The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1438: Support the Iran war

Turkey is almost certain to participate in this war, although the Turkish government has never stated its position.

But the Turkish troops have also begun to mobilize secretly.

This sign cannot hide the eyes of the spy. As a member of NATO, Turkey originally deployed its troops in accordance with NATO's needs.

And NATO is also in accordance with operational needs, the goal of responding to threats, and the development of deployment plans.

Originally, Turkey’s First Field Army was deployed in the Black Sea Strait and Eastern Thrace, Turkey’s European region, the Second Field Army was deployed on the southern border of Turkey, the Third Field Army was deployed on the border of Armenia, and the Fourth Field Army was deployed on the border of Armenia. Deployed near the Aegean Sea, other armies are mainly concentrated near the island of Cyprus.

But two hours ago, almost all of Turkey's four major field armies began to mobilize secretly.

At the original deployment position of each field army, an armored division, an infantry division and the main force of two armored brigades were all deployed. Some of these troops have left their original station.

The goal is to go to the current Second Field Army, and the Second Field Army is located closest to the Iraq-Syrian Federation.

In addition, according to the intelligence instructions obtained from Italy and Finland, the troops of the two countries are also beginning to distribute ammunition. Within 36 hours at the latest, the first troops of Finland and Italy will enter the territory of Turkey.

The fastest movement was the U.S. Army. The U.S. military in the European Air Force all ended their combat readiness cruises and changed to a state of war.

All fighters and bombers also returned to the airport for refueling, hardware overhaul, and ammunition loading.

At any time, a large-scale air strike can be carried out on the Islamic Federation.

When these pieces of information were gathered together, Cai Ruichen saw a huge war machine in operation.

Although most NATO countries have no plans to participate in this war, the combat potential currently demonstrated is enough to make Cai Ruichen feel the tremendous pressure.

This is a war that can get out of control at any time, and this is what Cai Ruichen cares about most.

Therefore, he needs to properly control the direction of the war and at the same time ensure that the war does not lose its rationality.

Judging from the current situation, the Iran-Syria Federation has temporarily gained the initiative in the war, but the battle for the war is far from coming.

In the Indian Ocean, wind and clouds converge, and the Mediterranean is also very sharp.

Here in the Middle East, in calm, an upcoming storm is brewing.

The preparation time for an emergency war in the United States is stipulated to be within 24 hours, and within the next twelve hours, the US offensive will inevitably begin.

Otherwise, there is no need to wait for the United States to take action. The Red Police Corps has already entered Iranian territory and started fighting with the US Eighth Army.

And now, the Air Force of the Red Police Corps has completely liberated its hands from the Arabian Peninsula, and has begun air strikes against US troops in Iran.

Any event is a tragedy for mankind.

Wars initiated on the initiative have never been truly just from a human moral standpoint, but as far as a nation is concerned, as long as it is a war that benefits its own nation, it is just.

At this moment in Iran, the highest spiritual leader of IS, Range, and the Life Guard, Akadullah, has also received an official note from the Islamic Federation. The Islamic Federation has promised that IS, Range, and the Life Guard will enter Iran to help The Iranian people, drive out the invaders.

Just as it was the time when it was to resist the US aggression and aid Korea, the Syrian-Israel Federation formed a volunteer army, ready to go to Iran.

After receiving an official reply from Isfahan, the Lange, and the Life Guard, the Red Police Air Force also set off immediately and carried out a large-scale air raid on the Eighth Army near Isfahan.

In this place in the Middle East, the US military has never tasted the taste of being attacked by air.

This time, the American soldiers really tasted the taste of being bombed by fighter jets on the ground.

After the first round of air strikes, Griffin was also rescued from the buried joint command.

At this time, the US soldiers also began to pick up the ground camouflage skills that were almost forgotten.

After the army lost its air superiority, the only way it could deal with it was to disguise it.

In the first round of air strikes, most of the main combat equipment of the two armored brigades under the Eighth Army was destroyed.

This made Griffin, who had just been rescued, almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

When finally contacting the Pentagon with the help of the secret communication of the intelligence department, his face turned pale after learning the current situation.

With the powerful offensive of the Iraq-Syria Federation, nearly 30,000 US troops were wiped out in just a few hours, and a large number of fighters and equipment were lost.

Coupled with the loss of troops in Iran, it was unprecedented since the Vietnam War.

After the Iraq War that year, the US military stationed in Iraq for several years, and the total losses were not as many as these few hours.

However, the US government is still unable to cover up such a huge loss, and the communication capabilities of future media companies will be too strong.

As for now, Griffin's first thought after being rescued was that he could not let his soldiers continue to be bombarded by the Iraqi-Syrian Federation.

He also hurriedly asked the Pentagon to restore the command network and also required all nearby air forces to ensure Iran’s air superiority, otherwise the Eighth Army would not need to wait for the Iranian-Syrian federal forces to enter Iran and would have completely lost combat effectiveness.

Therefore, Griffin knows his troops too well. They have always fought asymmetrical warfare. They have not yet encountered a comparable opponent, especially since the US military has never fought a ground war that lost air It seemed to Griffin that his own soldiers didn't even know how to better and faster camouflage ground equipment to avoid fighter jets in the air.

And now the troops in Iran can't afford any greater losses.

The Pentagon also fully agreed to Griffin's request and immediately asked the air force in Afghanistan to stop all air strikes against the Taliban and fully support the ground forces in Iran.

It is impossible to really allow the fighters of the Iraq-Syrian Federation to bomb ground forces unscrupulously.

At the same time, the IS, the Lange, and the Life Guard did not let go of the present opportunity. After the Syrian Federation completed the first round of air strikes on the Eighth Army, they also began to take action.

Actively launched a counterattack against the Iranian regular army and the Eighth Army that were attacked by air.

The atmosphere of war on the battlefield of Isfahan was suddenly hot.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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