The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1396: Ghost Squad in Iran

In a small hotel in Isfahan, a group of people contracted all the small hotel.

Outside the hotel, there was a cessation sign.

Although Isfahan is at war, the economy in the city still needs to be maintained, and social basic public security services also need to be met.

Otherwise, the residents of the city would have been messed up a long time ago without having to do anything with Iss, Lange, and the Life Guard.

Business operations and taxation have not changed. In order to get the support of the people as much as possible, the current Iranian government is also trying to maintain the price level of Isfahan and provide enough goods to the people.

Only in this way can someone listen to all the propaganda of the Iranian government. Otherwise, in the mouths of the people, it will be just talking.

However, the war still has a huge impact on the city. This is inevitable, and it is impossible to return to the time when there was complete peace.

It is already very hard to maintain a certain degree of business operations and basic living security, and it is impossible to return to the prosperity of peacetime.

However, in many of the once prosperous areas of Isfahan, the economy or life here does not seem to have been greatly affected.

This is because neither the NATO coalition forces nor the IS, the Lange, or the Life Guard want to destroy the few economic core areas in the city.

After all, war needs money, and it is natural to avoid destroying these core tax sources.

This kind of ground is generally the area where the Iranian economic class lives, and naturally it is quite calm.

Moreover, there are many embassies in this place. The Iraqi Embassy under the Iraqi-Syrian Federation is located in the city of Isfahan.

Now this embassy has been changed to the Federal Embassy of Iraq and Syria, and it has completed the merger with the Lebanese embassy in this city. It just so happens that the two embassies are also together, so they simply open up the embassy directly. The surrounding wall became a family.

And in the surrounding area, there are also embassies of many countries in this area, and it is also the main commercial street and economic circle of Isfahan.

When the NATO coalition forces moved here, everything here was naturally strictly protected.

On the edge of the embassy, ​​they were all protected by heavy soldiers, and the NATO coalition forces did not withdraw from this place.

And this small hotel, which is closed for business, is on the edge of this commercial street, and it is just a road away from the bustling commercial district opposite.

In the small hotel, the twenty members of the ghost team all gathered at the small hotel on time.

In fact, this small hotel is the property of the Red Police Corps spies, an intelligence base that has never been used.

The arrival of the Ghost Special Commando is highly classified, and neither the NATO coalition forces nor the IS, the Lange, or the Life Guards knows.

In fact, since the outbreak of the Iranian War, the Ghost Special Commando has entered Iran in batches. It has been torn between multiple battlefields, but has never had a chance to shoot.

Therefore, this time I came to Isfahan, it was just purely to try my luck.

In the hotel, all members of the Ghost Special Commando were very bored in their rooms.

Three months have passed since the trip to Iran, and all the team members are also a little impatient.

The most important thing is that in order to avoid exposure, they don't dare to go out casually when they go to a place. They stay in the same room every day. If it weren't for the mission, they would have been unable to stay.

As the leader of the team, Brother Xiang is still relatively calm. The most important thing is that the trip to Isfahan is also the end of the mission. If the mission target cannot be waited here, there will be no value in Iran. .

But other people didn't think so. Xiao Xiaoxiao, the deputy captain, began to doubt the necessity of continuing to wait.

"I don't know what the general thinks, and he will give such a tragic task. It's better to shoot Griffin in the head."

Hearing Xiao Xiaoxiao's complaint, Brother Xiang was very calm. Griffin's four-star general, the highest commander of the NATO coalition forces, is currently on the front line of Iran.

But if you want to give Griffin a shot under the protection of heavy troops, even if it succeeds, it is impossible for the Ghost Special Commando to get away smoothly.

Of course, their goal in coming to Iran is not to assassinate, nor to find a suitable opportunity to cause trouble for the NATO coalition forces.

"What we need to do is to completely obey the order. You have the right to assume that we are here for vacation. Isn't that great?" Xiang Ge said with a shrug.

"What's the best place to take a vacation in this kind of place, I can't watch the TV, and even the Internet is strictly controlled. It's boring." Xiao Xiaoxiao glanced at Brother Xiang and said weakly.

"You're still a sniper like this, you don't even have this patience." Xiang Ge shook his head and said.

"If my old lady didn't see your stinky face every day, it wouldn't be a problem for ten years." Xiao Xiaoxiao snorted coldly and said.

"Seeing my handsome face, does it make your spring heart rippling hard to control..." Before Xiang Brother finished speaking, Xiao Xiaoxiao's boots had already kicked his face and kicked him out for several meters. , Thrown on the bed.

And Brother Xiang immediately jumped out of the bed without incident, rubbed his aching nose, and said with a smirk: "It's love to beat you, you love me so much, how can it be good..."

Xiao Xiaoxiao heard the words almost went violently, rolled up her sleeves, and said, "Hey, I have a violent temper. I won't let you know why the flowers are so red today, so my old lady is special. With your last name."

"With my surname, you are going to marry me, but somehow it made me mentally prepared again. You suddenly confessed like this, I was not prepared at all." Brother Xiang didn't notice Xiao Xiaoxiao who looked like a runaway, and continued to adjust With.

However, Brother Xiang's body also faintly retreated, making a defensive posture.

When it comes to fighting, the three Xiao Xiaoxiao are not his opponents, but in front of Xiao Xiaoxiao, he is absolutely only to be beaten.

Just when Xiao Xiaoxiao forced Brother Xiang to the corner with a gloomy expression, a voice came from the emergency communicator: "The target has already appeared, and all the Ghost Special Commandos are ready to set off, waiting for instructions for the next step. "

Xiao Xiaoxiao, who was about to do it, immediately put away his fists, opened the mattress without saying a word, and took out his equipment from under the bed.

Brother Xiang also changed from laughing and cursing, quickly took out his equipment, and at the same time ordered all the team members to be fully armed and ready to go. (~^~)

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