The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1398: Shoot down a Raptor fighter

On the edge of Isfahan, at an altitude of six kilometers, an elegant Raptor fighter flew peacefully in the air.

Inside the cobblestone-shaped canopy, Slater was leisurely watching the picture displayed on the radar.

Entering the Iranian battle in March, Slater relied on his own Raptor fighter. At the beginning of the battle, one person shot down a ghost fighter of the Iranian Air Force and two Panda fighters.

Because Slater is very familiar with these two fighter jets, as soon as he came into contact with the Iranian Air Force, with just three Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, he easily rushed to the three enemy planes.

With these three enemy fighters, Slater also became a hero pilot of the US Air Force. Two pandas and a ghost fighter were sprayed on the wings. He also successfully became the ace pilot of the US Air Force.

And brought him a medal, the honor of the stage, so that Slater has become a banner of the entire Raptor Fighter Wing in the past three months, which can be said to be a spring breeze.

In the past month, Verat has also performed more than one hundred combat missions. Although he never encountered Iran’s air force again, he was able to successfully support ground operations every time, destroying Iran’s Islam and Iran. A large number of ground radars from the Revolutionary Army and the Life Guard.

These are all achievements that cannot be erased. Slater even got the news that when this war is over, he will serve as a hero in the air combat and as a positive propaganda for the Air Force. When that time, his poster will appear on the homepage of domestic media and All air force recruitment advertisements.

This is the most affirmation of the hero of the Air Force, and it is also a very high honor. It means that as long as he does not commit any serious mistakes, he will surely have his place in the senior officers of the US Air Force in the future.

This mission will be Slater's 100th mission since the outbreak of the Iranian War. One hundred is a very commemorative number. Slater also takes this mission seriously.

After receiving information, I discovered a training camp for the IS, Lange, and Life Guards near Isfahan. This training camp is also an important training camp for the IS, Lange, and Life Guards to train snipers.

Therefore, the NATO Joint Command requires the Air Force to destroy this training camp as soon as possible, and kill the large number of IS, Lange, and Life Guard reserve snipers as much as possible.

Slater didn't feel any difficulty in bombing a fixed target on the ground. This was just a very ordinary task, and he didn't know how many times he had performed such a task.

However, since he was paying attention to his hundredth combat mission, Slater also wanted to make this mission as perfect as possible.

The order of the joint command is to destroy the training camp and eliminate as many trainers as possible.

In order to execute this order correctly, Slater also prepared a total of eight joint attack ammunition, enough to turn the entire training camp into a sea of ​​flames.

Today’s Iranian sky is very clear, cloudless, and the vast land is in sight.

It was exactly like Slater's mood now, it was quite pleasant.

On the mission map, the distance to the target was getting closer and closer. Slater habitually began to control the altitude of the flight, slowly lowering the altitude to three kilometers from the ground.

This height is the best attack distance for ground attack weapons, which can accurately drop the weapon into the target.

However, in order to better accomplish this task, after Slater descended to an altitude of three kilometers, the Raptor fighter did not maintain level flight close to the target, but continued to lower the altitude.

The lower the altitude, the smaller the probability of hit error. Slater doesn't want to waste all the bombs he carries this time. He wants to make sure that each one can fall on the target accurately.

In the end, the altitude of the Raptor fighter was maintained at an altitude of two kilometers, and the target was already in sight.

Leinster slowed down habitually, and the hidden magazine opened slowly at this moment.

When the roar of the plane flying at low altitude reached the ground sniper training camp, the body of the fighter also appeared above the training camp, the magazine was gone, and eight joint attack bombs fell one after another.

The intensive explosion instantly swallowed the training camp at the foot of the mountain, and the flames swallowed the entire training camp completely.

However, at this moment, on a mountain not far from the training camp, two anti-aircraft missiles with a white tail flame strung out.

Leinster, who had just completed the mission, smiled and looked at his masterpiece. He was about to control the fighter plane to return home. The locked siren immediately sounded inside the plane.

This made Slater too late to think, instinctively controlling the fighter to accelerate and preparing to evade.

However, the location of the training camp is not surrounded by plains. In front of the plane are undulating mountains, and missiles emerge from the mountains.

As soon as the Raptor fighter accelerates, it directly enters the sky above, and this position is exactly where the missile lifted off.

Before Slater had time to release the decoy, the missile had arrived near the Raptor and detonated.

Dense shrapnel and steel **** covered the entire sky. Slater felt that the whole world was spinning around, the plane was shaking violently, the sirens of the flight control system echoed in his ears, and the mountains were getting closer and closer.

The most important thing is that Slater felt that his pair was almost out of conscious, and the underside of the pair was all blood and blood, and the air current from the outside swept away from the position of the pair.

Both hands instinctively tried to pull up the joystick, but in vain.

If Slater could see his own Raptor fighter plane at this, he would definitely give up this futile struggle.

Two anti-aircraft missiles were detonated next to the fighter. The dense shrapnel directly shredded the wing on one side of the fighter. The fuselage was full of large and small bullet holes, and there was a large and small bullet hole under the nose. gap.

A few seconds ago, a perfect and elegant stealth fighter turned into a pile of tatters, which was really a bit of irony.

Slater worked hard for three times and determined that the plane was out of control, and immediately sent an emergency message to the joint command: "In the case of an attack, the plane is falling out of control."

In the joint command, there was only one answer, and that was to ask Slater to parachute immediately.

Slater was half-dazzled. When he looked very close to the mountains, he finally pulled the escape device. The gem cover of the cockpit was separated, the flight seat ejected from the plane, and the moment the parachute was opened, the Raptor fighter jet looked It plunged into the mountains and exploded and burned.

And Slater was completely dizzy and let the parachute land slowly.


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