The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1378: Mutant's killer

Cai Ruichen, who was about to order an attack, looked at the melting Getter cannon under the wall, and his face became very ugly.

The greatest advantage of humans over mutants lies in their weapon technology, which can strike at mutants at a long distance, leaving them with no way.

But once the mutant has mastered the ability to attack remotely, it will be difficult for humans to play their advantages freely.

Why is Cai Ruichen confident that he can block hundreds of millions of mutants by relying on the powerful long-range firepower of the Red Police Corps.

If it is to conduct long-range attacks or close combat with mutants, and to deal with hundreds of millions of mutants, then the scale of the Red Police Corps will increase by several times, and it will not be the opponent of mutants.

Although mutants are not suitable for long-distance marching, once stimulated by food, they will become very violent, and their physical strength is much higher than that of humans.

Even ordinary mutants have quite terrifying power.

Humans and mutants fight at close quarters, unless they all become master combatants, otherwise they will have no chance of winning.

Especially given the huge number of opponents, it was impossible to even fight.

Another is that mutants can't fly, have no ability to attack air, and can't attack from a long distance.

Cai Ruichen said long ago that if mutant humans possess one of these three abilities one day, humans will lose any chance of survival.

The words of the day, unfortunately foreseen today, Cai Ruichen's heart at this moment, also instantly sank to the bottom.

He thought about a lot of mutant abilities that might appear, and also thought about the strength of the opponent, but without Cai Ruichen, he never thought that the opponent would use long-range attacks in the situation.

This is not only a disaster for the Red Police Corps, but for all mankind.

The special mutants under Bane's command hadn't completely spread underground, and the dense long-range liquid shells kept falling towards the wall.

The targets aimed at were all the Gate cannons under the wall, in order to prevent these terrifying rapid-fire weapons from causing too much casualties to the offensive mutants.

Opposite the wall that is nearly 20 kilometers long, at a distance of only 20 kilometers apart, there are hundreds of gun barrels sticking out. The viscous liquid is like saliva when it is launched, and the frequency is very high. , It takes almost one or two seconds, which is comparable to a rapid-fire artillery.

The most terrifying thing is the hit rate. The attack from 20 kilometers away, a pile of viscous liquid, all hit the center of the Gat cannon turret with unparalleled accuracy.

It can quickly melt the gun body of the Getter cannon, and it can completely melt the armor of the main battle tank. If you don't know this, a group of tanks have charged past and haven't gone far, I am afraid that all the army has been wiped out.

Seeing that all the Gates cannons were killed, Cai Ruichen didn't have time to think about it, and immediately issued an order to counterattack.

One cannonball dragged a long tracer in the night sky, across the sky, and suddenly landed on the cannon tubes protruding from the ground.

Violent explosions and fires blasted in the dark night, and all the gun barrels that protruded were covered by dense artillery fire.

The opponent's long-range attack came to a halt under the blow of artillery fire, and the first round of shelling just stopped.

Before the gun smoke dissipated, Cai Ruichen had already seen the long intact barrels in the gun smoke, and these guns seemed to be adjusting their shooting angles.

All the gun barrels were raised higher, and Cai Ruichen, who saw these gun barrel angles, immediately realized the target of these guys' attacks, and hurriedly ordered: "All the artillery will leave the artillery immediately, hurry up."

Cai Ruichen's order had just been given, and a group of viscous liquid was quickly thrown out of these long barrels, and a high parabola was drawn in the sky, and it fell toward the artillery position 40 kilometers away. .

At this moment, the Red Police Artillery, who strictly obeyed the order, were also moving away from the artillery, but before they ran a few steps, they saw a cloud of liquid falling on the artillery body. The Red Police Regiment’s artillery had a perfect barrel. At a speed visible to the naked eye, it quickly disappeared into the eyes of the artillery.

Fortunately, the self-propelled artillery all moved away in time. The liquid fell on the ground, and the liquid seemed to only have an effect on the metal. It fell on the ground. There was nothing on the ground.

"Order the peacekeeping bomber aviation division to set off immediately and destroy the enemy's long-range attack firepower." Cai Ruichen could only let the air force dispatch the artillery's heavy losses.

The peacekeeping bombers in the airport, as soon as they received the order, all lifted into the air, carrying full of explosives, and flew towards the target.

Hundreds of peacekeeping bombing secret bombings took off densely, flying quickly toward the target of the attack.

Originally, Cai Ruichen had a plan to let peacekeeping bombers attack special mutants underground, because every peacekeeping bomber carried at least one fortress smasher penetration bomb in its magazine.

A bomb weighing twelve tons, carried by a peacekeeping bomber, just breathed in, and came to the top of hundreds of special mutants.

When the magazine opened, the huge bomb fell, and the load of more than ten tons was suddenly lost, causing all the peacekeeping bombers to rise five or six meters in an instant.

The fortress smasher with a harsh whistling sound fell towards the special mutants on the ground with the gun barrel extended. When the fairing in front of the warhead was about to touch the ground, the bullet flew out, exposing the incomparable warhead. Sharp penetration site.

The penetrating bomb dived into the ground instantly without resistance. A whole bomb disappeared on the horizon. In less than a second, an earth-shaking explosion erupted from the ground, and a large area of ​​land was destroyed in the explosion. Flew into the air at a height of 100 meters.

Even the base can clearly feel the strong vibration from the ground. At such a close distance, the feeling of vibration is no less than a magnitude 4 earthquake.

And such shocks came one after another. Hundreds of penetrating bombs fell one after another, and the shock of the explosion lasted for nearly a minute.

The dust and smoke from the explosion also spread quickly, and the sky was filled with flying dust. Under the lights on the fence, the outside scene seemed to be shrouded in dense fog.

This makes it impossible for people on the fence to see everything outside.

However, Cai Ruichen in the console saw it very clearly.

Those one hundred special mutants did not die under the attack of the fortress smasher infiltrating the bomb, and the characteristics of life still existed completely.

It was just that in the next few minutes, there was no movement at all outside. When the explosion dust gradually settled, everyone could clearly see the huge crater that appeared outside the wall under the light.

(To be continued~^~)

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