The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1385: Cai Ruichen's Nobel******

Ps: It’s probably been too long since I wrote about Wasteland. The chapters of Wasteland have been updated these days, and the drop in subscriptions is simply terrible.

The plot of the wasteland is hurriedly ended, and the next is mainly the plot of the world.

It was originally about to explode today, but Gorgeous is really hot today. The high temperature of 38.6 degrees, a bit of heat stroke, and the whole day is weak, and there is no mental code word. Forgive me.

The * in this chapter is peace, peace and award. Even if this is blocked, he is also drunk.


In Oslo City Hall, Norway, thousands of celebrities from all regions of the world gather here.

Today is the day of the annual Nobel Prize. Cai Ruichen has nominated the Nobel Prize, the Nobel Prize in Medicine, and the Nobel Prize in Physics for three consecutive years, but he has never submitted any information to the Nobel Institute and all nominations have been automatically postponed.

However, today when Cai Ruichen was nominated for the Nobel Prize again, Cai Ruichen immediately submitted his detailed information and of course a written report.

The Nobel Prize will be awarded to Cai Ruichen for a very simple reason. The peace achievements in Iraq and Syria need no further explanation.

After almost three months of silence, Cai Ruichen also officially arrived in Oslo, Norway by special plane on the day of the awards, to participate in the presentation by the chairman of the Norwegian Parliament.

At the awards scene, as the winner of this year, Cai Ruichen, who had been nominated for three consecutive years before, faced people from all walks of life present, it was naturally impossible for him to leave with checks, paperwork and trophies.

"I am here today to face a brand new challenge with everyone, to re-examine the meaning of'peace'. Peace is not'please God, let peace come to me!', peace is not the picture behind me. , So cute. When I saw the symbol of the rainbow and the peace dove, I felt calm inside and meditated on peace. I think peace without justice and fairness is not lasting peace. Lasting peace is Human beings on this planet have the opportunity to obtain sufficient resources and live with dignity. Everyone has the right to be educated and receive medical protection, so that they can get rid of poverty and fear. This is called The basic safety of mankind. I am not a pacifist in the full sense. Speaking of those who advocate violence, I understand that we humans have messed up too many things..."

Speaking of this, Cai Ruichen shook his head regretfully, his tone lowered a little, and he seemed to be talking to himself: "'Broken up', this nice vocabulary, forgive me, I once swear, I won't use it in public. I curse with the English vocabulary beginning with F. I try my best to do it. God, I am indeed trying to fulfill my vow."

Hearing this, the thousands of listeners on the scene all laughed slightly, but they were polite and demeaned, and they stopped abruptly.

At this time, Cai Ruichen continued his speech on the theme of peace: "We need very little police force, we also need very little military force, but these are for national defense, we need to redefine, in this world, what will make us Feeling safe. Security does not mean that my country should be fully armed, nor is it that other countries should buy weapons produced by our country to be fully armed. Peace refers to a reasonable and untargeted national defense policy that makes the world a world All countries become safer, and mankind will become safer."

Cai Ruichen's words kept echoing in the auditorium of the Oslo City Hall. Behind him, a blue flag representing peace, a beautiful rainbow and a peace dove hung.

Facing the thousands of people around the world, Cai Ruichen calmly explained his understanding of peace.

In fact, not every winner has the opportunity to give such a long speech here, because there is no such arrangement.

But Cai Ruichen is completely different. His identity and status, even if he doesn't come here to receive the award, is eligible to occupy the venue's time.

Nobel officials also hope that Cai Ruichen can express some insightful views. After all, Cai Ruichen represents the strongest country in the Middle East, a head of state that is about to become a world power, the world's youngest national leader, and the most outstanding contributor to science and technology.

"What I have always regretted most is that there has never been real peace in this world. Human beings have always lived in wars and mutual harm, whether it was before the first century or the 21st century. In the century, human civilization has gradually developed, but it still cannot eliminate the original sin in the heart, the wounds brought to the world by war, which are remembered in every page of the history books.

No one can tell how far the future of mankind will go, but as long as wars and conflicts continue endlessly, the road of human development will never continue indefinitely.

By our side at the moment, the war is still unfolding and continuing. When I accepted the Nobel, many people asked me why you are willing to accept this award this year.

The reason is very simple. I very much hope to stop an ongoing war. "

Cai Ruichen's last remark made many people present a little baffling, but when Cai Ruichen left the podium, everyone still responded with the warmest applause.

At the end of the speech, Cai Ruichen did not stop at the city hall. The Norwegian side originally planned to meet with him, but Cai Ruichen did not have sufficient time to arrange it and refused.

When he came to Norway, he only met briefly with the chairman of the Norwegian Parliament while receiving the award.

After leaving the city hall, Cai Ruichen's special car left the city hall immediately, but soon stopped at the Nobel Peace Center. When Cai Ruichen got out of the car, he had changed into an informal dress.

Norway is extremely cold at this moment. Cai Ruichen's dress at this time is a little exaggerated. At least in this street full of down jackets and down pants, he has a small jacket, a thin-looking vest, and a loose fit. Long trousers, a cold hat on his head, and big sunglasses, look very is purely the kind of guy who wants demeanor but not temperature.

Walking into the Noble Peace Center, it was cold and windy outside, and under the effect of heating, it was warm everywhere.

The Nobel Peace Center is an exhibition organization that is open to the outside world. If the weather is not too cold, it is also a place where tourists gather during the off-season in Norway.

Now, there are not many people in the museum at all, and some people are more like coming in to rest.

After purchasing the tickets, Cai Ruichen just walked in and saw Hua Meixue sitting in the central rest area of ​​the Peace Center.

"Wait a long time!" Cai Ruichen came to Hua Meixue's back and asked softly.

"It just happens to be too cold outside, it's pretty good here." Hua Meixue, who was looking through various materials in the museum, raised her head slightly and said.

"If it's summer, you can still have fun. In such a cold day, how about we set off to the Maldives now?" Cai Ruichen looked at the snow falling outside and suggested.

(To be continued~^~)

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