The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1426: Formally submit the battle book

After hearing the news in Austria and Bama in Luxembourg, Europe, the whole person collapsed directly on the seat.

The attack of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation came so unprepared, and Austria and Bama also clearly realized that they still underestimated Cai Ruichen's courage.

The United States has always been strong, and no one dared to challenge the authority of the United States. It also made the top Americans believe that it is impossible for the Islamic Federation to initiate a war against the United States.

This kind of thinking has been rooted in the hearts of every American since World War II. More than half a century has passed. The United States has always been a supernatural existence. The United States has always beaten people and has never been beaten.

But now, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation has taught the Americans a good lesson. In this world, there are people who really dare to beat the United States, and they are the kind that kill them when they do it.

At this moment, the entire Middle East has also become a mess, and the US military's military forces in the Middle East have all become part of the steel broth.

Austria and Bama also suddenly lost the idea of ​​continuing negotiations with NATO members. He now wants to return home as soon as possible, and then announce this heavy news to the entire United States.

After boarding Air Force One, Austria and Bama set off for the first time to return home. At this time, almost all the heads of NATO member states sent news.

Austria and Bama had only a very simple unified reply: "The war broke out. Do you still have to wait for the Iraqi-Syrian Federation to step into Europe?"

At this time, the American people who had not reached midnight did not know that the tens of thousands of American troops in the Middle East were being beaten up and down by missiles.

The Pentagon, on the other hand, is already under total martial law, and all the top political leaders in the United States have gathered in the interim presidential office.

The coming of the war not only caused Austria and Bama to be caught off guard, but also all the senior American government officials were shocked.

Many people here still have the flushing color of drunk paper and gold on their faces, and even on the shirts inside, there are still sexual red lips.

Seeing this scene, Michael, the chairman of the US Joint Council of Staff, had a look of anger on his face, and the Secretary of Defense Carter next to him was more helpless.

At this time, Austria and Bama were not in the United States. The top military commander of the U.S. military was on his way back, and the domestic military was naturally handled by Carter.

Michael, who is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is Carter, Obama, and Bama's chief military adviser, but in fact, the person who really commands all the US military operations is Michael.

Because the Secretary of Defense and the President are the coordinators, and the responsibility of directing operations naturally falls on the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

At this time, it was the busiest time of American nightlife. Watching some swaying people inside, Michael was full of murderous hearts.

However, he also forcibly endured his own anger. For these politicians, he had no right to treat them, after all, they were not his own soldiers.

"You guys, I believe everyone has already understood the matter. Just half an hour ago, the Syrian and Islamic Federation launched a full-scale attack on our military forces in the Middle East. This is an attack comparable to the Pearl Harbor incident."

Having said this, Michael looked serious, took a deep breath and said: "I have to tell everyone that all our military bases on the Arabian Peninsula have been destroyed under the attack of the Islamic Federation. A total of more than 500 tactical missiles were deployed, hundreds of fighter jets were dispatched, and airborne troops were dispatched. Our base was finished, and all the living soldiers were captured."

Michael glanced at everyone present and found that when all but a part were still drunk and dim, the anger really couldn't be suppressed, and he roared: "Have you heard? All our military bases in the Arabian Peninsula are all It's over, isn't the wine awake yet?"

Michael's roar finally made everyone awake, and then everyone's expressions became very ugly at the same time.

At this time, the chairman of the House of Congress, seeing Michael’s appearance, he also snarled in irritation: "Is this the only news given by the military? How much money Congress grants the military every year and how many years has the anti-missile system been built? Now I still have the face to speak loudly here, wouldn't the military review its own arrogance and arrogance..."

The chairman of the congressman did not drink. He is also the third person in power besides the president and the vice president. Even Carter can only listen to the rant of the other party and can't say a word.

After all, people are right. This incident is a failure of the US military's military power. No one else can be blamed.

After the chairman of the congressman vented the fullness to the military, he also uttered a slap in the face to those who drink.

It was originally a break time, and there is nothing wrong with drinking some wine, but whoever lets these drinkers encounter this kind of thing, especially in such an emergency.

"Mr. President will arrive in Washington for a few hours, but I have received the President's authorization order to declare war on the Syrian Federation." Carter said after the chairman of Congress calmed down.

"Congress has no money..." Without even thinking about it, the chairman of the congressman said directly: "The Iranian war is about to drain its finances. The war can be done, and the funds are resolved by themselves."

After the congressman chairman finished speaking, he slammed the door and left here.

A war is not over yet, and now it’s about to fall into a larger war loop. The government naturally wants money, but where does the United States get the money to fight the This war, even Congress If you want support, there is no financial support.

At the same time, Cai Ruichen's declaration of war also appeared in the hands of the U.S. ambassador to the Syrian Federation who has not yet left.

At this time, almost most of the media also received the news and almost surrounded the imperial court.

Not long after, Cai Ruichen also appeared at the gate of the imperial court, facing the gathered reporters, and said blankly: "As everyone said in the news, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation is officially at war with the United States, and the United States has repeatedly I can only use my strength to pull down the proud head of the United States until the United States can talk to me in a face-to-face view."

Cai Ruichen's very simple sentence made the faces of all the reporters extremely exciting.

And Cai Ruichen didn't give these reporters any time to ask questions, so he turned around and walked into the gate of the imperial court.

The battle between the Iraqi-Syrian Federation and the United States will inevitably cause a huge disturbance. As for how outside will be discussed, Cai Ruichen cannot control it. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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