The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1453: The U.S. fleet that suffered heavy losses

The warhead of the V-2FJ anti-ship missile is loaded with 250 kilograms. Regardless of many anti-ship missiles, the 250 kilograms has very little charge, but with the lethality of supersonic impact, it is possible even for aircraft carriers. Lost combat effectiveness in a short time.

For a warship of 10,000 tons, the lethality of such a missile is almost absolute.

What's more, the warhead of the missile that is now penetrated by the destroyer is located underwater. The density of the water is 800 times that of air. The explosive power of explosives is also equivalent to that of explosions in the air.

A violent explosion blasted underwater. At the moment of the explosion, the entire warship was lifted from the sea, and flew out of the water together with the bottom of the ship. The moment the warship was lifted out, the warship was broken into two pieces. Under the huge water column created by the explosion, like a small toy in a bathtub, it rolled several times in the air.

Of the more than 100 people on the warship, none of them survived. When the splashed water column of tens of meters fell, the destroyer broke into two pieces and quickly sank to the bottom of the sea. The two hulls were nearly 30 minutes apart. Meters, we can see how powerful the explosion is.

If such an explosion broke out at the bottom of the Nimitz aircraft carrier, even an aircraft carrier of 100,000 tons would be unbearable.

Even if the aircraft carrier will not sink, all the equipment on the ship will inevitably be severely damaged and completely lose combat effectiveness.

The V-2FJ anti-ship missile group attacked the four destroyers on the front, and the fate was exactly the same, and the attacked missile group was only shot down less than ten.

Ten missiles are nothing to more than 300 missiles.

The missile that broke through the first defensive circle also quickly came to the second defensive circle of the aircraft carrier battle group.

At this moment, there is a mess in the NATO combined fleet.

Four destroyers were killed. This is an unprecedented loss for the US military. The most important thing is that more missiles have flown towards the core of the fleet.

So many missiles, once for the entire fleet, are definitely a nightmare.

Especially since four warships have been killed, no one can say how many losses will follow.

Fortunately, the loss of the four outer warships also gave the central defense circle sufficient time for defense preparation.

The peripheral warships in other directions all moved closer to the middle for the first time, the aircraft carrier turned sharply, leaving the missile at full speed and coming onwards.

The defensive firepower on the fleet is fully opened, and the firepower is continuously tilted toward the direction of the incoming missile.

However, there were too many missiles coming in. Although a considerable part of the missiles were destroyed, a considerable part of the missiles still breached the second defensive circle of the fleet.

On the sea, there are barrages of phalanx fire everywhere, and the sound of guns is endless.

The dense barrage, although there are many, cannot completely block the incoming missiles.

The warships in the second defensive circle faced the missiles that were already close at hand, and groups of jamming bombs exploded on the side of the warship, trying to interfere with the missiles that had approached the warship.

Unfortunately, the effect of interference is not ideal.

On the sea under the night, two Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruisers outside the second defensive circle were hit by missiles at the same time.

One had the entire bow of the ship penetrated by the missile. The missile exploded inside the bow of the warship. Although there was no missile launcher that directly detonated the bow of the warship, the huge explosion location caused the entire bow to be blown off, causing the warship’s damage. The bow was buried in the sea, waiting for the fate of sinking.

Fortunately, most people on the warship had time to escape.

The other Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser was not so lucky. The missile hit the missile’s bridge and inserted directly into the combat center. The huge explosive force exploded the entire warship. A part of the eight-meter-long opening is still below the waterline.

If only this missile had an attack effect, the cruiser might be able to save it, but the second missile that followed successfully made up for it.

The second missile plunged directly into the rear of the helicopter hangar of the warship. The missile penetrated the side of the warship and exploded inside the vertical launch system in the middle and rear of the warship.

Dozens of missiles inside were detonated at the same time, and the entire warship was directly turned into a pile of wreckage under the huge explosion and fire. The wreckage with a relatively complete bow position was directly sunk into the seabed.

Two Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruisers kicked off the battle in the inner circle of the NATO carrier battle group. After the two cruisers, more missiles were shot down, but the US warships also paid huge casualties.

There were even several missiles that passed through three defensive circles in a row and headed directly towards the USS Lincoln, the core of the fleet.

If it weren't for the last promotion, a Perry-class frigate, with its own hull, blocked in front of the missile, I am afraid that the Lincoln aircraft carrier would not escape the tragedy of being hit by the missile.

Although no aircraft carrier was injured, the NATO combined fleet also paid a huge price for casualties.

Four outlying Arleigh Burke-class destroyers were destroyed, and there were not even a hundred survivors on the warship.

In the two defensive circles in the middle, more than a dozen warships were also lost, especially the two fast combat support ships full of cargo on the edge of the fleet center, which sank into the seabed with tens of thousands of tons of materials.

If the loss of the supply ship prevents the fleet from forming a long-term combat capability in a short time, the loss of the ten main combat ships can almost be said to be an irreparable lack of combat effectiveness.

These ten capital ships are not Perry-class frigates. They are all Aegis ships and are an important component of fleet defense and combat.

The combined fleet of four major aircraft carrier battle groups, and all the Aegis ships ~ ~ add up to 20 ships.

In one round of missile attack, half was lost, and the NATO combined fleet at this moment was in a very dangerous situation.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for NATO and Europe. While NATO is jointly attacked by missiles, a large number of missiles are also rushing to the large number of US air bases in Europe.

The U.S. military bases in Europe are all nearby commercial sources, and they are all relatively prosperous places in Europe for population and commerce.

For many years, Europe, which has been very peaceful, was awakened by the sound of explosions.

The harsh air defense sirens and explosions resounded throughout Europe.

A large number of Europeans all exclaimed that related news on the Internet has also shown an explosive increase.

On the other side, the U.S. Sixth Fleet in the Strait of Gibraltar also paid several battleship losses, and then smoothly exited the Strait and fled back to the English Channel.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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