The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1415: America bewitching allies

The grand wedding came to an end. Cai Ruichen completed 90,000 families in one go and solved the life-long events of 90,000 Red Police soldiers.

Although such a thing is not a big deal for the status of a national leader, it is a very meaningful thing for Cai Ruichen, who has always regarded the Red Police Corps as his family.

The Red Police soldiers are not numb war machines, nor are they fanatical war elements. They have their own emotions, sorrows, ambitions and ideals. Cai Ruichen feels that he also has the responsibility to help them get married.

In the future, the Red Police Corps will inevitably face a process of retirement, so that they will not be left alone.

They selflessly give everything for themselves, as leaders, they are bound to be responsible for their lives.

Although only 90% of the previous 100,000 pairs of men and women can really come together, Cai Ruichen is already very satisfied.

And these women from the Iraq-Syria Federation, knowing that their husband may be on the battlefield tomorrow, resolutely choose to marry him, this spirit is also worthy of admiration.

To this end, Cai Ruichen also issued a new military welfare policy. Every female family who is willing to marry a red police soldier is given the greatest policy care. It really makes the Iraqi-Syrian Federation feel that the glorious reality of one person joining the army and the whole family interest.

While Cai Ruichen was busy holding weddings for his subordinates, the heads of NATO member states all came together once again thanks to the efforts of US Secretary of State Kerry.

Kerry, who has spent a lot of effort, gathered the heads of NATO member states to the network site of the temporary NATO heads of state summit.

All the heads of state of the member states are fighting the scene of the video chat, and Austria and Bama also appear very seriously on the pictures of all the heads of state.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what I want to say next is a very serious matter. We all have the same concerns when facing the issue of the Islamic Federation together, and the concerns of the United States are far greater than those of the so-called concerns. need more.

I believe you are all well aware that although the future technology group has upgraded the global manufacturing industry, especially the manufacturing industry of the high-tech industry, it has brought huge lift to the global economic development, and promoted the rapid development of the global high-tech economy. The global economic weakness and the European economic crisis.

Of course, it has also greatly eased the economic pressure on the United States, brought huge economic growth points to the United States, and eased employment pressure.

At present, the United States, like Europe, is driven by the Future Technology Group and a large number of surrounding companies, which has brought millions of jobs and created huge economic benefits. If under normal circumstances, we should naturally not be offended. Future Technology Group.

Especially in the United States, the eight million people poisoned in Washington also need to rely on the antibody drugs of future biomedical companies to maintain their lives. Once they have a relationship with Cai Ruichen, the lives of these eight million people will probably be difficult to maintain, and all countries need it. Import anti-cancer and anti-AIDS drugs from Future Technology Group.

Therefore, I can understand that everyone is not willing to be an enemy of the Future Technology Group. If it is the United States, it is unwilling to be an enemy of the Future Technology Group for no reason. "

At the beginning of the online video summit, Austria and Bama talked a lot sincerely, and explained the interest relationships that the Future Technology Group has established with Europe and the United States over the years.

As for the stakes, there is no need to say more. Once there is no Future Technology Group, it will be an extremely heavy blow to the current world economy. The global economy will directly regress for several years, even more than the economy before the Future Technology Group appeared. The situation is even worse.

Future Technology Group monopolizes all high-tech industries in the world, and has close cooperation in technology supply with high-tech companies in various countries. Once the support of core technology is lost, all countries will face the crisis of losing core technology. .

This is also the biggest dilemma facing countries. It is not that they do not work hard, but it is very difficult to catch up with the technological footsteps of the future technology group in just a few years.

In the past few years, enough time for all high-tech industries to go bankrupt, it would be a huge disaster.

As soon as Austria and Bama opened their mouths, they expressed everyone's concerns, and they also compared the United States in order to tell the heads of each NATO member state that the situation in the United States is definitely much worse than in Europe.

This fact is also to tell everyone that the price the United States will pay will be even greater.

It is also this passage that makes all NATO member states wait patiently for the following from Austria and Bama.

"But have you ever thought about it. Once the Islamic Federation really rises in the Middle East, what will Cai Ruichen do next?"

When Obama and Bama spoke directly, they asked directly. In fact, everyone can basically predict this question.

Judging from Cai Ruichen's code of conduct, it will inevitably continue to grow in strength. The current Iraq-Syria Federation is already very difficult to deal with, and it will be even more impossible to deal with it in the future.

Especially the strong manufacturing capabilities of the Future Technology Group are amazing. For such a country, just give him time, and the future will inevitably fly into the sky.

This is enough to give a glimpse of the degree of progress in the development of the Islamic Federation over the past few years.

There is no doubt at all, and no corroboration is needed to discuss this fact.

Once the Iraqi-Syrian Federation becomes stronger, what will it do next?

This issue is also quite clear. I am afraid that the first time it will be to recover all domestic oil rights and interests.

Oil interests are also the most intuitive economic benefits in front of At present, 70% of the oil interests in Iraq are divided by NATO members, and less than 30% are In the hands of the Iraqi government, which is now the hands of the Islamic Federation.

Nowadays, Iraq's oil extraction capacity has been greatly improved. It is impossible for the Iraqi-Syrian Federation to look at its own national oil as banknotes in the pockets of others.

Based on Cai Ruichen’s habits and personality, he must have rectified domestic oil rights and interests. Now it seems that Cai Ruichen has no attitude or actions at all. It is because of the problem of national power. Once the national power becomes stronger, he will inevitably be on the issue of oil. knife.

At that time, NATO members will also have to make concessions because of the powerful military and economic influence of the Islamic Federation.

The oil benefits finally obtained, I am afraid that will become a thing of the past.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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