The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1429: First target Kuwait

The effect of the first round of missile strikes has met expectations.

The Missile Corps of the Red Police Corps successfully launched a saturation attack on all US military bases in the Middle East.

Successfully destroyed all the key military installations of the US military in the Middle East, and successfully captured a large number of US soldiers.

But just as the United States said, the war has just begun, and the initial failures are more of the result of sneak attacks by the Islamic Federation.

But if it were not for such sneak attack tactics, the large number of US military bases in the Middle East world would bring huge trouble to the war.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen is also willing to bear the charge of such a sneak attack. Of course, soldiers are not tired of fraud, not to mention that Cai Ruichen has also expressed his firm attitude and position in advance.

However, the results of the first round of missile strikes can only help the Iraqi-Syrian Federation in a few days.

The current United States is indeed stunned by the attack, but it will not be long before the United States will readjust itself, and then the real battle will be true.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen should take advantage of this time to seize the position as much as possible to ensure that in the face of the adjusted US military, all the unstable factors around him can be resolved.

The first round of missile strikes was just an appetizer and completely destroyed the US air force base on the Arabian Peninsula.

Ensure that the U.S. Air Force cannot immediately counterattack the Syrian Federation.

This goal has also been fully achieved. All US fighter jets that launched into the air to perform alert or combat missions quickly left the Middle East airspace.

The reason is very simple. Lost contact with the NATO joint commander, the US military has no time to organize an effective counterattack, and the original airport cannot be returned. It can only land at another safe airport.

The first round of missile attacks started at 4:30 in the morning, while the second round of missile attacks started at 7:30 in the morning.

It is not that the Red Police Corps is not capable of launching multiple waves of saturation strikes in a short period of time, but that it has to wait until all the U.S. forces are activated to better launch attacks.

In the second round of missile strikes, the key targets were three US military bases in Kuwait, and the targets also included ground forces of the US Eighth Army in Iran.

After the first round of air strikes, the U.S. Army's Eighth Army still stayed near Isfahan, and Cai Ruichen could not let go of any opportunity to wipe out the vitality of the U.S. military.

At the same time, the ground troops of the Red Police Corps were all ready, waiting for the final departure order.

At this moment, the outside world is also speculating about what kind of offensive the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard, which has gained temporary regional advantage, will launch.

Most people believe that the next action of the Islamic Federation must be to send troops into Iran to deal with the NATO coalition forces with IS, the Lange and the Life Guard.

It's just that Cai Ruichen didn't intend to send troops into Iran. Instead, he set his sights on Kuwait.

Kuwait is just a small country in the Gulf. After the Kuwait War, the United States has stationed troops in Kuwait for a long time, and after withdrawing from Iraq, the United States has increased its military presence in Kuwait to more than 13,000 in order to strengthen its control of the Middle East world.

It was also the place where the United States had the most troops in all countries in the Middle East.

The United States has 950,000 troops, of which nearly 400,000 are stationed in more than 100 overseas military bases around the world.

Especially in Europe, there are as many as 120 US military bases. Of course, Europe also has the most military bases.

Next is the Middle East. There are tens of thousands of garrisons in Saudi Arabia, more than 10,000 in Kuwait, as well as garrisons in Oman, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain and other countries, which add up to three to four thousand.

In addition, the U.S. troops stationed in Kuwait are basically ground forces. There are not only comprehensive training bases for troop training, but also logistics transfer centers, which can meet the hardware requirements of rapidly entering a large number of troops.

A report by the US Congress a few years ago pointed out that given the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and the threat of Iran, the large-scale US military presence in Kuwait will be able to exert greater strategic flexibility to deal with sudden conflicts in the Persian Gulf.

This report fully examined the relationship between the United States and six countries in the Persian Gulf, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Oman.

The oil reserves in the Persian Gulf account for more than half of the world's total reserves, and the reserves of natural gas account for more than one third. The stability of the region is vital to the global economy. However, in this region, the United States faces the Iranian nuclear threat and terrorists. In subsequent reports, it also implicitly pointed out that the growth of the Iran-Syria Federation poses a threat to American interests in the Middle East.

At present, the U.S. military bases in Kuwait include Arikan Barracks, Salem Air Force Base, Bilin Camp, Doha Barracks, and Kabaos Military Base.

Doha Barracks is located about 40 kilometers west of Kuwait City. Since the Gulf War, the US military transformed it from a comprehensive industrial warehouse into a US military facility and became an important base for the US military.

The Kabaos Army Base is located in northern Kuwait less than 90 kilometers away from the Iraqi border. It is a security zone delineated by the Kuwaiti government in the northern part of the country. It covers an area of ​​more than 2,000 square kilometers. It is a place where the U.S. and allied forces conduct desert training.

Salem Air Force Base has been completely destroyed in the first round of missile strikes.

Cai Ruichen's harvest target is the Doha Barracks, which is the most powerful military base of the US military in Kuwait.

It is also the resident of the 1st Cavalry Division of the U.S. Ace Although the current 1st Cavalry Division has entered the battle in Iran, there are still two armored battalions here to rest.

The most important thing is that in the Doha Barracks is stationed the Kuwaiti Army Command, which belongs to the U.S. Central Headquarters, which is responsible for commanding and controlling all troops deployed in Kuwait.

In addition, the Doha camp is also the forward deployment base of the U.S. Kuwait Joint Task Force. The entire camp has tens of thousands of troops. Two longbow Apache teams and two multiple rocket launchers are stationed, with hundreds of M270 tactical missile launchers.

But wanting to invade Kuwait is not as simple as sending paratroopers to Saudi Arabia and other countries.

After all, those countries in Saudi Arabia are secretly themselves. In the face of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation's attack on US military bases and military invasion, it is enough to protest and show it to others, but Kuwait is different.

Kuwait is firmly controlled by the US military, and Cai Ruichen has not done anything to Kuwait in advance. Therefore, Kuwait and the Islamic Federation are the least dealt with in the entire Gulf region.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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