The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1427: Fight back against Little Japan with the results

When more missiles from the Syrian-Israel Federation flew to Turkey and Iran, no matter which country it was in the world, no matter what time it was, all of them interrupted this important news for the first time.

Yesterday the whole world was still discussing in depth. Cai Ruichen's so-called arrogance and arrogance, no one thought that the war would really break out in less than twenty-four hours.

And it came so suddenly that when the news spread across the Internet, the whole world was in an uproar.

Almost everyone thinks that Cai Ruichen must be crazy, and he took the initiative to launch a military war against the United States. Compared with the powerful military power of the United States, the Syrian and Islamic Federation has no chance of winning at all.

But the conclusive news is placed in front of everyone, even if you don't believe it, you can only believe it.

Major military communities and websites have also published detailed comparisons of the military forces of the two sides. Canadian Hanhe Defense Review also relentlessly pointed out:

"In the contest between the Iraqi-Syrian Federation and the U.S. military system, there is no advantage at all. Although the military strength of the Iraq-Syria Federation is also highly modernized, it lacks long-term training and development, and the size of its forces is not very sufficient. Although the armament production capacity is sufficient, it is difficult to control the air supremacy. After the war begins, perhaps because of the premeditated sneak attack, it may have a little advantage and advantage, but it is difficult to restore the next air supremacy battle...

Once the war loses air supremacy, the armaments industry of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation will be quickly destroyed by the U.S. military. If the armaments industry is lost, the war situation will also show a one-sided situation, and the U.S. military has more than two thousand third-generation fighter jets. It is enough to establish an air superiority status, not to mention that the Iraqi-Syrian Federation does not have a fourth-generation stealth fighter, and it is completely unable to face the fourth-generation fighter of the US military.

In terms of navy, the Syrian-Israel Federation has two aircraft carrier battle groups and has shown a shocking speed in military formation. Unfortunately, the development of the navy is a very time-consuming process. At this time, it is impossible to confront the US Navy, not to mention its own strength is completely at a disadvantage.

What's more, the USS Ford is equipped with fourth-generation carrier-based fighters. This alone cannot be resisted by the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Navy. After the US military seized air dominance on the battlefield, the two aircraft carrier battle groups of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation , I’m afraid it’s hard to survive the superior naval and air forces of the US...

Although Cai Ruichen is clever, he stupidly chose a defeated war. Perhaps another outstanding scholar in human history will retire from the stage of history at a young age..."

As soon as the overall view of the Hanhe Defense Review appeared, it was immediately praised by most people. After all, the strength of the United States is already a deeply rooted instinct.

All ideas and thoughts have also been preconceived, and this has become the mainstream view.

Even the majority of Russia agrees with this view, and many Russian media also reported this incident in a very pitiful tone.

India, Africa, Southeast Asia, the Pacific, South America and other countries are almost the same. For such news, they are almost all in language. I am afraid that the Syrian Federation will soon disintegrate. In this war, the United States will re-establish its own world hegemony. Status.

Especially Japan, as one of the countries participating in the war, almost all Japanese media criticized Cai Ruichen one-sidedly.

The relationship between Mirae Technology Group and Japan is already very bad. In the Japanese media, it is also used to enlarge some of Cai Ruichen's defects or so-called weaknesses infinitely, and then add oil and vinegar.

And this time, almost all the media organizations of the Japanese government can find countless reasons to tell the whole of Japan that the Iraqi-Syrian Federation provoked a war and it was an act of seeking death. The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force will prove its strength to the Japanese people. , United US forces, strangling the two aircraft carrier battle groups of the Isyrian Federation.

Moreover, the Japanese media also consciously or unconsciously pointed the finger at China's aircraft carrier battle group.

After all, in the past two years, the China Navy, which has joined two nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle groups, has put too much pressure on Japan, and there are also high voices in the country that oppose the government's continued expansion of armaments.

Therefore, this time the Japanese government also wants to take this opportunity to tell all Japanese people that the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the Iran-Syria Federation is nothing remarkable.

The Ministry of Defense of Japan even bypassed the Joint Naval Operations Command and issued an order to the Japanese fleet in the Indian Ocean, requesting that the Japanese fleet must be a naval power and boost domestic people's hearts and morale.

Huaxia’s reaction was completely different. This time Huaxia still stood firmly by Cai Ruichen’s side, and even slogans that the global Chinese are one family. Xin, Hua, and the agency even stiffly stated on the homepage of the official website that China Forever It is the most solid support for any Chinese in the world.

Xinhua, China, and China News Agency are political media companies, and their voices almost represent the voice of the Chinese government.

Regarding this war, Huaxia did not give any comment, but it also expressed its attitude in a firm tone.

At this time, the Internet is also noisy, and Internet users around the world hold their own words. On the Internet, all kinds of wars of words emerge in an endless stream, and the global Internet is full of gunpowder.

At this time, Future Media Company also officially released a video of the war scene on its official live broadcast platform.

In the video it is clear that the ruins of the burning and exploding airport and the wreckage of US fighter jets are everywhere.

The original huge air force base became a ruin, and then a large number of scattered flowers fell down, the complete picture of the surviving American soldiers surrendering one after another.

The narration of the video also introduced the battle process and the end in detail. When the video screen ended, the host of Future Media Company spoke:

"U.S. kidnapped with its own democracy and morality, trying to repeatedly encroach on various regions in the Middle East, screaming to bring democracy and peace to the people of the Middle East, but it has never brought war and death. Now the Middle East world does not need hypocrisy. The face of the United States does not want to see the ugly face under the hypocritical mask of the United States.

The Islamic Federation does not allow the war-torn Iran, nor does it want to see the land of the Middle East reignited by the flames of war. A just war has never needed any excuses..."

The news screens of the future media company suddenly calmed down a lot on the Internet. Everyone did not like Cai Ruichen. However, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation clearly won a big victory at the beginning of the war. This move is even more effective for Japan and Canada. The best answer to defense reviews. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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