The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1409: Tough ultimatum

Twelve hours after the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Embassy was attacked by American missiles, at noon the next day, Cai Ruichen also gave a national television speech on the incident.

For the whole world, this matter is at best a post-dinner talk, but for the Islamic Federation, this matter is not a matter of talk, but an important event related to national honor and sovereignty.

Cai Ruichen personally gave a telephone speech to the outside world, and also gave a formal response to this matter.

Cai Ruichen stood blankly in front of the camera during a national television speech in the Iraq-Syria Federation.

And this speech was broadcast live worldwide without exception.

On the live broadcast platform of Future Technology Group, the big screen on the homepage also showed the scene of the speech, which instantly attracted hundreds of millions of viewers around the world.

"Twelve hours ago, the Chinese Embassy of the Islamic Federation in Iran was destroyed by two Tomahawk cruise missiles. Eight staff members of the embassy and the ambassador of the Islamic Federation to Iran died on the spot.

This is the biggest diplomatic event since the establishment of the Islamic Federation. Although the Islamic Federation is still young and has not achieved any status in the world, it does not mean that the Islamic Federation is facing such a situation and will remain silent. .

The Iraqi-Syrian Federation is not a powerful country. It has always been conscientious in developing its domestic economy. It has never said a word when it can provide relief to its friendly neighbors. It can be said that there is nothing to challenge both internally and externally. .

Although the United States said that this was just a misunderstanding and expressed regret over this matter, I also want to express my regret here. I don’t believe in the rhetoric of the United States. I am not a politician and I will not use my nationals and The lives of government diplomats are used as a bargaining chip for political transactions.

As the supreme leader of the Islamic Federation, I have the obligation and responsibility to provide every federal citizen with the most basic security and livelihood guarantee. At the same time, I have the right to safeguard the integrity of the country’s sovereign territory and the honor and dignity of the Federation.

Dignity is the foundation of the Federation’s foothold in the world, and it is also sacred and inviolable. Today we have made concessions. Tomorrow more people will trample on our dignity. To protect our dignity, there is no compromise. As the highest leader of the Federation , And every soldier in the Federal Guard, also determined that there would be no compromise.

Therefore, I am here to face all federal citizens, all the reporters at home and abroad, and the people of the world. I make two demands on the United States, to make the whole thing public to the whole world, and at the same time hand over all participating military personnel to Iraq. The Syrian Federation is tried by the laws of the Syrian Federation and reluctantly apologized to the Federation throughout the world to compensate the Federation and the families of the victims for all losses.

If the United States fails to meet the conditions of the appeal, we will reserve the use of all means to restore our lost dignity, and all the consequences will be borne by the United States. "

Cai Ruichen expressed his attitude very succinctly and almost gave the United States a final notice.

In fact, if it is such an incident, if the attitudes of both parties are very sincere, there is no need to get to this point.

But hegemony used to the United States, it is impossible to admit or apologize. For Cai Ruichen's ultimatum, the only result is to ignore it.

After the national TV speech, Cai Ruichen did not leave immediately. The reporter of Future Media Company also quickly stood up and asked Cai Ruichen on the podium: "Your Excellency, do all the means you mentioned include war?"

"Of course." Cai Ruichen nodded without hesitation, admitted directly, and said: "I have signed the Federal Guard to be ready for war at any time."

"If a war really breaks out, then may I ask whether it is against the United States or NATO as a whole."

"Injustice and debt are in charge."

After answering the second question, Cai Ruichen left directly in front of the camera and said that this national televised speech came to an end.

At this moment, whether it is government agencies of various countries, or ordinary citizens of the world, all have a feeling of desperation.

Cai Ruichen's courage and ambition, of course, has a tone, which is completely unlike what a politician said.

The most important thing is that his actions are not at all about negotiating with the United States on how to deal with this matter. It is more like issuing a ultimatum, asking the United States what to do, otherwise how to wait.

The United States has never encountered such a tone. Even the Soviet Union did not use such a tone to deal with the United States.

As Cai Ruichen said in his speech, he is not a politician, but in his own view, this sentence should be understood in this way, and he is not a politician who likes to wrestle.

However, his speech left the whole world with an upcoming storm.

Especially for countries, all countries originally thought that the Islamic Federation would protest at best, and then asked the United States to give an explanation. In the end, this matter was nothing.

After all, the U.S. has a strong momentum now and its forces are overwhelming the Middle East. Even if the Syrian-Israel federation has ideas, at this time, it should be clear about the situation, and at most it will take advantage of words.

However, all politicians in various countries were wrong, and Cai Ruichen's attitude showed no intention of peaceful settlement.

At the same time, the whole world has once again realized Cai Ruichen's character, this is definitely a guy who won't suffer at all.

Of course, Cai Ruichen's remarks have also won the praise of many people. After all, there are not many people in this world who can challenge the United States on, and there are not many people who dare to challenge the United States. several.

Put and Jing are one, the big boss is one, and then Cai Ruichen is the next one.

At this moment, many people realized that the Iraqi-Syrian Federation has already begun to compete with the United States.

In fact, in the international arena, many media have also analyzed the comparison of the armed forces of the Islamic Federation and the US military.

This has also given the whole world a good understanding of the Iran-Syria Federation. The results of various analyses have also shown that if it is fighting in the Middle East and facing the U.S. forces alone, the Iran-Syria Federation is definitely not Iran, and it is a war force.

After all, the Syrian-Israel Federation has used Israel to prove its powerful military power.

What's more, behind the Iraq-Syrian Federation, there is a future technology group, even Cai Ruichen's personal assets can be used to support this war.

Now the world's impression of the Iraq-Syria Federation has been refreshed. This is a country with a lot of money and force. Cai Ruichen has the confidence to attack the United States. To be continued. ..

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