The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1410: Send troops to your hometown?

: Six shifts will be sent first, four shifts will be delayed, and ten shifts are still breaking out today.

I would like to thank the classmates who appreciated on the WeChat account, and also thank the leader of the "Dunbi Panda" for rewarding 10,000 starting coins.

Cai Ruichen's national television speech caused an uproar in public opinion all over the world, and almost everyone was waiting for the attitude of the United States.

Cai Ruichen has already issued a final notice. Whether the United States will back down or face it tough is also completely determining the follow-up direction of the incident.

Of course, after hearing Cai Ruichen's attitude, the United States was also angry and condemned.

The United States has been the world for so many years, even the Soviet Union dare not give the so-called ultimatum to the United States.

Cai Ruichen is just a young man in his twenties, who is so defiant. How does this make the senior Americans able to swallow this breath?

The most important thing is that the United States has no reason to back down.

In this regard, as Cai Ruichen said, if the United States retreats at this time, it will be an extremely heavy blow to the United States’ global reputation.

Even if this matter is indeed wrong with the United States, it is impossible for the United States to admit it for the dignity of its hegemon and then complete all the conditions set by Cai Ruichen.

If it is a simple verbal apology, then the United States can still accept it. This can be regarded as maintaining the positive image of the United States in the international arena.

The angry high-level Americans can only suppress their inner anger at such times.

Because the attitude of other NATO members is very resolute, there is no problem sending troops to Iran, but if they fight against the Islamic Federation, they will launch this war.

This attitude mainly comes from France and the United Kingdom. Once war with the Syrian Federation begins, both Britain and France will order the aircraft carrier to withdraw from the war and announce that they will not participate in the war with the Syrian Federation.

Even Turkey claimed that once a war broke out between the US military and the Syrian-Israeli Federation, Turkey would not be able to continue to provide any logistical supplies to the US military.

The attitude within NATO made the United States suddenly plunged into a great passivity.

In fact, NATO is already very dissatisfied with the US missile strikes against the Embassy of Iran and Syria.

Because this matter is not clear within NATO, and at the same time their attitude is the same as Cai Ruichen, they do not believe that this is just an accidental injury caused by a mechanical failure.

From the perspective of NATO member states, this is all about the United States digging pits and burying itself. The Iran war has not ended, and it has to provoke even more powerful enemies.

Although the United States has expressed painstakingly that the Syrian-Israel federation had already premeditated, and that the Syrian-Israel federation had secretly supported a large number of weapons and equipment of IS, the Lange, and the Life Guard, NATO members could not listen at all.

As early as ten years ago, NATO members were no longer willing to wage war with the United States. This time, if it weren't for Iran's natural gas interests, NATO members would not buy the United States at all.

Now that the United States has unilaterally produced this kind of moth, it has become even more difficult for the member states to accept it.

In this regard, Obama and Bama also have considerable headaches. There is no way. He can only be promoted and order the new Secretary of State Kerry to go to Europe to express the meaning of the United States.

I hope that all NATO member states can understand the stakes.

Faced with Cai Ruichen's ultimatum, the spokesperson of the White House also quickly told the outside world.

The incident this time is indeed a misunderstanding. The United States is also willing to compensate the Islamic Federation and pursue the responsible persons at the same time. However, the United States cannot accept other conditions.

The United States also hopes that the Syrian-Israel federation can send specialized personnel to negotiate how to handle this matter properly, and finally get a result acceptable to both parties.

It was just that the United States responded with such a cold response. The spokesperson of the Isy-Syrian Federation imperial court also said immediately that the United States does not have the slightest sincerity and that the Isy-Syrian Federation simply cannot accept it. The United States can only fulfill the conditions set by the top leader of the Isy-Syrian Federation. Only then is it possible to be forgiven by the Islamic Federation.

At this moment, even the United States became silent.

At this time, the United States is not in a hurry. As long as the mood of NATO members can be dealt with, for the United States, even if it is a war against the Syrian Federation, there is no problem at all.

After Cai Ruichen finished his televised speech, his personal phone also rang.

As soon as the phone was connected, the big boss's emotional voice came: "We people are really old."

The call of the big boss was also in Cai Ruichen's expectation. When such a big thing happened, the big boss always listened to his own thoughts before he could decide what China would like to express next.

"Big boss, you are humble." Cai Ruichen said.

"This is not humility. There was no economy in my hometown, and the military power was too backward, so I can only swallow my anger. This is a shame to the Republic! Now there are similar incidents. You can be so firm in your bottom line. I feel very ashamed." The big boss said.

"Different times, the balance of power is also different, I can understand." Cai Ruichen said.

"Are you really ready to fight the United States?" the big boss asked.

"If the United States cannot give me an explanation, then I can only get back my dignity." Cai Ruichen said very firmly.

The big boss on the other side of the phone was silent for a moment before he said: "What do you need from your hometown to help you?"

The relationship between Iran and the Syrian-Iranian Federation is a relationship that is just like the anti-US aggression and aid Korea. As a leader with a long-term strategic vision, Cai Ruichen is absolutely not allowed to be surrounded by the other party's itinerary strategy.

The relationship between the Iraqi-Syria Federation and Shanazi's hometown is the same. Once the Iraqi-Syria Federation cannot continue to contain the energy of the United States here in the Middle East, the homeland will inevitably face the full encirclement of the United States again.

Of course Cai Ruichen also needs his hometown to contain the strategic layout of the United States in the Far East, otherwise Cai Ruichen will not be able to bear it in the face of the fully encircled United States alone.

The big boss said this to show his attitude.

"What if I say I need you to send troops directly to support?" Cai Ruichen said tentatively.

On the other end of the phone, the big boss was silent for longer, and seemed to be considering the pros and cons of sending troops, but the big boss didn’t really ask Cai Ruichen to wait for a long time, so he said directly: "I will prepare the troops to go abroad and wait. Your message."

He answered decisively, even without a word, meaning and attitude, resolute and bold.

This made Cai Ruichen an indescribable satisfaction and touch in his heart. In fact, he was completely testing the attitude of the big boss, not really needing the big boss to send troops.

The attitude of the big boss at the moment also gave Cai Ruichen infinite confidence. If the big boss can send troops, then he will have no problems.

To be continued. ..

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