The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1428: Restricted America

"Cai Ruichen, the supreme leader of the Iraq-Syria Federation, launched a shameless sneak attack on the US military. This is the biggest catastrophic event the United States has faced since the Pearl Harbor incident.

The damage done to the United States by the Iraq-Syrian Federation’s military warfare against the United States is difficult to heal. The United States will take resolute war actions against the Iraq-Syria Federation with the utmost determination to completely crush the world’s unstable factors. …

Our soldiers lost contact with the headquarters, lacked weapons and ammunition, and received no support. Surrendering to the enemy does not mean anything..."

Regarding the surrender incidents of American soldiers on the Arabian Peninsula, the US Secretary of Defense immediately held a press conference to explain the war behavior of the Islamic Federation and the surrender of soldiers.

The U.S. military does have the conditions to surrender. The three main points are that the soldiers lose contact with their superiors. The soldiers have no weapons, ammunition or food, and are surrounded by superior local forces without any support.

If these conditions are met, it is normal for US soldiers to surrender. What's more, the object of surrender is a country's weapons organization, not a terrorist extremist organization.

What's more, there are still many wounded who need to be treated, and the surrender is only to allow the injured comrades around them to get rescue.

These are naturally explanations from the United States, but the large-scale surrender of the US military still smears the image of the powerful US military that has just begun the war.

To put it ugly, the US military has always been known as the world's number one. Such surrender operations are shameful.

However, this behavior has won a lot of support from the American people. After all, soldiers can go home only if they are alive. If they die, they will really die.

It's just that the US government hasn't announced what it will do next. What measures should it take for the Future Technology Group, the Islamic Federation and Cai Ruichen?

Freeze all the assets of the Future Technology Group in the United States and confiscate all the assets of the Future Technology Group in the United States?

Freeze the personal assets of relevant government personnel and agencies of the Islamic and Syrian Federation in the United States, prohibit entry of personnel from the Islamic and Syrian Federation, and expel the Islamic and Syrian federal government agencies or related companies and organizations in the United States?

Announcing the cessation of all plans for commercial cooperation with Future Technology Group, and halting all related industry plans?

It's just that the US government hasn't waited for a decision, and almost all of the US Internet is noisy. After all, everyone knows the reason for the outbreak of this war.

Even if the Americans are reluctant to admit it, they also know that the reason why the Islamic Federation launched a war against the United States was because the United States bombed the embassy of others and was unwilling to give them a satisfactory account.

But in this case, it is naturally impossible to show it clearly. No matter what, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation and the United States are now at war, and both sides are enemies. No matter who is right or wrong, the enemy is the enemy.

But if you start with the Future Technology Group, it is definitely not the Future Technology Group that is injured, but the United States itself.

Future Technology Group has commercial cooperation with every city in the United States and has built a large number of commercial cooperation projects.

In addition, most of the projects are the technology produced by the Future Technology Group, and then the state government will take the lead in local enterprises to invest and cooperate in construction. Once all the cooperation projects are terminated, the Future Technology Group can completely flatter. The shares are gone, anyway. I didn't spend any money, but the governments of the various states were going to skip it.

The most important thing is those industries that have begun to enter operations. Once they leave the core technical support of the Future Technology Group, they can announce the direct closure of the factory, plus the service industry positions derived from the various products of the Future Technology Group.

As long as such a policy is introduced, let alone a heavy blow to the internal economy of the United States, companies with high debts will close down one after another, and the outbreak of the debt crisis will bring more direct consequences that will face millions of unemployed people.

At this time, many American economists all hurriedly stood up and said that the economic cooperation between the US government and the Future Technology Group is both glorious and glorious.

Even if a war broke out with the Syrian-Israel Federation, the United States would not be able to bear the harm caused by the complete withdrawal of the Future Technology Group in business and economic terms.

In contrast, the Future Technology Group did not have much funds in the United States from the beginning. The US$800 billion in foreign exchange held by the Future Technology Group is not in the United States. The money can be circulated in the international arena. Don’t buy American accounts.

The most important thing is that once the US government freezes all the industries of the Future Technology Group in the United States, the Future Hospital is bound to be in it. With humanitarianism, Cai Ruichen cannot give up the eight million poisoned patients, but once the United States does this Yes, it's over.

When the results after the incident were analyzed one by one, all Americans calmed down, especially those who are closely related to the eight million poisoned patients. They all demanded that the government, if possible, better not war. As for the United States and The relationship between the Future Technology Group can never be completely broken.

In fact, the US government didn't know that when Austria and Bama were on Air Force One, they had clearly pointed out that this war had nothing to do with the Future Technology Group, and that it was only a matter between the United States and the Syrian Federation.

Austria and Bama consider more aspects. In the United States, in addition to rights groups, there are also major consortia. Many of these consortia have economic cooperation with Future Technology Group Once the government wants Regarding the future of technology groups, these consortia are the first to suffer major losses.

With this alone, Austria and Bama cannot do anything to the Future Technology Group. Moreover, in Congress, many people are closely related to the Future Technology Group. Even if Austria and Bama are really determined to take action, it is also Pat the cactus with nowhere to start.

Considering this aspect, Austria and Bama made up their minds to win the core technical personnel of the Future Technology Group, otherwise the future United States will also be led by the Future Technology Group.

The United States is naturally unable to retreat to the warfare of the Iran-Syria Federation, but until now, the United States has not been able to contact the NATO Joint Operations Command in Iran.

This makes the United States very anxious, and NATO, on the Air Force One, Austria and Bama have received replies from NATO member states.

The results of the reply did not disappoint Austria and Bama, and certainly did not satisfy him.

Among the more than two dozen NATO member states, there were not a few countries that were finally willing to join the United States in a war on the Syrian Federation. Most of the countries ultimately refused. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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