The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1417: The out-of-control missile fell on the U.S. warship

Regardless of the various secret transactions and exchanges between NATO members, Cai Ruichen has also been actively preparing for war.

As for NATO, Cai Ruichen has already determined long ago. If the United States is willing to spend its money, it will be able to move NATO members.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen was also prepared to face NATO members from the beginning.

However, he did not intend to ease the United States. The current U.S. forces are still constrained by the Islamic State, the Lange, and the Life Guard in Iran. This is also a good opportunity for the Islamic Federation to start.

Five days have passed since the embassy was bombed, and the United States has yet to give a clear answer.

At this time, the Yi-Syrian Federation naturally stopped doing it.

On the evening of the fifth day of the incident, the Islamic Federation suddenly announced that it would test launch a launch vehicle in the direction of the Indian Ocean at night.

This is a brand-new carrier rocket that uses a series of brand-new technologies, but the stability of the missile is difficult to guarantee.

Even the Iraq-Syrian Federation has repeatedly emphasized in the announcement that the missile may lose control immediately after it is launched, and who does not know where it will fly.

Such strange news has made all the insiders in the world a little messy.

The technological development of the Future Technology Group has always given people a very secure feeling. Without absolute certainty, it is impossible to launch so-called new products.

But now, it was suddenly announced that he would test fire an out-of-control missile, and the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

That is this missile. It was definitely deliberately caused by the Iraqi-Syrian Federation to get out of control. As for the target that fell, it is unclear.

However, all eyes were on the Americans. The target of this missile can only be directed at the United States.

Now that the United States announced that the two previous missiles were out of control, it only hit the Iraq-Syrian Federal Embassy. Now, if the Iraq-Syrian federal missiles are out of control and hit the United States, it is not surprising at all.

Specifying an attack target is an active act of war, but if it is put on an unexpected halo, there will be something to say.

Just as the United States is arguing for its actions, the reason is exactly the same.

Moreover, the advance statement of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation is more like telling the United States that the troops around the Iraq-Syrian Federation should prepare for defense as soon as possible. Otherwise, if they are hit, don't blame me, I have notified them in advance.

In response to this, the United States also responded immediately, demanding that the Islamic Federation should not mess around.

The Iran-Syrian Federation’s response was even more straightforward. The test firing of this missile had been planned a few months ago, but I didn’t expect that the current Iran-Syrian Federation has gathered so many American military forces. , If there is really something wrong, it can only be blamed on the Americans for hitting the gun.

However, the Syrian Federation is still more pertinent. After responding, it also stated that in order to avoid misunderstandings, it is hoped that the US warships near the Indian Ocean to the Arabian Sea should leave. Otherwise, don't blame the Syrian Federation.

Of course, it is impossible for the United States to withdraw its fleet on such a knot.

The United States, which has no alternative, also ordered all its troops to be prepared for anti-missile missiles. Once the Iraqi-Syrian Federation missiles really fall, they must intercept them at all.

This is a contest that can be said to be negotiated. As for the result, it will soon appear.

That night, two V-2FJ ballistic missiles that were erected at the same time were launched into the air at a missile test base near Basra in the Islamic Federation.

Only when the missile was lifted into the air, the crack generator had already covered the missile’s radar signal, tail flames and flares.

When the missile had entered the atmosphere and was about to cross over the Persian Gulf, after the warhead and the second propulsion module separated, the phased array radar on the US fleet also discovered the missile signal in the sky.

At this time, the two warheads, almost overlapped one after the other, fell rapidly towards the NATO coalition aircraft carrier battle group at sea.

The NATO combined fleet, which was cruising in the Arabian Sea, immediately sounded the anti-missile siren.

The missile signal that appeared on all destroyer radars had only one obvious dot.

But the speed is extremely fast. After entering the atmosphere, the spiral propeller behind the missile warhead turns the warhead of the missile and also performs the final boost. The speed of the missile directly exceeds seven times the speed of sound during the descending process. , Approaching eight times the speed of sound.

Moreover, on the missile warhead, a lot of predictive fuel for boosting is reserved to bring sufficient power for the maneuvering of the missile warhead.

What the U.S. Navy does not know is that at this moment, the falling missiles are not one, but two, and both missiles are aimed at the destroyer USS Jones on the sea.

Cai Ruichen didn't want to make things difficult to deal with at such a time, so he just wanted to give the United States a chance.

The US fleet on the sea also began anti-missile interception. Several standard 3 interceptor missiles were launched from the destroyer's vertical launch system and flew toward the missiles in the sky.

But a scene that surprised all Americans appeared. When a missile fell rapidly in the sky, when it encountered an interceptor, it was able to change its orbit very flexibly to avoid the explosive range of the interceptor.

The interception of several standard three missiles all failed.

This made the US fleet up and down, losing face.

In the next moment, more missiles will be launched into the air. If they cannot be intercepted this time, the missiles will fall on the fleet.

And from the flexible evasion of this missile warhead, it is basically certain that this missile is definitely aimed at a certain warship below.

Fortunately, the second intercept seems to have been successful. From the radar screen, it can be seen that several intercepting missiles successfully surrounded the fallen warhead of the missile, and the fuze was successfully detonated.

But in the next second, all the American sailors who were about to cheer all discovered in horror that the missile warhead signal on the radar had not disappeared.

At this time, the last boosting fuel of the missile's warhead was also ejected, further increasing the falling speed of the missile to nine times the speed of sound.

In the U.S. fleet, all the expressions on everyone’s faces were frozen. The missile fell and aimed exactly at the USS Jones, which was sailing at a speed of 25 knots, and hit the USS Jones’ bridge directly, drilling directly into the center of the bridge. Among the warships.

The violent explosion and fire light instantly rose up on the sea.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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