The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1406: There are few real misunderstandings in this world

At the door of the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Embassy, ​​the cavalry battalion of the Eighth Regiment of the US Cavalry Division, seeing the military attache of the embassy returning, he didn't know what to do for a while.

The battalion commander of the cavalry battalion, a U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, hurriedly ran to the major of the military attaché in Iran, saluted and said: "Major, we are going to enter the embassy and save the wounded inside, please don't get me wrong."

"I didn't misunderstand, so immediately let your soldiers get out of me." The major said very rudely.

The U.S. lieutenant colonel nodded and didn't say anything. The lieutenant colonel still didn't know what was going on with this matter, and the embassy area was equivalent to sovereign territory, and he had no reason to intercept the opponent.

Even if the opponent does not allow his soldiers to enter for rescue, then he has no way.

He ordered the soldiers to push away and let these people from the Iraqi-Syrian Federation pass. The lieutenant colonel watched as the minor corrector was about to get in the car, and hurriedly said: "Major, our medical vehicle will be here soon. You are not sufficiently staffed. I hope we can get in. Help you guys."

The major glanced at the burning embassy before getting in the car, but did not refuse, nodded and got in the car and left.

The US lieutenant colonel breathed a sigh of relief and immediately ordered all the soldiers to enter the embassy area and start rescue work.

As for this matter, how to deal with it is not something that his little lieutenant school can intervene.

At the same time, news that the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Embassy was hit by missiles quickly spread all over the world.

The first person to receive this news was naturally Ao and Bama. When he heard the news, he directly slumped in the seat.

But he didn't blame Griffin, because this is the easiest way at the moment, and it's also a one-time method.

And now, he also has to find a way to restore some things. Ao and Bama, who calmed down, immediately said to his secretary: "I will arrange it now. I will have a phone conversation with Cai Ruichen."

Cai Ruichen, who is far away in Marin Town, holds a simple resume in his hand. The person on the resume is the ambassador of the Islamic Federation in Iran.

On this resume, there is also an additional piece of investigation data from the intelligence department. This ambassador to foreign countries is a chess piece that Cai Ruichen has deliberately left in Iran, and a chess piece that will be dropped at any time.

Because this chess piece, the fart stock is not clean, if it were to be liquidated, this person would have been arrested and shot a year ago during an anti-corruption operation.

And this person is able to live now, not Cai Ruichen benevolent, nor Cai Ruichen wanting to let him go, but to wait for today.

To sacrifice such a scumbag, Cai Ruichen has no burden in his heart. Not only the ambassador, but also some people in the embassy are damned to Cai Ruichen, so these people don’t know all the plans. Tonight , They all go to bed early, and they are the kind of untouchable.

On the other hand, Cai Ruichen is also benevolent, at least it can make them die without feeling, and after death, Cai Ruichen will not disclose their **** corruption crimes, and will treat their remains as martyrs. Bring the wreckage back.

At least in terms of national strategic interests, these people are indeed martyrs.

Otherwise, if the two missiles come down and none of them die as a result, wouldn't it be weird.

Some people who should be sacrificed will naturally have to be sacrificed, just in time for the United States to take action to help itself remove the scum and worms of these governments.

It's just that next, the one who should act is still acting, and we can't live up to these sacrificed moths!

At the embassy scene, soldiers from the US cavalry battalion joined forces with the firefighters of the Iranian regular army who were rushing over to extinguish the flames of explosion.

Fortunately, in the construction of the embassy, ​​a certain amount of fire suppression was originally carried out, and there was nothing to burn. The explosion flame was soon almost extinguished.

A corpse was also carried out from the embassy until the body of the ambassador of the Islamic Federation to Iran was also found by the U.S. Army. At the same time, the main board of the F-22 Raptor fighter plane hidden in the ambassador’s clothes was also found. Lieutenant colonel commander, this was relieved.

However, at this time, the military attache major in Iran, holding a piece of missile wreckage, and a dozen guards from the embassy, ​​walked towards him angrily. Before reaching him, the missile wreckage in his hand was lost. On the body of the lieutenant colonel, I only heard the Yixu Federation Major said very angrily: "Look at what this is."

The lieutenant colonel was a little inexplicably smashed by the debris, looked down at the debris that fell on his feet, his face changed.

This is the wreckage of a missile, and the letter number of the Tomahawk cruise missile can be vaguely seen on it.

"This matter should be a misunderstanding." Facing the angry major, the lieutenant colonel knew what to say for a while, and could only defend as much as possible.

"Our great leader said that there are very few real misunderstandings in this world." The major became furious, but calmed down. He was too lazy to look at the other person, and he just waved away, before leaving, his faint voice came again: " When I give you one minute, get out of the embassy."

The lieutenant colonel picked up the wreckage of the missile on the ground, naturally, he was not in a good mood. As a lieutenant colonel of the U.S. troop troop, he felt that he had given the opponent enough respect, but he did not expect to be so despised by the opponent many times.

However, he had no better way to deal with this kind of thing. The embassy that exploded and the wreckage of American missiles found were beyond his reach.

With a wave of his hand Lieutenant Colonel also decisively left the embassy with all his subordinates.

The next thing is how to deal with the high-levels of both sides, and these have nothing to do with him.

Half an hour later, the lieutenant colonel hurriedly took the main board of the F-22 Raptor fighter to the NATO Joint Operations Command.

"Report to the general that the main board has been found." The main board was handed over to Griffin, and the lieutenant colonel completed his task.

Griffin stepped forward and patted the lieutenant colonel on the shoulder, then handed the motherboard to his staff, and said, "I will be technically determined immediately."

Ten minutes later, the result of technical determination came out. This is indeed the main board of the F-22 Raptor fighter. The information and data in it are quite complete, and there is no sign of copying.

This result gave Griffin a sigh of relief.

However, at this time, the entire NATO interior was already in chaos. The United States dispatched missiles and attacked the Embassy of the Islamic State. No one could sleep at this time. (~^~)

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