The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1447: Terrible Cai Ruichen

In the imperial court news hall, many western reporters found helplessly that they could not contact the outside at all.

Although their communication equipment has not been recovered, there is no signal here, and even satellite communication has been blocked.

At this time, even if they want to notify, there is no way.

Cai Ruichen invited them over to show them a blockbuster war.

No war pictures taken by any special effects are more real than actual war pictures.

The U.S. fighter jets in flight didn't know that they would appear in the world soon. Of course, they would survive.

One missile rose from the ground without warning. All fighters' passive early warning radars issued warnings about being locked by missiles almost simultaneously.

In the air of 8,000 meters, the missile's ascent speed was extremely fast. When the Raptor and Lightning fighters issued an early warning, the missile approached the fighter.

The U.S. pilots who can fly the most advanced fighter jets are the elite of the elite, and each one is the trump card among the U.S. pilots.

Needless to say, the speed of reaction has not even surfaced in my mind. How can there be missiles in this place? The joystick in my hand has already controlled the fighter jets to evade.

When the afterburner was turned on, all the fighter jets exploded with strong thrust. The speed of the aircraft, in just a few seconds, sent out bursts of sonic booms, and the decoy bombs were also released at the same time.

Because at this time, the anti-aircraft missile has chased behind the aircraft, and the released decoy bomb just made the missile crash into the decoy and be detonated by the decoy bomb.

There were only a few fighters that were not accelerating enough, but they were overtaken by the overtaking missiles. The missiles exploded on the side of the fighters, illuminating the entire night sky.

The fighter on the edge of the explosion, under the explosion, plus the tensile force that just accelerated, the whole aircraft almost disintegrated in the air, and the combustion explosion followed closely. The fast pilots had the opportunity to parachute, and it was too late to be directly with the fighter. bury.

The US fighter jet that had just escaped the catastrophe did not wait for the pilot to breathe a sigh of relief, and there were all approaching missiles in all directions.

When Cai Ruichen walked into the news hall, every reporter in the entire news hall looked at the projected picture dumbfounded. There were hundreds of reporters on the scene, and none of them saw him walk in.

Because the picture in front of them shocked them too much, it was completely subversive.

Earlier, the US Pentagon had issued a statement stating that all the regional air defense systems of the Syrian-Israel Federation have been destroyed by the US military, and that the Syrian-Israel Federation has no regional air defense capabilities.

But now, all reporters can't help but think about whether the US military is joking, or whether the picture before them is purely fiction.

Thinking of being in the news hall of the Iraq-Syria Federation at this moment, how could such a fictional picture be used to fool the world on such a serious occasion.

In the projection screen at this moment, almost all the US fighter jets have been destroyed. A total of 130 fourth-generation fighter jets have just appeared on the screen in less than two minutes, and there is not much left.

This made the faces of Western reporters on the scene suddenly look ugly.

The arrogant look that had originally appeared on their faces was gone at this moment.

Especially on the ground, the air-defense missiles that lifted into the air seemed to be endless. In less than a minute of attack time, at least hundreds of air-defense missiles were dispatched.

How can this be the air defense capability that a country with its regional air defense capability destroyed?

At this moment, almost all the reporters almost understood it. From the beginning, this was the conspiracy of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation.

But everyone knew that it was too late, especially the United States, who has always been confused by the powerful posture of the United States and hindered thinking.

Now, when this scene happens, everything is irreversible.

Not to mention the cost of a fourth-generation fighter jet, nor how difficult it is to train an ace pilot, even if these are worthless, such a result is still disastrous for the US military.

The shooting down of these four-generation fighters means that the US air force will be greatly weakened in the next period of time.

The U.S. military's fighter performance advantage over the Syrian-Israel Federation ceased to exist in a short time.

Until the last Raptor fighter that was leaving in a panic was also shot down, the whole news hall scene was almost silent as the needle fell.

"Ladies and gentlemen……"

Cai Ruichen, who came to the podium, only made a sound at this time. All the shots were attracted by his voice. Of course, all the reporters' eyes were attracted.

Just before Cai Ruichen could continue to speak, the reporter from the Associated Press stationed in the Syrian-Israel federation said in a gaffe: "This is a conspiracy and a shameless conspiracy..."

"Soldiers don’t hate fraud, haven’t you heard of it?" Cai Ruichen didn’t show any anger to the gaffeful American reporter, nor did he allow the guards to ask the reporter out. Instead, he spoke plainly: "This can only Said that the whole world underestimated me Cai Ruichen."

Upon hearing Cai Ruichen's last words, all reporters at the scene fell silent.

Recalling that in the previous few hours, all major public opinions in the world looked down on the Iraqi-Syrian Federation, but now, with Cai Ruichen's words, almost all the media in the world have no room for self-confidence.

It’s just that no one thought that the Iraqi-Syrian Federation would have such a means, not only to preserve its strength under two rounds of air strikes by the US military, but also to launch such a sharp counterattack against the stealth fighters of the US military.

At the moment all reporters seem to have seen how this news will cause a huge sensation in the world once it spreads.

What a huge blow to the US military and NATO at the same time.

Of course, all of this is based on the fact that the images they just saw are real.

It's just that this kind of doubt has just appeared in the minds of all reporters, and there are staff members who will distribute detailed reports to every reporter.

At this moment, there is no luck.

At the same time, in the Pentagon in the United States, there was deathly silence. The vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the commander-in-chief of the U.S. Air Force, General Paul, took off his military cap and placed it on his desk, describing it as haggard. 'S left the headquarters.

Secretary of Defense Carter has a gloomy look. Admiral Paul's move is tantamount to assuming all responsibilities, but now it is not discussing the issue of responsibility.

No one went to see Paul who was leaving, Carter solemnly asked: "What should we do next?" (To be continued.) Start the new website

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