The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1405: The embassy was bombed by the United States

Ao and Bama looked at the intelligence in their hands tangledly, and a short piece of information on the intelligence was given to him, as if it were of great importance.

Austria and Bama are not brave people, especially when facing important and big things, they always hesitate.

But now, Obama and Bama are also very clear that now is definitely not the time to hesitate.

He deliberately discussed with his staff what to do next, but he was worried that the main board of the F-22 Raptor fighter was sent to the territory of the Syrian Federation overnight.

At that time, even if the United States makes any decisions, it will be too late.

After hesitating for a long time, looking at the heavy intelligence in their hands, Austria and Bama finally spoke: "Give this information to General Griffin and let him handle it by himself."

It is really difficult for Austria and Bama to issue any orders related to this information, so they simply handed this matter to the people below to handle them.

Austria and Bama very much hope that this matter can be handled properly, but he underestimated Griffin's courage.

In other words, I underestimated Griffin's determination. Although Griffin's four-star general was pulled up by Austria and Bama, he represented the interests of the American political group behind him.

The American political group has never had a good impression of the Islamic Federation, especially after Israel disappeared from the earth, the political group very close to the Jewish group has directly regarded the Islamic Federation as an enemy.

When Griffin saw this conclusive information, he gave the order without hesitation.

In the Arabian Sea, the destroyer Jones received an order from the NATO Joint Command, requesting the destroyer Jones to launch two Tomahawk cruise missiles at the designated coordinates of Isfahan.

When the destroyer Jones received this order, it determined the location of the coordinates for the first time, but it turned out that it was the Embassy of the Islamic Federation.

Colonel Mike, the captain of the destroyer Jones, was a little speechless, and muttered to himself with the information: "What the hell, is the order wrong?"

For such an order, Mike did not dare to launch missiles directly. He directly contacted the NATO coalition command and confirmed the order: "I am the captain of the destroyer Jones, Colonel Mike. Please confirm the previous order. The target is the Syrian Federation. embassy."

"I'm Griffin, execute the order." Griffin personally connected the phone to confirm the order, and said very politely.

Hanging up the phone, Mike’s face was a little hesitant, and he even didn’t understand it, but at this time, he could only execute the order. Anyway, there was a tall man against it when the sky fell, and in the call just now, he himself Also recorded a copy.

But Mike was not very willing to give such an order. Looking at the order document in his hand, he couldn't help cursing in his heart: **** Jew.

"Execute the order and launch the missile."

Colonel Mike still gave the order, and everyone in the combat situation center also followed the coordinates on the order to confirm the missile launch.

Under the night, two Tomahawk cruise missiles soared into the sky from the destroyer's vertical launch system, and flew towards Iranian territory along the sea under the night.

The missile has been launched, and Cai Ruichen received this information for the first time.

It takes two hours for the missile to reach the embassy. Cai Ruichen immediately relayed the order to the Ghost Special Commando: "Notify the embassy, ​​everything is going according to the original plan."

Cai Ruichen did not directly communicate the communication to the embassy, ​​lest it be discovered by the American room.

Let the ghost special commandos go there, which is more conducive to concealment, and it will not leave any traces of communication.

In the small hotel opposite the embassy, ​​a pot of flowers was placed on the window sill of the hotel, and the people in the embassy immediately saw this obvious signal.

Everyone in the embassy also started to take action. After replacing some of the prepared backup materials and documents with the real ones, everyone also moved to the embassy’s safe house.

Cai Ruichen did not let his hands go to death, but there were still many victims deliberately left in the embassy.

These are all used to confuse the enemy, because outside the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Embassy, ​​a lot of eyes have been stared at, and the elite forces of the US Eighth Army are quietly gathering towards this place.

There is only one purpose, and that is to confirm that the main board of the F-22 Raptor fighter must remain in Isfahan and must not be sent to the territory of the Syrian Federation.

In order to be foolproof, after the attack is completed, the soldiers of the Eighth Army will block the area as soon as possible, search all the ruins, and make sure that the motherboard is really destroyed.

At this moment, even the US military did not know that Griffin had actually issued such an order.

The Eighth Army was not very clear about it either, but executed this strange-looking blockade order.

Two hours later, two Tomahawk cruise missiles landed precisely in the center of the embassy, ​​exploding violently, and the fire illuminated most of the city.

The calm building of the embassy was instantly covered by explosions and fire. The huge explosion shocked the entire commercial street of Isfahan, and all the embassies of other countries nearby were also shocked.

Looking at the fire and smoke from the location of the Iraq-Syria Federal Embassy, ​​all the ambassadors of the nearby embassies were very wonderful.

"Hurry up and send this news back. The Embassy of the Islamic Federation in Isfahan has been attacked."

The huge explosion almost razed the entire embassy to the ground ~ ~ half of the main building collapsed, dust and smoke filled the nearby airspace.

At this time, it seemed to be a good point. A battalion of the Eighth Army quickly appeared outside the embassy.

These American soldiers were all shocked looking at the embassy that exploded in front of them. The new order was also passed to the cavalry camp of the Eighth Regiment of the U.S. Cavalry Division, asking the cavalry battalion to enter the embassy as it exploded and save people. At the same time, find the computer motherboard of the F-22 Raptor fighter.

The cavalry battalion that received the order was about to start moving. At this time, on the street opposite the embassy, ​​three warrior assault vehicles rushed over.

These three warrior assault vehicles were all painted with embassy logos. The soldiers of the cavalry battalion quickly intercepted the three warrior assault vehicles.

In the stopped assault vehicle, a major in the uniform of the Iraqi-Syrian federation walked down and looked at the burning embassy on the opposite side with a gloomy expression, and then saw the street surrounded by US troops in front of him.

"Get out of the way." Facing the intercepted US soldiers, the short words showed the major's anger at the moment.


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