The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1439: Prelude to U.S. Retaliation

The participation of the Iran-Syria Federation in the war made the situation of the Iranian war begin to become more subtle.

And the media from all over the world have almost never stopped reporting on this war.

In particular, reports on U.S. military bases in the Arabian Peninsula have also hit the headlines of various media around the world.

A large number of reporters, almost all of them went to the place of war to conduct field interviews as soon as they received the news.

The Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guards also met as much as possible the interview requirements of reporters from various countries.

Of course, this kind of satisfaction is only limited to the battlefield, allowing reporters to approach the battlefield being cleaned.

A large number of photos on the scene of the war were also reported.

Some of these reporters entered the temporary prisoner-of-war camp and allowed interviews with American soldiers who had surrendered.

This also allows a large number of media around the world to obtain a large amount of first-hand information.

And such behavior is almost impossible to see in any previous war.

The transparency of the Iraq-Syria Federation in this war has reached an incredible level for all reporters.

And the reporters did not live up to the convenience given by the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard, and reported the war in a comprehensive and complete manner.

The content of the report is also varied. There are accounts of the surrendering US army about the course of the war, pictures of field hospitals rescuing wounded American soldiers, and pictures of the faces of the Iraqi-Syrian federal forces.

Of course, there are also scenes of gathering the remains of American soldiers. These have allowed people all over the world, especially those who have never experienced war, to see the most complete aspect of the battlefield.

All reporters, despite their different positions, some even had to look at this war with a colored eye.

But it was also infected by the attitude of the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard, and the Red Police Corps did not have any intention to hide it.

The corpses on the battlefield were everywhere, and it was just a photo in the media. Although bloody, it was the best way to warn the world.

But at this moment, the hottest discussion in the world is not when this one will end, but how the United States will respond to such a huge failure.

In its report, the Associated Press also pointed out mercilessly that this was the biggest defeat the US military has faced since World War II. In just a few hours, the US military’s global image of invincibility collapsed. Act to tell the world that the United States is definitely not invincible.

Even the Associated Press of Russia pointed out that it is natural for the United States to face such failures. Although the establishment of the Iraq-Syria Federation is only a few years away, the development of its national strength has caught up with most of the world. s country.

It can also provoke the United States head-on, without losing ground.

The satirical report of the Associated Press of Russia also led to the development of the Islamic Federation to the present time, in order to make the United States more embarrassing.

It happens that Russians like to watch such reports, and many Russians are even happier when they see the news that the United States has been beaten by the Syrian Federation to the north.

But the atmosphere at the moment in another country really feels like a Chinese New Year.

That is China, and the entire China network and various forums are almost full of news from the Islamic Federation.

All the previous reports that slandered the Iraqi-Syrian Federation and Cai Ruichen were all found out, followed by a wave of criticism.

On the international network, China’s netizens are even more excited than those in the Iraq-Syria Federation. They posted various posts to celebrate, as if China was involved in this war.

Cai Ruichen's name has been hung in the mouths of Chinese netizens all day.

To be really happy, it should be the netizens in the Iraq-Syria Federation.

Especially Iraqis, the memory of the US military still remains in the minds of most Iraqis at this moment.

After all, the past few years of the US military in Iraq are definitely indelible memories for Iraqis.

There is one thing returning to Iraq at this moment, which is national self-confidence and self-esteem.

However, despite the excitement, many calm people pointed out that although the US military has temporarily failed, the strong military power of the US has not wavered in the slightest.

The US aircraft carrier is still there, the powerful US air force is still there, and the US has hundreds of thousands of troops stationed in Europe, and they are still built.

With the help of NATO's allies, it is too early to say the outcome of this war.

The Syrian-Israel Federation has won a little bit, but the United States has not yet taken a shot. It is still unclear whether the Syrian-Israel Federation can catch the attack from the US.

Regarding the public opinion from the outside world, the United States is quite silent, as if not seeing it.

A dog that bites does not show teeth or laugh.

This strange atmosphere lasted all day, when the Middle East plunged into darkness again.

The United States has really taken action.

As expected by the outside world, the United States remained silent for more than ten hours in order to deal the heaviest blow to the Islamic Federation.

It is impossible for the United States to ignore such a failure. The face lost in the war must also be won back by means of war.

The Pentagon of the United States named this action “Recovery”, which means that everything that has been lost through this action will be recovered.

And what has the United States lost?

What is lost is the strong image of the US military, which is the top priority.

The U.S. military needs to use a huge victory to re-establish its own strong side and tell the world that any act that provokes the United States will be hit hardest by the U.S. military.

For this operation, the US military is also highly confidential, and the news is strictly blocked.

Even all NATO allies and most of the generals of the US military do not know.

But Cai Ruichen has already smelled an unusual smell.

The silence of the United States, in Cai Ruichen's view, heralds the signal that the storm is coming.

It's just that he doesn't know when the United States will launch a counterattack.

According to Cai Ruichen's estimation, the most likely time for the United States to launch a counterattack is tonight.

As for the time point, the intelligence agency is not clear, and even related plans from the United States have been revealed.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen can only prepare to stand up all night, especially the base defense system.

At the beginning of the war, Cai Ruichen had raised the base security level to the highest level.

No matter what means of attack the US military uses, whether it is aimed at the Iraqi-Syrian Federation or the Baghdad and Damascus carrier battle groups in the Indian Ocean, he is prepared.

The US military did not let Cai Ruichen wait for too long. When the lights of Marin City first came on, the alarm system of the base had already sounded.

When he saw the incoming enemy information displayed on the alarm system, Cai Ruichen's heart was gradually relieved.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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