The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1460: Gust of failure

Two small bombs fell from the flying tiger's external suspension point. Two parachutes were opened on the bombs. The fuzes on the bombs detonated two bombs one second after the parachutes were opened.

The two Rafale fighters just came here, a little distance from the bomb, but the exploded bomb did not have any killing shrapnel, but burst out with a strong light.

Although the strong light is unlikely to interfere with the driver with the cockpit cover and helmet protection, the explosive radiation turned on strong electromagnetic pulses, causing the instrument panels of the two Rafale fighters to spin around. The altitude, speed, and down-looking radars almost all failed. Up.

Another Rafale fighter following Beckham, under a brief shaking, plunged directly into the side rock wall. The pilot did not have time to parachute, and the shattered fighter turned into a ball of flames, and there was no bones left. Up.

In a blink of an eye, four-on-two has become one-on-two, and Beckham can't hold back at this moment, because he knows very well that the other party can't let him go.

The equipment on the instrument panel failed for a short time, and relying on experience, the beret still caught up with the two Black Hawk fighters ahead.

At the moment when the airborne phased array radar was locked, Beckham did not hesitate to press the launch button, and the two Mika missiles separated from the pylon and went straight to the Black Hawk fighter in front.

However, the two Black Hawk fighters only shook their tails slightly, and made an extreme turn at the corner close to the rock wall, and the two missiles directly hit the rock wall.

Beckham did not give up. In such a valley environment, the missile is not as flexible as the fighter jet, and it is normal to hit the mountain.

But just when he was about to catch up and attack with machine guns, the two fighter jets in front suddenly separated at a three fork.

When Beckham saw this, although he knew his situation well, he insisted on chasing the Black Hawk fighter on the left.

He was staring at the Flying Leopard. The two fighters were no more than a hundred meters apart, like fish swimming in a narrow water pipe. The valley was completely filled with the roar of fighters.

For traveling through this narrow terrain, like every outstanding fighter division, the Flying Leopard also imprinted such flight in his muscle memory.

Seeing the valley topography on the radar and controlling the flight of fighter jets, the muscles already respond naturally without going through the brain.

This is the ability that has been exercised during countless flights in the Death Valley. The reason why the Death Valley has changed the conversation of all the Red Police fighters is because the simulated valley is not only complicated in terrain, but the area seems endless. , And another is that all lines are changing randomly.

No fighter division can fly the same route twice, but the rock walls on both sides of the valley are rugged and undulating. The narrowest place is even less than three meters, and only fighters are allowed to pass through obliquely.

Every Red Police fighter division left a record of the crash in this valley of death.

Even Lieutenant General Weiguo, the hero of the Air Force, left a record of plane crashes and deaths in the Death Canyon of the simulated map.

Among the entire Red Police Corps, only Natasha, Cai Ruichen and Boris have not left any record of failure.

The extreme death flight is definitely the best way to exercise the limit of reaction for the exercise of the fighter division. In the simulation, there is no worry about the loss of the fighter division and the fighter, and you can let go of your hands and feet.

At this moment, for the Flying Leopard, he feels that he is not in actual combat, but a simulated flight in Death Valley. The fighters chasing behind are also like sparring virtual machines in Death Valley training. It feels familiar and varied. The valley makes Feibao very relaxed.

He has flown no less than 5,000 times in such training, and flying on terrain like valleys has become his body's instinct.

Behind him, Beckham was nervous, his eyes focused, without blinking his eyelids, for fear of losing the enemy in front of him, or for fear of relaxing slightly, he ran into the rock directly.

And Beckham has to stare carefully, always pay attention to whether another Black Hawk fighter will emerge from other places, and then give it to himself.

Liu Jianwei said to Flying Leopard: "Flying Leopard, I have come from the right side."

Flying Leopard glanced at the Flying Tiger coordinates displayed on the helmet, combined with the temporary map scanned by the fighter radar, and said: "You keep going, keep your speed at 300, waiting for my order."

"No problem." Liu Jianwei nodded, looking at the end of this long crack, slowly placing his finger on the button of the cannon.

Beckham didn't know that the other Black Hawk fighter that was going to the right had already circled to the front and got stuck.

At this moment, he is still persistently chasing the Black Hawk fighter in front, but his mood is very depressed.

The Black Hawk fighter in front of him was like a loach. Although he could barely bite the opponent, a series of machine gun attacks did not even scratch the opponent's skin.

There is always a small distance between the shots of the machine gun and the tail nozzle of the Black Hawk fighter. In Beckham's view, this distance is like a chasm, insurmountable.

Seeing that two-thirds of the cannon bullets on the plane have been consumed, and there are only two missiles left, Beckham is already thinking about getting out of this way.

After all, the opponent still has a fighter jet nearby. Unless it can kill the one in front of him immediately, it will be quite And now, Beckham has deeply realized that the opponent's driving skills are superb. Of course, the outstanding performance of the Black Hawk fighter makes him feel ashamed.

Proudly he has even sent out a request for help from the US fighters. Unfortunately, his experience is not unique.

The U.S. AWACS is now in a desperate situation, and directly ordered Beckham to find opportunities to get out immediately.

This time the NATO joint air force encountered a group of terrible opponents, and until now, the NATO joint air force has not figured out the air force number of the other party. Only know that there is a golden strip on the wingtips of the double vertical tails of these Black Hawk fighters. Spray paint.

After fighting for a long time, he didn't even know the other party's number, and strengthened Beckham's determination to leave. What's more, there were orders. Combined with the sense of crisis shrouded in his heart, Beckham no longer wanted to wait.

However, just as he was about to lift his fuselage out of the valley, a string of flames flew from the right side, and the Rafale fighter was cut off during that instant. However, Beckham was not slow and caught it in his eyes. When attacking the cannon from the right side, he decisively pulled up the escape device. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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