The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1451: Attack the U.S. aircraft carrier fleet

Liu Jiahui looked towards the direction of the Iran-Syria Federation, full of solemnity, and completely ignored the expressions and gazes of the Iranian guerrillas nearby.

Just walking straight for a moment, Liu Jiahui's mouth slowly turned up, turning his head and saying to all the Iranian guerrillas in front of him: "The air force will clear the way for us."

After speaking, he ignored a group of stunned Iranian guerrilla soldiers, turned solemnly to face the Iran-Syrian Federation, and waved a military salute to the sky.

In that instant, the roar of fighter jets could be heard in everyone's ears, and soon, the distant sky shone with stars.

Liu Jiahui's salute handle had not been lowered, and a group of Black Hawk fighters whizzed past the assault company, emitting a few streams of light.


When ground forces entered Iran, the Aurora bomber fleet flew almost close to the sea in the Indian Ocean.

Today's Indian Ocean is calm and calm, and the sea with a little starlight is as tranquil as a lake.

In order to ensure that they are not discovered by the early warning aircraft of the US aircraft carrier battle group, the twelve Aurora bombers coming towards the Indian Ocean are even only six meters above the sea.

This is a height that is impossible to fly under the waves of the sea.

The Aurora bomber has the most advanced ranging system and terrain matching system in the Red Police Corps. In this ultra-low altitude flight, the pilot does not need to control at all except for emergency climb.

The automatic flight system is fully capable of automatic flight of any terrain and altitude.

Five meters to six meters away from the sea, it was originally an Aurora bomber with very good stealth capabilities, enough to perfectly hide all its external signals in the complex sea clutter.

With the current radar, it is almost impossible to see a stealthy aircraft flying at such a high altitude.

In order to ensure complete stealth, all Aurora bombers not only turned off all active radars and communications, but also controlled all the lights on the fuselage. Not only were there no radar and radio waves, but also no light.

At this moment, the NATO combined fleet is heading towards the middle of the Indian Ocean. Based on the ballistic missile anti-ship capability owned by the Syrian Federation, the NATO combined fleet originally wanted to wait until the air force had finished its work and then approached the Syrian Federation.

Regrettably, the fleet has not yet returned to the Arabian Sea, and news of the failure of the Air Force’s airstrikes has come, and the US Navy can only go south, looking for opportunities to kill the two aircraft carrier battle groups of the Islamic Federation.

Otherwise, once the aircraft carrier enters the Arabian Sea, the two aircraft carriers of the Isy-Syrian Federation, combined with the anti-ship capabilities of the Isy-Syrian Federation and the roadbed airport, will definitely ruin the entire aircraft carrier fleet.

In fact, the US military's tactical concept for this battle is very clear, attacking the Iraqi-Syrian Federation and forcing the two aircraft carrier battle groups of the Iraq-Syria Federation to come to a decisive battle instead of fighting guerrilla warfare on the ocean.

Now, it can only be said that it is a pity that the Air Force did not do the job well. On the contrary, it lost its troops and replaced the generals. This also led to the cancellation of the tactics originally formulated by the Navy.

The battle that could have been easily resolved has become extremely difficult. Now the US Navy has to go to the ocean to find a chance to kill the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Navy.

It's just that the next thing, I'm afraid it will once again go beyond the expectations of the US military.

After more than an hour's flight, twelve Aurora bombers have quietly arrived at the edge of the combined US fleet.

The four aircraft carrier fleet consists of the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, two Nimitz-class aircraft carriers and the Ford aircraft carrier. The four aircraft carriers in the core area are protected by dozens of various warships in the middle.

The radius of the defensive circle reached nearly 500 nautical miles, covering a large area of ​​the sea.

In the sky, there are always at least four early warning aircraft hovering, and there is no less than one wing that maintains air alert.

After the failure of the US Air Force's air strikes, in order to prevent the Iran-Syrian Federation from counterattacking, the fleet also strengthened the size of air surveillance fighters.

The original alert fighters of one wing have now been strengthened to two wing, and there are fighters on the decks of all aircraft carriers that are always ready to take off.

As the world's No. 1 navy, the U.S. Navy, whether it is for the image of the United States or for the ultimate victory of this war, cannot make any mistakes.

How can the Americans not know this truth when sailing the ship carefully.

Like the first round of air strikes by the US Ghost bombers, it is naturally impossible for the Aurora bombers to get close to dangerous areas.

The U.S. Navy’s carrier-based aircraft can definitely be regarded as a natural enemy for the threat of bombers.

However, at this distance, the Aurora bomber could not attack the US aircraft carrier.

Although the supersonic V-2FJ anti-ship missile can have a range of 500 kilometers, this distance is only barely able to strike the aircraft carrier’s inner circle defense, and cannot attack the aircraft carrier.

At the same time, in order to ensure their own safety, it is impossible for the bomber to approach the periphery of the defensive circle before launching missiles.

Otherwise, the process of opening the magazine to launch the missile is enough for the US Navy's phased array radar to detect a lock-in attack.

Of course, these bombers can also use stealth to pass through the outer defensive circle of the US Navy, after all, the opposing warships are scattered.

But once you enter this circle, you almost don't think about being able to return alive.

From the very beginning, Cai Ruichen's goal was to go to the aircraft carrier. As long as it can cause a certain amount of damage to the defense network of the US aircraft carrier battle group, then the rest of the work can be handed over to the Red Police and Navy.

Therefore, when all the Aurora bombers were nearly 80 kilometers away from the outer target, they all lowered their speed one after another. The folded plates of the three corner wings opened, and the hidden magazines opened one after another.

Inside the four magazines the runner missile launcher began to rotate, and the V-2FJ anti-ship missiles on the launcher fell towards the sea from the door of the hidden magazine.

At this moment, the height of all the bombers from the sea has risen to 50 meters. Otherwise, if it is too low, the dropped missiles will directly hit the sea.

All missiles start their engines at a height of ten meters from the sea.

A concealed magazine can carry eight supersonic anti-ship missiles, and an Aurora bomber can carry thirty-two such missiles.

The bullet magazine ejection efficiency of the revolver is one per second. After all the missiles are delivered, it takes ten full seconds to close the magazine.

After all the missiles left the bomber, almost all of the Aurora bomber turned around for the first time.

When the Aurora bomber dropped the bomb, a US Hawkeye early warning aircraft more than 300 kilometers away immediately spotted twelve very obvious radar signals on the sea.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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