The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1445: Cai Ruichen's trap

"As I said before, although the Iraqi-Syrian Federation succeeded in making the U.S. military lose control of the Arabian Peninsula through a sneak attack, once the U.S. military is adjusted, it is fully equipped to reverse the disadvantages in a short period of time with the help of the powerful garrison and air force in Europe. The ability of the situation.

As everyone can see now, the US military's counterattack has ignited the flames of war in the Iraqi-Syrian Federation. In the following war, Cai Ruichen will inevitably pay an extremely heavy price for his impulse.

The U.S. military’s strongest position in the world will not be shaken by any country in the next 50 years..."

Cai Ruichen sat quietly in the console, watching the live broadcast of the Associated Press's Global Situation Forum, and watching the American commentator on it, talking on the live TV.

At this moment, not only in the United States, but in most countries around the world, as long as the war between the Syrian Federation and the United States is broadcast, the comments are almost all one-sided.

Even the few media that were optimistic about the Islamic and Syrian federation had no choice but to change the direction at this moment. Almost all public opinion on the superiority of war turned to the United States.

After all, in the eyes of the outside world, the war is now burning in the territory of the Islamic and Syrian Federation, and the US military's counterattack is extremely sharp.

Even if the outside world is optimistic about the Iran-Syria Federation, what can the military power that combines the superiority of the US military in such a situation be said?

In the future, media companies have always followed Cai Ruichen's principles and refrained from making any exaggerated public opinions. From the beginning, they explained the news truthfully.

Therefore, the news reported by future media companies will never be exaggerated or any report with optimism.

Because such reports are at best used to deceive the eyes of the people, and the Iraq-Syrian Federation does not need to stabilize the people's hearts during the war.

What really made Cai Ruichen more concerned about was a report in the British Times that the British reporters stationed in the Syrian Federation well reflected the current situation in the Syrian Federation.

That is, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation now has no chaos at all, no panicked civilians on the road, and no turmoil in the domestic situation because of the war.

All civilians entered the air defense fortifications in an orderly manner. The main cities will be in a state of no one before the end of this air raid.

In this state, the entire society is actually as stable as water, without any ups and downs, which is inherently impossible.

British reporters grasped this point well and reported it emphatically.

Of course, Cai Ruichen does not like this kind of report in the international community, because it will let the United States see many things that he does not want the outside world to know.

A country caught in a war, but as calm as ever, the only explanation for this is that this country is not affected by the war as the outside world imagined.

The Iraqi-Syrian Federation is in such a state at this moment. The American air strikes on the Iraqi-Syrian Federation are all calmly faced by the people, and the unconditional support for the government is scary enough.

After all, there are hundreds of people of all shapes and colors, and the entire Iraq-Syria Federation has tens of millions of people, and there is no confusion at all. This is against the norm.

However, such reports, in the current mainstream public opinion of the outside world, were soon submerged in various Western optimistic news.

At this time, everyone's focus is also on when will the US military end this war? How far can the Iraqi-Syrian Federation endure? What is the fate of Cai Ruichen for the victory of the American war?

On the fringe of these issues, other topics are consciously ignored by people's interest.

In fact, even the Times itself only mentioned that, after all, the British journalists stationed in the Syrian Federation saw only a small place. It is impossible to see clearly what is going on in other places. .

This is what Cai Ruichen thinks is more fortunate. Otherwise, if the United States is given a full understanding of the current situation in the Syrian-Israel Federation, the results of American thinking will be completely different.

However, the second round of air strikes by the US military did indeed bring considerable losses to Cai Ruichen.

The airports of the first, second, and third aviation divisions were all almost destroyed.

This is currently the three main force of the Red Police Corps Air Force.

In terms of industry, more than a dozen war factories were destroyed, four docks were hit by missiles, and several power hubs were destroyed, resulting in interruptions in power supply to several cities.

However, under such an attack, there were no casualties. Most of the factories are now in unmanned production mode. If one is destroyed, Cai Ruichen can rebuild it in a few hours.

For this kind of loss, Cai Ruichen can bear it even if it is increased ten times a hundred times.

After all, the cost of building a factory is two thousand at most, and the only waste is time.

As for important industries, Cai Ruichen does not worry about the ability of the US military to destroy it. Unless the US military can indeed know the precise coordinates of the underground factories and use large-tonnage penetrating warheads, it is impossible to cause any harm to the base industries.

As for the air bases of the three aviation divisions, they were originally intended to be given to the US military as a target for strikes.

All the main air bases of the Red Police Corps are all underground structures. Once all the fighter jets are recovered in the hangar, they will be transferred to the underground hangar as soon as possible.

At this moment, the main air force of the Red Police Corps was not harmed at all. The airport facilities outside and the aircraft in the hangar were all camouflaged models.

This is the camouflage tactic adopted by Cai Ruichen from the beginning of the construction of the Air Force. He reserved this move when he cooperated with the United States to fight terrorism.

At this moment, the fighters in these underground hangars are all ready to set off at any time, waiting for the best opportunity to fight.

Now Cai Ruichen is also waiting for new actions by the US military. Whether this pocket laid by the Red Police Corps is still useful depends on the thinking of the US Pentagon at this moment.

Cai Ruichen has always believed that the people waiting have good things. When he saw the latest information on the US Air Force's dispatch, his heart was suspended and he could finally fall to the ground.

In fact, the strategic ideas of both sides are almost the same, and they all tried to win the key to victory at the beginning of this war.

And this is also the basis of modern warfare. Once the war fails to determine the superiority of victory at the beginning, it basically means losing the war.

On this point, Cai Ruichen and the United States think exactly the same.

As for who can succeed, it depends on whose information is accurate, whose plan is more unexpected, and whose patience is more sufficient.

From these three points, the United States has fallen into the trap carefully set by Cai Ruichen a few years ago. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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