The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1418: Sinking the USS Jones Aegis

PS: Yesterday there was a power outage from noon to eleven o’clock last night. Gorgeous was about to go to bed. As a result, the phone came and I got up and coded four thousand words. It was after three o’clock that it finally completed these four chapters. I was very sleepy. At this point, everyone was asleep, but at any rate the next day I could see the updated chapter immediately.

Seeing that gorgeousness has always had no credit and hard work, cast one or, let gorgeousness have some comfort.


In the Arabian Sea, most of the officers and soldiers of the NATO combined fleet gathered on the bridge, looking at the bright sea in the distance.

At nine times the speed of sound, the missile warhead relentlessly crashed into the top of the Jones bridge, the missile directly penetrated into the ship, and the trigger fuze directly detonated the high explosive in the warhead.

It can be seen that the entire hull of the Jones, which has a displacement of 10,000 tons, was directly broken into two pieces. In the burning and explosion, in the submerged seabed, few soldiers on the Jones were able to dive and escape.

Just like this, a 10,000-ton large drive is gone. The warship that cost more than one billion U.S. dollars, or the Jones, which has just been modernized and upgraded, has become a thing of the past.

The whole process is only a few seconds.

When the four-star Admiral Wiles, the commander of the NATO fleet, saw this goal, he almost smashed the pipe in his hand.

"This is a war. It is definitely a war. Call the Pentagon immediately to retaliate against the Syrian Federation..."

On the command ship, Wiles' roar can be heard almost everywhere.

Since World War II, the U.S. Navy has not suffered such a huge loss. An Aegis destroyer was sunk in his own eyes. No one as a commander can accept such a fact.

The most important thing is that the entire attack process was clear and sharp, and it was a premeditated attack.

From the very beginning, the missile rushed toward the destroyer Jones, which was definitely a premeditated precision strike by the Iraqi-Syrian Federation.

In order to retaliate against the United States, because the two missiles that attacked the Syrian Federal Embassy were launched from the USS Jones.

An embassy, ​​nine people died, using a modern Aegis destroyer and more than one hundred American sailors on the ship to retaliate. I am afraid that only Cai Ruichen in the world dares to do so.

After the missile was launched, the Iran-Syria Federation also announced to the public that the missile had indeed lost control after the launch. If the Iran-Syria Federation Missile Laboratory wanted to start the missile self-destruction program, it would be difficult to control the missile's self-destruction.

However, after this news, another news followed.

The U.S. Pentagon directly announced that the Syrian-Israel Federation launched a military operation against the U.S. forces. A missile attacked the destroyer USS Jones. Only six people from the captain to the crew of the ship survived.

The remaining people were either buried in the sea, or were directly swallowed by the explosion of the warship.

The atmosphere between the Syrian Federation and the United States suddenly reached a freezing point.

Almost all Americans who have never suffered such a big loss are almost jumping.

In response, the Islamic Federation immediately issued a statement that this time the missile test had already informed the world in advance that the missile was out of control and it was able to break through the US aircraft carrier battle group and the layered missile defense network. It was a coincidence. Hit the destroyer USS Jones, and for this series of coincidences, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation expressed its great regret.

The Goddess of Luck is really not optimistic about the United States, so many impossible probabilities, unexpectedly all appeared at the same time.

Regarding the fate of the USS Jones, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation also expressed that it was really too unfortunate, and expressed deep regret for all the American sailors who died.

Finally, it was also expressed that the Iraqi-Syrian Federation will deal with those responsible for the accidental damage caused by this missile to the US Navy.

And it has been repeatedly emphasized that all this is just an accident and all misunderstandings.

Such a reaction is almost the same as the previous US performance of missile strikes against the Embassy of Iran and Syria.

This makes the United States feel as uncomfortable as having swallowed several kilograms of flies.

However, like the Iraq-Syrian Federation, the United States naturally cannot just let it go.

No matter how upset the U.S. may be, and the ups and downs, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation has also demonstrated its firm attitude with practical actions.

Cai Ruichen also used this action to tell the world that he is definitely not the kind of person who can bow his head under power.

Even if he is facing the United States, he will not back down.

Although Cai Ruichen's behavior has stimulated the turbulence of the local structure, it has also brought great encouragement to many third world countries.

Of course, more is the admiration for Cai Ruichen's courage.

Dare to respond to the United States in this way, not only interprets the spirit of blood for blood, but also tells the Americans that the fleet is not safe here in the Arabian Sea.

I also told the Europeans that the Mediterranean Sea is no longer a European back garden swimming pool.

I can kill a US Aegis destroyer casually today, and I can kill an aircraft carrier tomorrow.

This hand also shocked the world very well. While the governments of both sides were still arguing about this matter, the NATO fleet also consciously moved away from the homeland of the Islamic Federation.

In particular, the US Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean and the British Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier battle group almost retreated directly to the side of the Strait of Gibraltar.

In the international arena, countless netizens are also noisy. For Cai Ruichen's daring behavior, almost all Internet users in third world countries can't help but praise Cai Ruichen.

Especially in his hometown, Cai Ruichen's name has once again become the headline of the domestic news media, and Cai Ruichen's image has become even more powerful.

"Cai Nan God, really a man, domineering enough."

"Only Mr. Cai in the world can dare to challenge the Americans."

"This is definitely Chi Guoguo's face slap. The proud head of the United States is about to be swollen."

"I have decided. From now on, I won't chase stars anymore. From now on, I will be Mr. Cai's fan."

"It feels like watching a blockbuster, Mr. Cai is definitely more wise than all the protagonists in movies and TV."

"Maybe the United States will jump over the wall in a hurry, I'm going to protect Mr. Cai."


When the news that the destroyer Jones was sunk by missiles spread throughout his hometown, Cai Ruichen’s personal Weibo has been maxed out by messages every second, almost all of them support For this A Chinese who has gone abroad can now bring confidence and glory to the Chinese nation. Almost all citizens worship without reservation.

Facing countless comments on Weibo, Cai Ruichen also surprisingly posted a message on his Weibo claiming: "This is just a misunderstanding!"

As soon as five short words appeared, it seemed that Cai Ruichen was also clarifying this matter.

But as a result, Cai Ruichen's personal Weibo message contained thousands of replies neatly.

"It's all misunderstandings, we all understand." After the reply message, they all had the same expression, they all understood.

Cai Ruichen just laughed at this, and then turned off his Weibo. It is enough for everyone to know something.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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