The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1416: Seize the share of Future Technology Group

A very practical issue for Austria and Bama has also touched upon the heart of every NATO member state.

This is a problem that will inevitably be faced in the future, and this problem must not be solved in the future.

But the problem is that the solution is not easy now. The Iraqi-Syrian Federation has once again revealed its vigor. Once it uses normal means to raise the issue of oil rights, it will inevitably be taken back by Cai Ruichen.

When the time comes, Iraq's oil will surely be controlled by Cai Ruichen's tough methods.

"There is no need to wait for the future. If we make concessions, Cai Ruichen will dare to immediately recover the oil rights in Iraq. It only needs one sentence, that is, the past government has nothing to do with the current government, and it can be denied. Everything, we must know that once we make a concession, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation has such confidence to deny everything that has been done before, because we dare not say anything to the Iraq-Syrian Federation. The courage and strength of the words are based on the foundation of strength. Once we become weak, everything will be irreversible."

Obama and Bama said very pertinently. In fact, the United States is not really worried about this issue, but at this time, he must also tell the worst of the matter so that the NATO members of the United States can understand it.

When it comes to everyone's pain, the following topics can only continue.

The harm of the stakes has been clarified, so the next step is to talk about the benefits.

The best way to bring a group of pragmatists together is not a common threat, but a common interest.

Austria and Bama are very clear about the thoughts of their allies and their inner concerns, but once they have enough benefits, no concerns exist.

Of course, this benefit must be large enough, and it is still a benefit that everyone can eat.

"For the Iraq-Syria Federation, we only have one real concern, and that is Cai Ruichen, because the Future Technology Group belongs to him alone. Any foreign organization or individual cannot penetrate the needle or splash water, but all of this , Must be built on a strong foundation.

The former Future Technology Group was still very weak. It relied on the trust and help of the U.S. government to develop to where it is today. In the past two years, Future Technology Group feels that its strength is sufficient and does not need U.S. protection. Put America aside.

This is definitely Cai Ruichen's major decision-making error. Although the United States is moving eastward strategically and is also giving up its dominance in the Middle East, this does not mean that the United States has completely abandoned the Middle East.

The most important thing is that Cai Ruichen too underestimated the determination of the United States. I believe that the technology industry owned by the future technology group is very attractive to everyone. "

Austria and Bama said a topic that was of great interest to everyone, and the last short sentence came directly to everyone's heart.

The technology of the Future Technology Group is naturally something that everyone is interested in. A large number of core technologies are all controlled by the Future Technology Group.

The most important thing is that Mirae Technology Group's sales of more than four trillion US dollars this year are like a golden mountain, placed in front of everyone.

No matter how ordinary people are, it is difficult to resist such huge economic benefits. The annual sales of four trillion US dollars all rely on the huge profits brought by those core technologies.

If this core technology can be mastered in one's own hands, it has been a little profit so far, which represents an increase in national strength and an economic leap.

In the next few decades, there will be no need to worry about economic issues.

"White people's technology has always been among the world's leading ranks, but the emergence of the future technology group has brought a huge impact to our technology companies. Although the high-tech industries of various countries have greatly improved, they are also accompanied by The decline of many companies, but if such technology is in our hands, then we will no longer have to worry about Russia, and we will not need to worry about the rise of the third world countries. The technological advantage we have will lead the gap of 20 years. , Expanded to 50 years, and even able to maintain a leading position for a long time.

White people will still be the dominant person in this world. Are you not tempted by this? Do we like to accept the embarrassment that this core technology is always under control? Do we need to continue to accept the constraints of future technology groups for the sake of immediate economic benefits? In the face of the global interest layout, we have to be timid. ? "

As soon as Obama and Bama’s words fell, the British Prime Minister spoke: "Mr. President said that there is a little truth, but don’t forget that after the Israeli War, at least forty nuclear warheads fell in the hands of the Syrian Federation, and Iraq The carrier rocket technology of the Syrian Federation is very mature. If you want to seize the technology of the future technology group, I am afraid that it will face a nuclear war."

The words of British Prime Minister Cameron cooled the fire in everyone's hearts.

This is the most practical. The nuclear warheads obtained from Israel by the Syrian-Israel Federation, combined with the launch vehicle technology of the future space company, can be turned into intercontinental nuclear missiles at any time.

Once the Future Technology Group is really pushed to the final juncture, don't expect the Future Technology Group not to use these nuclear weapons.

Forty nuclear warheads, once a few have landed in Europe, this is an unprofitable business.

After all, the Middle East cannot be compared with the prosperity of Europe.

"The missiles must also be able to fall. I believe that the anti-missile system that we have worked so hard to build to defend against the missiles of the Syrian Federation is absolutely no problem.

After all, no matter how powerful the Iran-Syria Federation is, it is difficult to develop an intercontinental missile comparable to Russia's Yars in a short time. What's more, Israel's nuclear warheads are all very old nuclear warheads and do not have terminal mobility at all.

In Turkey, we have also deployed three THAAD systems. As soon as the missiles appear, we will be able to organize defenses as soon as possible. "

Austria and Bama are well aware of everyone’s concerns. After all, nuclear weapons are still something to talk about. A small nuclear warhead can destroy a city and bring huge political disasters. Once a nuclear explosion occurs, it is estimated that The head of state cannot escape the fate of being nailed to a cone.

However, the United States is more confident. The most important thing is that the United States has repeatedly assessed that the Islamic Federation has no ability to hit the United States at all. As for Europe, it is only a dead fellow but a poor way.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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