The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1430: Complete invasion of Kuwait

Kuwait has rich reserves of oil and natural gas resources, with proven oil reserves of 94 billion barrels, about 10% of the world's total reserves, ranking fourth in the world.

Kuwait is also a hereditary monarchy, and the Emir is the head of state and the supreme commander of the armed forces.

Such a government system is equivalent to a constitutional monarchy.

Kuwait has more than 20,000 troops. In fact, almost all major security issues are borne by the US military.

At this moment, there is already a mess in Kuwait.

The first round of missile strikes not only completely destroyed the US air force base, but also took care of all the major military facilities of other US military bases.

Although all US military bases were built far away from the city, the explosions were not small.

In particular, the detonation of the underground oil depot in the Doha camp has left this country of only 17,000 square kilometers in a mess.

After all, before tonight, Kuwait was one of the most peaceful countries in the entire Middle East. From the end of the Gulf War to the present, Kuwait’s security situation has been the best and most stable.

The domestic situation is stable, and the current Emir (equivalent to the monarch) is also popular. The high welfare policy of the people has brought plenty of food and clothing.

Therefore, Kuwait is also one of the countries with the highest per capita income in the world. There has been no turmoil in the past two decades, and a whole generation of people do not know what war is like.

When missiles and explosions sounded in various places in Kuwait, this small country was naturally chaotic.

The Kuwaiti government army and police have dispatched one after another to maintain order.

At the same time, news of the war between the Iraqi and Syrian federations against the U.S. forces quickly spread to every city in Kuwait.

As soon as the missiles launched the attack, the Islamic Federation also sent a note to the Kuwaiti cabinet. This war will definitely not affect Kuwait. The enemy of the Islamic Federation is only the Americans.

The Iraqi-Syrian Federation hopes that Kuwait will not interfere, otherwise it will be regarded as an enemy and attack together.

The current Kuwaiti Emir also hurriedly gathered the Prime Minister and the main members of the Cabinet to discuss which side Kuwait should stand on.

However, they have not waited for the people in Kuwait to discuss a result. Other countries in the Middle East have all issued statements.

The governments of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates have all stated to the outside that they respect the Islamic Federation, but they have expressed strong protest against the Islamic Federation’s burning of war into its own country.

However, these countries also expressed their hope that the Islamic Federation will not spread the flames of war in their own countries, control the scope of the war, and not affect the normal life of their citizens.

An open protest became completely meaningless in subsequent statements.

That is to say, these Middle Eastern countries all want to remain neutral, and they can even turn a blind eye to the attacks on the US garrison by countries sending troops from the Islamic Federation, provided that it does not affect the normal domestic order of life.

When the decision of the countries in the Middle East was passed to Kuwait, Kuwait’s Emir Jaber had no choice but to announce almost the same statement.

Jabir is very smart and has a thorough view. Although making such a statement is likely to make the United States very angry, the United States will definitely not do anything to Kuwait. At most, it will be a complaint after autumn.

But the Iraq-Syria Federation is completely different. Other countries facing the same situation as Kuwait are all in a hungry appearance. Once Kuwait makes a different voice at this time, it will definitely be regarded as a typical. What we are facing is the violent storm of the Yi-Syrian Federation.

And since there are so many countries all expressing their positions, even if they are sorry for the United States, they are not sorry for the United States alone.

The law does not blame the public, not to mention that the United States also needs the support of countries in the Middle East. Therefore, this matter can only choose to offend the United States, not the Islamic Federation.

After all, the United States is thousands of miles ago, and the Syrian-Israel Federation is on the side of Kuwait. With the powerful strength of the Syrian-Israel Federation in the Israeli war, Kuwait can't even be counted as an ephemeral.

Saddam’s Iraqi army was able to occupy Kuwait in one day, so the current Iraq-Syria Federation probably doesn’t even need one day.

No one opposed Jaber’s decision by the entire Kuwaiti cabinet.

Regardless of whether the Iraqi-Syrian Federation is a victory or a defeat in this war, Kuwait cannot afford to offend the current situation.

Jabir's decision really saved his life.

Because when he was about to make a decision, the Rocket Strike Force of the Red Police Corps had quietly assembled on the side of Basra.

Once Kuwait’s decision is biased towards the United States and cannot truly remain neutral, and refuses to enter Kuwait’s territory with the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard to fight with the U.S. forces, the target of the Rocket Strike Force will also cover the Kuwaiti army.

The entire action plan has also been drawn up. Once Kuwait chooses the United States, Cai Ruichen plans to occupy the entire territory of Kuwait in six hours.

After all, Kuwait is also one of the goals of high-level promotion tasks. The requirements for the establishment of the Middle East Federation also include Kuwait.

Therefore, Kuwait must be in the bag of the Red Police Corps. Of course, if Kuwait is interested, Cai Ruichen does not mind putting this matter aside and prioritizing efforts to solve the US military's problems.

The time when Kuwait issued the statement was exactly 7 o'clock in the morning, and the Supreme Council of Iraq-Syria Federation also gave a clear reply to Kuwait, and it will not infringe on Kuwait and this reply is also the general attack on the invasion of Kuwait. command.

The second round of missile strikes mainly consisted of V-2CYS cruise missiles, which carried out targeted destruction of key areas, and the comprehensive firepower coverage was completely handed over to the long-range rocket strike force.

The intensive artillery fire once again turned the small country of Kuwait into a sea of ​​flames. At the same time as the second round of strikes, the main force of the Marin Division was accompanied by an air assault regiment.

Eight hundred main battle tanks, thousands of multifunctional infantry fighting vehicles and more than one thousand warrior assault vehicles have entered Kuwait's territory.

More than two hundred Hind gunships were cleared in the air, and Black Hawk fighters and Aurora bombers flew at high altitude. The targets were all headed towards all US military bases in Kuwait.

The airborne troops are all responsible for the countries on the Arabian Peninsula. Kuwait is on the edge of the Islamic Federation. There is no need to use paratroopers at all. This battle is handed over to the Marin division as the trump card. Cai Ruichen also hopes that the first battle with the US ground forces will be perfect. The result of the battle.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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