The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1386: The world's best

Cai Ruichen's proposal to go to the Maldives, Hua Meixue shook her head and rejected it directly, although she knew very well that this was Cai Ruichen's compensation for herself after three consecutive months of busy work.

But she is not the kind of girl who knows nothing, and she knows where she should be.

She could feel that the atmosphere in the Iraqi-Syrian Federation seems a little different recently. Everyone in the base is also in a hurry. Cai Ruichen is able to spend time with herself in such an environment. She is already very satisfied. Will not ask for too much.

Cai Ruichen didn't insist either. He was really ashamed of Hua Meixue and wanted to make up for the neglect of her in the past three months.

On that day, Cai Ruichen only accompanied Hua Meixue to stroll around Oslo and bought some things. In the evening, the special plane left Oslo and returned to Marin.

The recent Iran-Syria Federation is indeed very busy. It should be said that since the outbreak of the Iranian War, it has been very busy for the past three months.

What is the most during the war?

There is only one answer, and that is refugees.

No matter where the war is, there are a large number of refugees fleeing the war.

It was the same in Iraq, Syria, and Libya. The refugee problem in Europe was a direct consequence of the war in the Middle East.

However, not all countries in the world are willing to accept refugees, especially for countries with different skin colors and races. The national welfare has been in a slump during the economic recession these years.

The admission of refugees will not only bring about a decline in per capita welfare, but also a more serious employment problem.

In addition, social problems will also become turbulent. Similar problems have already appeared in many European countries.

It also leaves no clear response within the EU.

The emergence of the Iran-Syria Federation gave the Iranians a better choice during the war.

Of course, there is no need to say more in Afghanistan. The countless slums in Afghanistan are full of refugees, and there are no more refugees.

Although Pakistan is relatively calm, its economy is not very good and it is difficult to accommodate refugees.

All the Iranian refugees who fled their homes can directly think of the Islamic Federation. The Islamic Federation is rich, and Cai Ruichen is the world's richest man, with more personal assets than the world's second to ninth Forbes combined.

It is not the individual Iranians who can think of this, but the choice of all Iranians.

When the ground war broke out, refugees everywhere in Iran, as if they had been negotiated, fled towards the Syrian Federation.

The Syrian-Iranian Federation has always disappointed the Iranians, and for all Iranian refugees who have fled, they are always willing to come.

On all border communication lines between Iran and Iraq, there are specially established border stations to provide refugees with various medical health and basic living assistance.

In just three months, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation and the Future Technology Group have set up nearly 500 temporary refugee camps on the Iraqi border. Each refugee camp ranges from tens of thousands to 100,000.

The Iraq-Syrian Federation provides these refugees with necessary mobile homes, electricity and healthy tap water, and free medical care for the refugees in Iran.

Of course, if you want to enjoy these free services, you must be a legal citizen of Iran. First, you must have an Iranian identity certificate and you must not be a member of an extremist organization.

In just three months, the Islamic and Syrian Federation has taken in nearly 8 million Iranians, almost all of whom have fled from Isfahan and Tehran.

Of course, there are also some Iranians who are not in the war zone, but also fled to this place, because here not only can they enjoy free medical care, but also have the opportunity to find a job.

The most important thing is that, except for part of the relief food provided to refugees by the Future Technology Group, all of them are sold at half the market price.

It is a **** to have the advantage and not to take advantage of it. The refugee policy of the Islamic Federation has also attracted many poor people in Iran to follow suit.

The homeland is difficult to leave, and the reasons for this result are not all purely to take advantage.

The war caused Iran to implement comprehensive material controls before March, the currency was devaluing wildly, and basic public services were completely insecure. There was a shortage of water, electricity, and sufficient food.

This has also led to the soaring of various prices in Iran. The war in Iran has almost reached the point where the people have no livelihood. This has also forced more people to leave their homes and escape from this already difficult place to survive.

After all, Iran has a large population and was originally a major food importer. In addition, now that all land, sea and air are blocked by the United States, the food supply in Iran is in short supply every day, and it can only be barely maintained.

They have even reached a point where money cannot buy food.

The Islamic Federation’s policy on refugees was also formulated during this period, but this is a temporary policy, and it is only a policy aimed at Iranian refugees.

Such a conscientious refugee policy has also given Cai Ruichen enough international prestige and global political capital.

Although Cai Ruichen, as the supreme leader of the Islamic Federation, rarely appeared in the news media, his news has never disappeared from the eyes of the international media.

Cai Ruichen's global reputation is no less than that of the president of the United States. People who can know Austria and Bama almost all know Cai Ruichen.

When mentioning Austria and Bama, everyone thinks of the US military for the first time, but when mentioning Cai Ruichen, most of them think of Future Technology Group and Cai Ruichen's contribution to global charity.

Cai Ruichen has never stopped accumulating a good reputation for himself since his fame spread to the world.

You can say that Cai Ruichen's move is hypocritical, but it is undeniable that the effect of this is really good. Few people do not give a thumbs up when they talk about Cai Ruichen.

This year Cai Ruichen was awarded the Nobel Prize again, and his good name spread all over the world. Most of the media, when speaking of Cai Ruichen, the first thing he will mention is what policy he has recently formulated to benefit the people and how many countries he has helped. refugee.

The Global Charity Foundation established by Cai Ruichen has also given how much practical help to the poor in that country below the food and clothing line.

Now, speaking of Cai Ruichen, the first thing he will talk about is his act of hosting 8 million refugees.

After all, it is true that Cai Ruichen is rich, but morality does not force the kidnapping of rich people to do good deeds, let alone feed 8 million people, not a small number. To be continued.

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