearly three hours, and the mutant at the front had been closer to the base for less than 15 kilometers.

During these three hours of shelling, under the premise that the opponent was deliberately sent to death, there were tens of millions of mutants who died under the shelling.

By now, the artillery fire has also begun to loosen up. There is no other way. The cannon barrels need to be rested. In fact, the artillery has taken turns to rest after the half-hour intensive shelling.

The battle also began to come under the The war also entered the most critical time, and tens of millions of mutants rushed over, with a huge momentum and an unprecedented scale.

On the fence, hundreds of thousands of troops are also waiting for their lives. The sky over the battlefield is filled with gunpowder and the smell of gunpowder is unprecedented.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen has returned to the console. He wants to command the base defense unit and cooperate with the army to conduct operations.

All the artillery bombardment also stopped. This was to accumulate further strength and also to allow the artillery to take a short rest.

Replenish the shells for all the artillery, and also give the barrel more sufficient cooling time.

Half an hour later, the mutant at the forefront was already close to the wall within less than ten kilometers.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users, please read. )

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