"If the enemy plane is found, the terminal will be issued with the position, and fight freely."

Under the oval-shaped canopy of the Black Hawk fighter jet, a message about the base vehicle came from the integrated display terminal.

All the contact information of the Red Police Corps is first transmitted to the base, and then transmitted from the base to every soldier and unit it belongs to.

Although it seems troublesome and the message needs to be relayed, in fact, it does not take up the time to transmit the message at all. It can also ensure that the message is encrypted to ensure that it will not be monitored, and it will not be afraid of electronic suppression by the enemy.

Liu Jianwei glanced at the mission information on the fighter control terminal, his mouth curled up, and before he could say anything, he heard Feibao's voice: "Tiger, your kid must be very happy now."

"I like this order of free engagement. There is no need for joint operations, and there are no restrictions on these restrictions." Liu Jianwei said happily.

"I guess the coordinates of the enemy aircraft are too scattered." As soon as Feibao's voice fell, the computer terminals of the two Black Hawk fighters showed the coordinates and positions of all enemy aircraft, and the altitude information was complete.

Seeing this, Liu Jianwei directly commanded the terminal system of the Black Hawk fighter: "To sum up all the information of the enemy aircraft on the peeping display, we are ready to fight."

"Understood" inside the cockpit of the fighter, an electronically synthesized sound was heard, which was the sound of the Black Hawk fighter's integrated auxiliary system.

This is an auxiliary combat system that only Black Hawk fighters and Aurora bombers have among all current Red Police combat aircraft.

The system is simplified from the intelligent program of the Red Queen. The intelligent system Red Queen performs coordinated control on the main engine, which can greatly help the fighter division and improve the combat effectiveness.

This system enables the fighter division to concentrate on combat. Once the auxiliary combat mode is automatically activated, the fighter pilot will become very relaxed. In the case of high-intensity overload, when the fighter division is subjected to huge overload, it can be based on the external situation. , Coordinated control of the fighter's flight attitude.

This system also has a very powerful function. It can integrate all the high-definition cameras of the entire aircraft, and integrate and adjust the real-time images captured by all the cameras, and then transmit them to the pilot's helmet-mounted display in real time.

The display built into the driver’s helmet looks a bit similar to virtual reality glasses, except that the images seen by the virtual reality glasses are all preset images, while the images on the combat flight helmet are all fighter jets. Three hundred and sixty degrees without blind spots.

This allows every fighter division to truly have no visual blind spots, and it is extremely convenient to use, just like a normal eye, looking around.

At present, only the Lightning fighter has similar functions, which is unmatched by any other fighter.

One of the simplest examples is that the rear view of fighter pilots has always been an important issue in fighter development.

With this system, the fighter pilot can see any direction around the fighter at will.

Combined with the sound control system and the integrated helmet aiming command system, the fighter division can respond to real-time conditions in the shortest possible time.

The entire operating system of the Black Hawk fighter can be integrated into the helmet, and the fighter division does not need to look at the display system at all.

This set of systems is the guarantee for the Black Hawk fighter. If the fighter's hardware keeps up, the software will naturally keep up.

In fact, the Black Hawk fighter just lacks stealth capabilities, otherwise it is not inferior to any stealth fighter.

The next level of authority, the enhanced version of the Black Hawk fighter technology will also be open, when the Red Police Corps will truly have its own fourth-generation stealth fighter.

Using the world's most advanced fighter jet system to deal with third-generation fighter jets, to be honest, is a bit bullying.

But Liu Jianwei likes this feeling, and this feeling also refers specifically to the US military.

Who made the United States have been relying on its national strength and equipment advantages to go to war all over the world, bullying the U.S. military with advanced equipment, and letting American soldiers have a taste of being bullied under the disadvantage of their equipment.

The order for free engagement was issued, and Liu Jianwei took his wingman and left the fleet and flew to the flank of a US fighter hundreds of kilometers away.

Under the canopy of the fighter jet under Liu Jianwei, there are two Fighting Falcon fighters, four Eagle fighters, and a Falcon pattern painted.

This is the brilliant fighter Liu Jianwei obtained in the Israeli war, the number of shots down by six fighters, and an Israeli early warning aircraft, which is also a top-notch presence in the Red Police Corps.

This time, Liu Jianwei has not much interest in American fighter jets.

The target he was looking for was the French Rafale fighter. This three and a half generation fighters developed and produced by France itself could enter Liu Jianwei's eyes.

He wants to paint the graphics of the Rafale fighter on his fighter plane to establish his higher honor.

Britain and France have all decided to participate in the war. While in the briefing room of the air base, Cai Ruichen also issued a clear order that if British and French fighter jets appeared in Iranian airspace, they could attack them.

Because at this moment, Britain and France have also formally submitted a war note to the Islamic and Syrian Federation, and the two sides are already at war.

At the same time, all NATO coalition fighters two hundred kilometers away received enemy reports from early warning aircraft.

The French fighter squadron also received the order to fight against it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the face of the dispersed aircraft group, the NATO coalition forces almost adopted the same tactic, that is, free engagement.

This is also the fact that NATO does not believe in evil. The Israeli Air Force is so powerful. In their view, any record of tens to one is the result of the propaganda of the Islamic Federation.

It is impossible for fighters of the same generation to have such a huge difference. Which aerial trump card is not the best? For some news, in their opinion, it is purely for propaganda, just exaggerating.

In the face of these two years, the well-known Iraqi-Syrian Federal Air Force, whether it is the US military or British or French pilots, did not have the slightest timidity and admit defeat. In their opinion, it is the opponent that should be afraid of.

Colonel Beckham, the ace pilot of the French Air Force, is one of the representatives who firmly believes in this idea. In the Middle East, he performed more than three hundred hours of actual combat missions and performed very well in military exercises within NATO.

In his opinion, even if the air force of the Syrian Federation is excellent, it is impossible to be strong enough to challenge France.

Facing the oncoming Iraq-Syria fighter jets, he speeded up to meet him without showing any weakness, and when he met on a narrow road, the brave won! (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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