The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1452: NATO Joint Fleet Crisis

The first time the NATO joint fleet appeared on the radar with twelve radar signal sources, the alarm sounded directly.

The data of the horizontal detection radar and the phased array radar were merged, and the fire control radar immediately locked the radar signal that appeared.

For this kind of apparently unfamiliar aircraft signal, it is still on the fringe of the fleet, and the fleet at war does not need any instructions at all. The weapon commander of the peripheral destroyer immediately ordered the launch of air defense missiles.

It was discovered that the shortest period of time between ordering an attack and launching the missile would take a dozen seconds.

The U.S. Aegis ship can launch anti-aircraft missiles within ten golden seconds, but that is at a specific time, and it usually takes ten seconds under normal circumstances.

And this time is completely enough for normal non-stealth fighters, but for stealth fighters, this time is still too long.

When the fire control radar on the destroyer on the periphery of the US fleet was about to launch the missile, there was a sudden news about the target on the radar.

After the attack, the Aurora bomber has adjusted its direction, and the afterburner has all been turned on. The four super-powered engines instantly increased the bomber's speed to supersonic speed, and the speed quickly reached 2.5 backsonic speed.

A loud sonic boom erupted above the sea level, and the waves on the sea surface shook away with the sonic boom cloud.

The fuselages of the twelve Aurora bombers were stretched by nearly 30 centimeters at ultra-fast speeds to stick to the sea at a height of nearly 50 meters, and quickly returned to the territory of the Iraq-Syria Federation.

The air defense missiles were about to attack, but the target suddenly disappeared. Almost all the destroyers in the periphery sent out inquiring messages, asking the early warning aircraft in the sky whether they found a target.

The Hawkeye early warning aircraft in the sky has naturally not been found. The US Navy’s carrier-based Hawkeye early warning aircraft has relatively old performance, and at this stage there is no ability to find stealth aircraft.

There was no news from the early warning aircraft, but the heat signal of the missile tail flame did not escape the infrared detection method of the early warning aircraft.

If such a heat signal is only one or two missiles, the infrared detection device on the early warning aircraft may have missed it. However, there are not one or two missiles on the sea, but nearly four hundred.

And every missile is an anti-ship missile flying at supersonic speed. The ramjet of the missile needs to keep running to ensure the speed of the missile. Even if it has been designed to reduce infrared response, the missile is not a fighter or a bomber. It cannot hide its infrared characteristics well.

This is also a supersonic anti-ship missile, which is obviously inadequate. The cruise missile type anti-ship missile can fly at subsonic speeds of several hundred kilometers per hour, and the instinctive infrared signal is extremely low.

However, in the future, it will be the era of supersonic missiles, but subsonic missiles also have a place.

The missile came, but the radar on the warship did not see anything. Once a stealthy supersonic missile is launched close to the warship, it will be catastrophic.

The early warning aircraft continuously issued warnings about the height of the missile, the direction and speed of the missile's flight.

However, the fire control radar on the fleet cannot be locked. It can only be guided by the data on the early warning aircraft so that the radar system on the early warning aircraft can guide the interceptor missile.

On the four outermost destroyers and the two destroyers in the second defensive circle, the fire from the missiles illuminated the entire destroyer.

One by one standard air defense missiles were quickly launched from the warship into the air, following the guidance of the early warning aircraft, and flew towards the large number of anti-ship missiles running close to the sea.

A large number of standard air defense missiles are lifted off as if they don’t need money.

However, before the distance between the missiles of the two sides was shortened, the ramjet of a missile in the V-2FJ anti-ship missile group suddenly exploded with maximum power, as if the solid fuel in the missile was about to be consumed instantly. It was the speed of supersonic speed. At this moment, it was more like installing a thruster on the arrow of Li Xuan, and the speed was even faster.

The missiles leaving the group, near the tail nozzle of the ramjet, began to turn red under high temperature, and the flight trajectory of the missile began to shake.

In the distance, the standard interceptor bomb of the US military was about to arrive. At this moment, the unstable missile exploded. There was no fire or too much noise.

This is an electromagnetic pulse bomb. As the electronic pulse explosion warhead explodes, the invisible strong electromagnetic pulse radiation blasts away.

In a short moment, all the electronic systems on a US warship tens of kilometers away experienced huge fluctuations, and ripples appeared on the display screen, and then there were patches of flowers like snowflakes.

The early warning aircraft in the sky also completely lost the ability to track targets.

The standard interceptor missiles of the Yingxiang V-2FJ anti-ship missiles all lost their guidance to the target. Many missiles plunged directly into the sea under strong electromagnetic pulses.

Almost all the electronic equipment in the US fleet is in a state of crashing until the emergency system on the warship is turned on. At this time, the cameras on the warship can already catch the V-2FJ anti-ship missiles coming from the sea. .

The Phalanx system on the warship also caught the missile that was close at hand.

However, in the face of a large number of incoming missiles, the effect of the Phalanx system is very limited.

The dense barrage should be directed towards the incoming missiles. Two of the high-speed missiles hit the barrage directly, but the missile coming from behind had already passed through the tombs under the dense array.

On the outermost destroyer, the harsh siren sounded even more urgently, but it was too late.

Once a guided missile destroyer loses its missile defense capability, it is almost equal to a living target at sea.

Amidst the panic shouts, a supersonic anti-ship missile clinging to the sea directly penetrated into the middle of the warship’s bridge.

Moreover, when the missile was about to hit the target, the final trajectory adjustment was carried out. The missile was raised slightly, leaning downward from the middle of the warship’s bridge and into the bottom of the warship.

Under high-speed kinetic energy, the missile penetrates the inner decks of the warship, and even penetrates two watertight compartments.

If someone can be at the bottom of the warship at this time, you can clearly see that the missile has penetrated the entire warship, and the warhead of the missile even penetrates the hull. The position of the warhead penetrates the bottom hull of the ship and penetrates into the sea water at the bottom of the ship. .

The entire warship was penetrated by immense force, and the immense pressure squeezed in the middle. The bow and stern of the warship were tilted to both sides for several degrees under the squeezed armor.

What really destroyed this complete destroyer was the missile warhead that exploded underwater.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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