The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1446: Lore raptor

The third round of U.S. air strikes came very quickly. Multiple waves of fighter jets entered the territory of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation in a stealthy flight at high altitude.

The ultra-low-altitude flight is to avoid those large radars, and now, in the eyes of the US military, all the main radars in the Syrian Federation have been destroyed.

Only the short-range air defense system that specializes in dealing with low-altitude targets is left. In front of the short-range air defense system, once the Iraqi-Syrian Federation has the ability to counter stealth, it will be very dangerous.

Therefore, the third air strike formulated by the US military also entered directly from high altitude.

At the same time, U.S. fighter jets are also guarding the fighters of the Syrian-Israel Federation, especially the early warning aircraft of the Syrian-Israel Federation.

The only thing that puzzled the US military was that the early warning aircraft responsible for alerting the fighters never found any fighters in the Syrian Federation.

However, such doubts were immediately ignored by the US military itself. Because the first round of air strikes had almost completely destroyed the air base of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation. At this time, the fighters of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation will inevitably avoid their edge and look for counterattacks. Opportunity.

However, what the U.S. military didn't know was that when their fleet entered the territory of the Syrian Federation, all the soldiers of the Red Police Corps laughed.

All the camouflage has been uncovered, and the fire control radars of ground-based air defense missiles are all in a state of being able to be turned on at any time.

In the base console, after Cai Ruichen looked at nearly 130 targets appearing on the map, the corners of his mouth slowly rose.

At this moment, the entire Red Police Corps is also waiting for Cai Ruichen's final attack order. After being frustrated for several hours, it is finally about to show its vigor and tell the world that the US military is nothing remarkable.

At this time, the US fighter jets were still flying towards the target without knowing it. All the fighter jets were radio silent, and the active radar was completely turned off.

Under the oval-shaped gem cockpit, there is only the faint light of the main display.

In front of the flight, a number of anti-aircraft missiles rose from the cracked ground device, the missiles were warmed up, and the sword pointed to the sky.

However, the radars and missiles on the ground do not have the ability to detect the stealth fighters coming over the radar.

At present, the fourth-generation stealth fighter in the world is not full-body and full-spectrum stealth. To achieve the best stealth effect, you need to ensure that the front of the fuselage is aimed at the enemy's radar.

Although the side of the fuselage has also been processed for stealth, after all, the cross section is not small, and it may be detected by radar.

As for the underside of the airplane, under normal conditions, the radar waves are not seen above the head. The top of the radar head is a blind spot for radar detection.

When the front of the stealth fighter's fuselage enters the radar area, with the help of the stealth effect of the nose, it quickly enters directly above the radar, and also enters the blind zone of the radar, so as to achieve the effect of stealth.

However, in modern times, the development of radar updates has become more diverse with the emergence of stealth fighters. Therefore, in the design requirements of future sixth-generation fighters, full body stealth and full radar spectrum stealth are also the most basic conditions.

The current fourth-generation fighter jets are fully sufficient for use in the global military power structure.

However, the detection method of the base vehicle does not use radar waves, which are relatively primitive methods relative to future technology. It uses neutrino detection technology.

The speed of neutrinos exceeds the speed of light and can penetrate almost all matter in the universe. The base's neutrino detection capability does not exist at all so-called stealth.

At this moment, the combat systems of all air defense missile units of the Red Police Corps are all connected to the base joint combat command system.

The control of all missile launchers is taken back by the base's highest command and control authority. In the next air defense attack, all missiles will be precisely guided by the base's core detection technology and fire control technology.

In other words, from now on, all weapons and equipment of the Red Police Corps or base defense units will be controlled by the base, which can also be said to be in the hands of Cai Ruichen.

At this moment, the Red Police Corps only needs to count the results and arrest the American pilots who parachuted.

In fact, it is quite easy for the base to find these Raptor fighters, because the base has thoroughly studied the combat system and all performance data of the Raptor fighters.

And according to the combat capability of the Raptor fighter, a targeted attack against the flight performance of the Raptor fighter and the decoy data is specially formulated.

In Cai Ruichen's words, never let any US fighter jet entering sovereign airspace.

"One minute later, the No. 1 area target enters the lore range."

"The No. 2 area target arrives in 75 seconds..."


Cai Ruichen arranged a series of serial killing arrays for the US fighters, and the base kept reporting the location of the enemy's targets.

As for the attack order, he had already issued it early. Once the US fighter jets enter the lore range of the area, the base will be able to launch V-2FK air defense missiles as soon as possible.

At the moment when the attack was about to launch, Cai Ruichen left the console and walked outside.

At this moment, in the news hall of the imperial court, almost all reporters from around the world are waiting for him to show up.

The U.S. military has never officially stated the various bombings of the Iraqi-Syrian Confederation, which makes the outsiders naturally very anxious.

Under normal circumstances, the press spokesperson has begun various political propaganda, but the Islamic Federation has not.

Half an hour ago, the imperial court press office also called in all reporters outside the imperial court, and finally had to give a positive response to the outside.

However, all the reporters have not seen anyone appear in the press conference hall, they have seen the picture projected on the central monitor in the middle of the hall.

In the projection screen, all the reporters are presented with U.S. fighters. These fighters have detailed serial numbers, and there are painting records under the airport. The planes in the night sky look very clear in the moonlight.

In addition, the pictures have also been processed, and the degree of reduction is almost 100%, and the picture feels extremely strong, as if being on the scene.

This kind of picture made all the reporters a little confused at first, but immediately, many reporters all reacted, and all the shooting equipment in their hands was aimed at the projected picture.

Many reporters recognized that these fighters are currently active US military fighters, especially the Western reporters among them, and even several American media reporters. They all changed their faces when they saw this.

The capture of these images by the Iraqi-Syrian Federation can already explain too many problems. Regardless of whether these images are previous or current, they must notify the country. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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