The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1397: Target Raptor fighter

In the base console, Cai Ruichen, who returned from Russia to the Syrian-Israel Federation, has also started a brand-new busy.

For Cai Ruichen, the five-day itinerary in Russia is more like a trip. During the period, although he had many separate meetings with Putin and Jing, he did not reach any valuable consensus.

Putin and Beijing have always wanted to explore Cai Ruichen's true views on the situation in Iran, and Cai Ruichen has always been playing haha, and has not given Putin and Beijing any clear response.

And every time it only led the topic to the issue of Ukraine, which made Putin and Beijing very helpless.

If you don't know the attitude of the Islamic Federation, Putin and Beijing will not be able to let go of Iran's problems.

This is also the reason Cai Ruichen did not explain. For the Iranian issue, Cai Ruichen does not want the greedy Russia to directly intervene, so it is naturally impossible to explain.

Cai Ruichen also has his own purpose to lead the topic to the issue of Ukraine.

As soon as the five-day trip was over, Cai Ruichen came back and gave the order very simply, secretly requesting all the troops to make the first order to launch and enter Iran.

All military supplies and ammunition are secretly distributed to the soldiers' hands. At the same time, the training of the troops is gradually being strengthened, and targeted combat training and tactical drills have been launched.

Strengthen the tactical skill training of soldiers' individual fire strike.

In addition, Cai Ruichen has also accelerated the pace of the plan. The current situation in Iran is changing three times a day. It is not enough to rely on Israel, the Lange, and the Life Guard. The NATO coalition forces have also adjusted their tactical deployment to Isfahan. .

This also allowed IS, the Lange, and the Life Guard to directly face the regular Iranian army, while the NATO coalition forces could extract themselves and re-formulate their strike plans against the Islamic, Lange, and Life Guard forces.

The NATO coalition forces have made such tactical adjustments. It is really wise. Once they are locked in the main concentration areas of Iran, the Lange, and the Life Guard, then the Iranian war is very likely to end early.

With the loss of most of the strength of Iran, the Lange, and the Life Guard, the situation in Iran will inevitably change drastically.

Even if the remaining IS, the Lange, and the Life Guard can still resist in the future, it will be of no avail.

In a short period of time, it will be difficult to change Iran's sovereignty situation.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen doesn't want to wait any longer. What's more, three months have passed. NATO coalition forces have also consumed a lot of war capital. It will be difficult for NATO to pay much casualties or consumption in the next battle.

The war has entered a small-scale annihilation battle, and it is also when Cai Ruichen must choose to take action, otherwise the war will end.

Once the main forces of the IS, the Lange, and the Life Guard are eliminated, the Red Police Corps will not get much help from Iran.

What makes Cai Ruichen hesitate is that the current NATO coalition forces still exist, and the combat effectiveness of the Eighth Army is still healthy.

This is a difficult bone, and at sea, the six aircraft carrier battle groups of the NATO coalition are also a huge threat.

Even after preparing for nearly three months, in Cai Ruichen's view, the dispatch of troops is still a bit hasty.

Because the third aircraft carrier battle group of the Red Police Corps is not yet fully prepared. Currently, there are only two aircraft carrier battle groups in the Indian Ocean. They need to face the three aircraft carrier battle groups of the United States in the Indian Ocean, plus the French carrier de Gaulle. Battle group.

In the Mediterranean, the Red Police Navy also has heavy responsibilities. The Second Amphibious Fleet is simply not an opponent of the US Sixth Fleet and the British Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carrier battle group.

Once a war breaks out, the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean will inevitably be boiled by the bombardment of steel.

And behind the United States, there is also the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, which is not a maritime force that can be underestimated, especially the anti-submarine capability, and Cai Ruichen has to be concerned.

The disadvantages of the sea are very likely to bring a huge disaster to the land battlefield.

If the energy of the NATO coalition naval forces cannot be controlled or restrained, and the navy is not allowed to intervene in the battle on the ground, then this war will be very difficult.

At present, the two aircraft carrier battle groups are completely insufficient in terms of strength. What's more, the US aircraft carrier battle groups in the Pacific and mainland can also support them at any time.

According to Cai Ruichen's original plan, it is necessary to wait until the third aircraft carrier battle group has formed combat effectiveness before considering this war.

And it only takes another month or so to be completely enough. Originally in the plan, Iran’s Iranian IS, Range, and Life Guard could last for half a year or four months. This can only be said that Iran The troops are too disappointing.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen had to adjust part of the plan to keep the final strategic direction without deviation.

At this moment, in the console of the base, Cai Ruichen was staring at a US Raptor fighter jet near Isfahan in Iran.

This Raptor fighter was heading to Isfahan alone for combat missions, and was swaggering close to Isfahan.

When the war progressed to such a point, all the US fighter jets were relatively relaxed.

Because the IS, the Lange, and the Life Guard in Iran have all lost their air defense capabilities, even if there are individual air defense missiles, they are completely unable to cause any damage to the Raptor fighter jets.

The missiles on the individual air defense missiles also understand that they cannot lock stealth fighters.

Iran’s ground radar force has long been lost, and there is no anti-aircraft missile capable of intercepting at a high altitude.

But even if it is relatively relaxed, the attitude of this Raptor fighter is very standard.

The nose of the aircraft is directly pointed at to ensure the best invisibility of oneself, facing the enemy's position.

However, this Raptor stealth fighter did not perform radio silence and did not turn off the airborne active radar.

The invisible active radar wave was intercepted by the two passive guard radars beside Isfahan, and the signal of the Raptor fighter naturally appeared on the main map screen of the base.

Cai Ruichen secretly launched a science and technology expansion station in Isfahan for a long time, and the weapons and equipment supporting Israel, the Lange, and the Life Guard were all produced by the production units in this science and technology expansion station.

There are also two passive radars and two anti-aircraft missile launchers.

In the previous three months, the two radars and missile launchers have not been exposed.

Now is the time for the two radars and air defense missiles to come into play.

However, in order to ensure that he can kill with one hit, Cai Ruichen is like a lurking hunter, patiently waiting for the prey to approach step by step.


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