The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1414: Red Police Soldiers Wedding

: Yesterday’s ten change, today’s ten change, and tomorrow’s change is tentative. Huali will continue to explode as much as possible, because Huali will leave Macheng soon and plan to return to Xiamen. During this time, work is also being transferred. Try to break out as much as possible, for fear that there will be no time to break out in the few days when you return to Xiamen and home.

In the Marin Future Technology Concept Park, two young men, a man and a woman, sit opposite each other in an augmented reality cafe full of science fiction.

The man wore a blue air uniform uniform with two bars and one star on his shoulders. He was a major.

Opposite him, there is a beautiful woman dressed very plainly, who looks only in her twenties.

At this age, in the past Iraq, she was the mother of several children.

But in current Iraq, federal laws stipulate that all men and women cannot marry and have children early. This is for the health of offspring.

Compared with Iraq a few years ago, the status of women has changed drastically. At least the free love in the past is simply unimaginable in Iraq.

Now, free love has become the norm for young men and women in the Federation.

"Areni, would you wait for me?"

In the cafe's deck, the atmosphere of the two men and women was somewhat depressed, and the troops immediately entered a state of war. Since the last Chinese Valentine's Day, in the past few months, nearly 100,000 pairs of young men and women have fallen in love.

However, they have not waited for love to blossom and bear fruit, yet they are faced with the emotional test brought about by a war. It is not a very pleasant thing for every young couple to watch their favorite man walk on the battlefield.

In the country and the world, when facing the motherland's need for herself, no woman has the courage to stop her man.

At least in the Iraq-Syria Federation, this is indeed the case.

This is the idea of ​​loyalty rooted in every federal citizen. In order to avoid the flames of war from re-burning on this bitter land, soldiers have to fulfill their mission even more.

Otherwise, the flames of war may re-ignite on this land in the future, and more people will be sacrificed at that time.

Hearing what her boyfriend said, Areni shook her head and said, "I don't want to wait for you because I am afraid."

"Don't worry, I will definitely come back alive." Air Force Major Liu Jianwei, a book friend, said seriously.

"Let's get married!" Areni shook her head after hearing this, then raised her gaze and said very firmly.

"But" Liu Jianwei hesitated. He didn't want the girl in front of him to pay for himself.

The war is full of crises. Although he has the confidence to come back alive from the battlefield, this is also his own inner belief, and it does not mean that he can definitely come back alive.

Especially as a fighter division of the Red Police Corps, his battlefield is above nine days. The opponent he faces is the world's most powerful opponent. Any small accident may not come back.

"Isn't there a few days left? Now that many, many people are registering for marriage, shall we go too?" Areni said very much.

"But I most likely won't be able to come back." Liu Jianwei said in a tangled mood. After just a few months of contact, he really liked the girl in front of him, but he didn't want to cause her long-term pain.

Once married, any accident on the battlefield would harm her. He really didn't have the courage to walk into the marriage hall with her at this time.

"Don't you like me?" Areni asked sadly when she saw Liu Jianwei's appearance.

"No, no, I love you very much, but because I love you, I don't want you to suffer any harm^" Liu Jianwei said incoherently.

"If you really love me, then let's get married!" Areni said nothing, but continued to insist very firmly.

Very simple and pure idea, because Areni knows very well that the next few days will be her ovulation period. If she is lucky, she really wants to give birth to a child for the man in front of her.

Before that, the two of them could not have any relationship. This was an order issued by Cai Ruichen. Only when they got married could they have an intimate relationship, in order to prevent their soldiers from becoming playboys.

After all, in the current Yi-Syrian Federation, although the social atmosphere is gradually opening up, the vast majority of women are still receiving the most traditional ideological education and are very conservative.

Liu Jianwei faced Aleni's sincere gaze, it was really hard for him to say the word rejection cruelly.

It's not that he didn't have the idea of ​​rejection, but he really didn't have the courage to say the word rejection again cruelly under these eyes.

Unable to resist Areni's gentle gaze, Liu Jianwei was finally defeated.

The two left the cafe and came to the place where the Red Police Corps soldiers registered their marriage. They registered their marriage smoothly.

At this time, the Red Police Corps also officially issued a notice, requesting all the Red Police soldiers who were being ordered to pick up girls to return to their original troops to report within seven days.

And Cai Ruichen will personally hold a grand wedding for all the newlyweds who are going to get married tomorrow.

This notice quickly spread throughout Marin City, and all the newlyweds who were in love came to register for their marriage one after another.

In the current Yi-Syrian Federation, love is a very new term, and emotions are all very pure.

On the second night of the notice, on the square of the Future Technology Concept Park, the Red Police soldiers of all levels who were married were all dressed up with their wives.

All the newlyweds also prepared for a whole day. Future Technology Group not only prepared gifts for all the newcomers, but also shouldered all the expenses of this grand wedding. Even the bride’s wedding dresses belong to Future Technology Group. Provided for free.

On the wedding day, nearly 400,000 people gathered at the wedding site. There were various media organizations and, of course, today's protagonist, a total of nearly 90,000 pairs of newcomers, and some family members came to participate.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Cai Ruichen took Hua Meixue's hand and appeared at the ceremony on time.

Facing the 90,000 pairs of newcomers on the square, Cai Ruichen was naturally very excited.

"After three months of love, congratulations to each new couple, finally achieving a positive result. I am also very honored to stand here to host this grand wedding for all the new couples."

After the simple beginning, Cai Ruichen's voice immediately became a little heavier. He stood in front of the microphone and said: "Today was originally a happy day. We should also talk about some relaxed and happy topics, but I still want to say something To say that it takes a lot of courage to like a soldier, especially a soldier from the Federation, especially at this time, I can see 90,000 pairs of newcomers standing in front of me. I am very moved."

Standing next to the microphone, Cai Ruichen bowed to all the newcomers in front of him and said, "I thank every bride who bravely chooses a federal soldier."

To be continued. ..

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