The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1437: Turkey is ready to go to war

In the base console, Cai Ruichen squinted his eyes and looked at the various intelligence from the intelligence department in his hand.

All intelligence content is related to NATO.

The United States has successfully persuaded Britain and France to stay on the battlefield in the Middle East, and the four countries of Italy, Turkey, Finland, and Sweden have also determined that they will participate in this war.

Cai Ruichen is still a little disappointed about this. In his opinion, the United States still has no money to pay, and only then said that these countries have been involved in this war.

Germany did not participate, which made this war bleak.

However, Cai Ruichen did not dislike his opponents too few. After all, the current Red Police Corps is still very immature and does not have the ability to completely challenge the entire NATO group.

And these NATO countries participating in the war, in addition to Britain and France, the rest is Turkey, which can make Cai Ruichen more eye-catching.

The reason is simple. It’s not that Turkey’s military strength completely surpasses the other three countries. It’s that Turkey is on the border of the Islamic Federation and Turkey has a 600,000 army, which is the largest army among all NATO member states. .

Turkey’s military strength is not too advanced and can be regarded as a modern country. Of course, Turkey still has a considerable gap compared with a country like Israel.

After all, Turkey has a huge army, but there are not many advanced weapons and equipment in active service.

Most of the army’s weapons were imported from the United States during the Cold War. Of all the main battle tanks, hundreds of German tanks were not bad. The rest were all second-generation US main battle tanks. It has been upgraded and modified, but fundamentally speaking, it still cannot compete with the third-generation main battle tank.

The proportion of the third-generation main battle tanks in the Turkish army is about 10%. Even if there are a lot of them, it is extremely limited.

The Turkish Air Force is also pretty good, importing many American F-16 Fighting Falcon fighters, but relatively speaking, they are all relatively old, and many of them are nearly 20 years old. But the scale is not small, there are more than two hundred, plus other fighters, the total number of combat aircraft exceeds five hundred.

Although the Turkish navy does not have any large surface warships, it also has more than a dozen conventional submarines, dozens of tank landing ships and some more modern landing ships. Once they cooperate with NATO to occupy sea and air dominance, they can still play Great fighting power.

What Cai Ruichen really cares about is the geographical location of Turkey. Turkey spans Europe and Asia. The historical Ottoman cavalry once made the entire Europe terrified. After centuries of decline, Turkey has also slowly risen. A regional power.

At present, the Red Police Corps has completed the first step of its strategic goal to drive out the forces of the US military from the Arabian Peninsula.

The US military has also lost the ability to intervene in wars from the Arabian Peninsula. This capability means that it will be difficult for the US military to use the Arabian Peninsula again to pose a threat to the Syrian Union in a short period of time.

The ultimate goal of this strategic goal is to confine the main strength of the U.S. military to Iranian territory, and then the Red Police Corps will enter Iranian territory and fight with IS, the Lange, and the Life Guard.

Once Turkey intervenes in the war, the battlefield will once again become two grounds. There are too many places bordering the Islamic Federation from Iran to Turkey.

At that time, the center of the war will inevitably move from Iran to Turkey, and the Red Police Corps will also be responsible for combat missions in Iran.

In contrast, the U.S. military can not only organize enough troops in Iran, but also get supplies from troops in Afghanistan, and use the Indian front line to transport supplies to Iran.

At the same time, the European side has the ability to launch an air-to-ground offensive against the Syrian Federation in Turkey.

In this way, the war initiative won from the Arabian Peninsula has not been warmed up, and it immediately returned to the hands of the NATO coalition forces.

Regarding this, Cai Ruichen could not say unexpectedly, but it also disrupted the rhythm of some Red Police Corps.

Turkey is a country that is easy to buy, especially for the United States. As long as the United States is willing to work hard, Turkey will not be able to resist any temptation given by the United States.

The United States may also put a lot of bargaining chips on Turkey, not only with the help of Turkey's huge army, but also with Turkey's top-down geographical advantage.

Cai Ruichen was somewhat foreseeable about this and made some preparations, but this preparation may not necessarily work.

When he learned that Turkey was about to participate in this war, he had contacted Super Yuri in the United States and asked him to take action to launch a conspiracy against the Turkish regime.

It's just that this process takes time, it may take several months, or it may take several years.

As for now, once Turkey participates in the war, Cai Ruichen will ruthlessly attack Turkey.

In particular, all transactions between the Future Technology Group and Turkey will be cancelled, and all future routes to Europe will all go through the Caucasus region and no longer pass through Turkey.

Turkey is not the United States, Cai Ruichen will not take the initiative to do business with the United States. After all, he will still make American money in the future.

And the United States dare not do anything to the Future Technology Group. The war continues and commercial cooperation continues. This may be the only tacit understanding between the two sides.

For Turkey, there is no need to be so polite. After all, choosing to transport goods to Turkey is to completely save face to the neighbor of Turkey and also to save a little transportation cost.

But now is not necessary at all, no matter if it is by sea or by the Caucasus road and rail transportation, the goods can be directly transported to European countries, whether there is Turkey or not.

This has no effect on the Future Technology Group, but for Turkey, the loss is not a little bit.

After one year, tens of billions of dollars of tariffs have been lost. From now on, there will be no formal access to future technology group products, and the oil supply of the Islamic Federation will be completely lost.

However, Cai Ruichen also believes that once the Turkish side officially uses troops against the Islamic and Syrian Federation, it must be prepared for the future of the technology group to dissolve some cooperation.

If Turkey is able to give up the benefits it has acquired, the United States must have a lot of money. As for whether Turkey can really get the promised benefits from the United States in the future, it is totally bad.

After the war is won, everything is naturally there. Once the war fails, the United States will not be able to fulfill any promises to Turkey.

All success or failure lies in the outcome of this war. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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