The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1456: American infantry hope

The outcome of a war may be unknowable and uncontrollable. It may be that only a missile that is off the target can control the situation, but it can achieve the greatest possibility of victory in the largest range.

Air supremacy is the possibility of the greatest victory.

Tarawa Highland, west of Isfahan, is the main frontline defense point of the US Eighth Army. On this highland, there are aeolian landforms and high weathered rocks that block the sand dunes spreading westward. Fengsha is like master artists, carving this stone forest.

A U.S. infantry battalion defended this place. There used to be only one card. In just one day, it was strengthened to one battalion.

The US military has obtained intelligence, and the Syrian-Iranian Federal Army may enter Iran at any time. The key target is the Eighth Army in Isfahan.

Because the Islamic Federation can only help Iran, the Lange, and the Life Guards to regain the last holy city of Isfahan.

Today’s IS, the Lange, and the Life Guards have been left alone and lost control of the Iranian regime. NATO knows this very well. As long as it completely controls Isfahan, in the eyes of the Iranian people, It is tantamount to losing the blessing of God, and the situation is completely different.

The current mission of the U.S. Army’s Eighth Army is not to quickly eliminate the remaining IS, Lange, and Life Guards, but to cooperate with the Iranian regular army to defend Isfahan and face the Islamic Federal Guards that may enter Iran at any time.

Tarawa Heights is the only barrier to the west. Once this barrier is lost, the west gate of Isfahan will open to the Syrian Federal Guard.

The commanding heights of the entire Isfahan will all fall under the control of the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard. At that time, the NATO coalition forces will be truly passive.

Once the Air Force cannot guarantee air supremacy, it is almost impossible for the NATO coalition forces to fully control Isfahan.

On the side of the US Eighth Army, two regiments of Iranian regular troops are also defending, and the main forces of the US Eighth Army are all in the rear to ensure that the only western gateway is guarded.

But for the American soldiers in Tarawa at this moment, this night is a bit difficult.

Although the grassroots US soldiers do not know the current overall situation, the Eighth Army also suffered two rounds of air strikes before, which caused the morale of the Eighth Army to be affected.

The first half of the night was okay, but in the second half of the night, the air began to become hot and dry, and it seemed that an upcoming storm was brewing, and the air exuded annoying irritability.

In the mountains, most of the US soldiers should be resting, but the temperature of the land combined with the sultry heat of the air strikes makes it difficult to sleep, coupled with the tension of the battle, and the air strikes that may be faced at any time. Many US troops Soldier, did not sleep at all.

Many of the American soldiers resting directly in the foxhole were no longer sleepy, looking at the stars in the sky, in a daze.

Not long after the second half of the night, the roar of fighter jets from the sky caused all the American soldiers on the high ground to stand up and sit up.

The roar of fighter jets came from the west sky, and the air defense alarm in the instinctive impression did not sound, but from one side, the same roar of fighter jets was soon heard.

This made the US soldiers who had been bombed twice in just one day cheered.

These American soldiers all jumped out of the individual pit with their weapons high, cheering to the sky:

"Kill those **** yellow-skinned monkeys!"

"Kill the **** Middle Easterners, kill Cai Ruichen, bomb Marin City..."

The excited American soldiers all cheered. For them, the sky has always been its own.

It was the first time that he was bombed. Now his own air force has also come, and he can definitely beat the Yixu Federation.

This is every U.S. soldier who almost instinctively believes that in their opinion, waiting for the arrival of their powerful air force, the Iraq-Syria Federation, a country that has only been established for only two years, will surely fail.

However, the Army has not been able to appreciate the hardships of the current Air Force. All NATO coalition pilots already know the current strategic situation of the two sides, and pragmatically tell every NATO pilot that NATO is currently at an absolute disadvantage.

The combat effectiveness of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation air force cannot be underestimated.

Of course, this did not hit NATO pilots. Although there are disadvantages in the overall situation, they are also very optimistic that the war can definitely be reversed in their own hands.

In fact, this is normal. The American media's assessment of the military power of various countries relies on the analysis of think tanks, and think tanks are employed by political and power groups.

In the U.S. media, the country’s military strength is actually based on what direction the U.S. power bloc needs now.

If the US military wants military spending, it will naturally advocate how powerful the hostile forces outside are.

If the U.S. military wants to sell weapons and promote new types of equipment, it will naturally need to use equipment from other countries for comparison. In order to show the citizens that a huge research fee can be used to obtain a good weapon and equipment, the U.S. media needs Promote your own powerful propaganda.

In the past few years, although the Iran-Syria Federation has become very powerful, it has not really entered the eyes of the United States. In the last period of time, it was only carrying out necessary political propaganda.

At this moment, the US soldiers, including most countries in the world, have only a little knowledge of the actual military capabilities of the Syrian-Israel Federation, even senior people.

Strong propaganda is conducive to rallying the hearts of the people, but it will cause the grassroots personnel to be overly lost in the powerful imagination of propaganda However, the self-confidence of the grassroots soldiers of the US military is not the result of propaganda, but It has penetrated into the spirit of American soldiers and has entered the consensus of the bones.

At this moment, the fighters of the two sides have not yet formally contacted, and a silent war has started between the early warning aircraft of both sides.

Isfahan is located on the central plateau of Iran. Although it is not as high as the northern area near the Caspian Sea, it is also the highest place in the Iranian plain compared to the ridges on both sides.

The former Mesopotamia gave birth to a powerful empire here, and at this moment, it has also become a place where a global hegemony and a great power will compete in the initial stage of the rise.

The terrain here is relatively high. For fighter jets flying altitude, it will not be like a plateau area of ​​three or four kilometers. The fighter plane will lose several kilometers in altitude, so it can even fly directly at high altitude and be subject to individual air defense. Missile strike.

But in this place, the hostility is complicated, and there are windy sands and rocks everywhere, plus the mountains and forests and valleys after the impact of the previous basin.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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