The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1461: Prologue to the Calamity

The US infantry battalion in Tarawa Highlands is still immersed in the mood of cheering for its air force.

However, when the US military squad headed to the two crash sites discovered that the fall was not a fighter jet from the Syrian-Israel Federation but a French gust, all the cheers and cheers were solidified on the face of every US soldier.

The commander of the US infantry battalion also had a wonderful face. Just as the two infantry squads sent reports, he also received a message from the Eighth Army Command.

The third air strike against the Syrian-Israel Federation failed, and 130 stealth fighters were shot down by the superior air-defense missiles of the Syrian-Israel Federation.

In the air battle in Isfahan, facing the air force of the Syrian and Islamic Federation, the NATO joint air force has been defeated and withdrawn from the battlefield. The airspace of Isfahan has already belonged to the air command of the Syrian and Islamic Federation.

The imaginary victory of the Air Force did not appear, and the opposite result appeared.

Major Sam, the commander of the 112th Infantry Battalion of the Eighth Army, was sitting slumped in the command tent.

The Eighth Army also clearly required in the battle report notice that the 11th Mechanized Infantry Brigade, which belongs to the 112th Infantry Battalion Shangfeng, must hold this highland for at least 36 hours, even without air cover.

The 112th Infantry Battalion needs to provide at least twelve hours of preparation time for the entire mechanized infantry brigade.

If during these twelve hours, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation did not attack on the ground, then the 112th Infantry Battalion could be considered complete.

And if it is now attacked by the ground forces of the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard, it will have to hold on for twelve hours.

From the view of Major Sam, this task is very difficult. The combat capability of the Isy-Syrian Federal Guard has already explained a lot from the Israeli war.

The war only lasted for 24 hours. The United States has lost control of the Arabian Peninsula, lost air supremacy in Isfahan, and lost a large number of advanced fighter jets.

The powerful U.S. Navy actually dare not approach the Persian Gulf, let alone support ground operations.

If the troops of the Syrian Federation are on the road to Isfahan at the moment, Major Sam feels that he can hold on for six hours.

If the opponents were Israel, the Lange, and the Life Guard, then Major Sam would dare to issue a military order, and there would be absolutely no problem for twelve hours.

But facing the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard, it is really difficult to defend this high ground under the opposing air force's superior air force.

Even though the 112th Infantry Battalion has built many defensive points and dug a large number of foxholes, weapons and ammunition can meet ten hours of high-intensity combat, but Major Sam always feels very unreliable.

Because the strength of the Iraq-Syria Federation in the twenty-four hours since the beginning of the war was amazing. Now, how dare he underestimate the Iraq-Syria Federation, an opponent that has not been established for a few years.

Obeying orders is the bounden duty of a soldier. No matter how difficult it is, Major Sam can only execute orders.

Maybe the next thing will not be so bad or maybe, after all, so far, no information has been received that the Islamic and Syrian federal forces have entered Iran.

As long as twelve hours later, the entire 11th mechanized infantry brigade will be able to enter the defense line, and the highlands of Tarawa will be firmly controlled by the United States.

Sam conveyed the command of the summit to every soldier. At the same time, he also told every soldier the result of the previous air battle, but he didn't say a word about the failure of the US military in other areas.

Talking too much, the blow to the soldiers is too great, he needs the soldiers below to fight, he needs the soldiers to maintain fighting spirit, not a group of broken soldiers.

But even if he didn't mention the failure of the US military in other places, the failure of the Isfahan air battle was enough to hit every American soldier.

After all, before this, every American soldier was excited and looking forward to news of the Air Force's victory.

No one ever thought that it would be oneself who would fail.

With the actual results, the blow can be imagined.

Almost all U.S. soldiers have a distracted look. Fortunately, the system of U.S. sergeants is very sound. Encouraged by each sergeant, all U.S. soldiers cheered up and returned to their foxholes. , Organize the foxhole and prepare for battle.

Modern warfare has completely bid farewell to positional warfare, but on this high ground, there are no houses, buildings, and no fortifications. The US soldiers only use rocks and high points in the canyon to defend themselves through foxholes.

At the same time, the Iranian regular army of the two regiments on the side also received the order to assist the defense and began to strengthen the defense on the two wings of the Tarawa Highland.

What they didn't know was that at a distance of 80 kilometers from Tarawa Highlands, the assault company of the 3rd Armored Division of the Red Police Corps had stopped advancing.

The Calamity self-propelled field artillery behind the battle fortress is leaving the battle fortress. The four huge robotic arms, like four big legs, stepped away from the central highway.

The seven calmers disappeared alone in the night, and the assault company, along with the guerrillas of Israel, the Lange, and the Life Guard, continued to advance along the road.

Leaving the calmer on the side of the highway, striding forward on the barren desert, stopped at a place nearly a kilometer from the highway.

The four huge robotic arms extend and unfold around, and the tires on the robotic arms are in contact with the ground, changing from the original way of walking like a robot to a car quickly.

However, the calmer did not use wheels to move forward. The ends of the four robotic arms each extended a plow, and the sharp plow plunged directly into the hard Gobi.

The whole process does not require manual operation. Near the seven deployed artillery positions, there is only one platoon of defensive soldiers to protect the seven calmers.

The artillery position was unfolded and the turret was clearly expressed at once. The diamond-shaped turret was like the huge radar head of the Phalanx. Inside the heavy chassis were the power cabin and ammunition depot.

There is no need for personnel to operate, and the calmer does not have a so-called personnel cockpit, only power and ammunition.

The barrels, which are like two arms, are fully unfolded, like two sniper rifles magnified hundreds of times.

Outside the barrel of a rifle-like artillery, there are also two large belts of shells connected to it. During shelling, the shells are transported from here to the barrel. The ejection device of the shell shell is exactly the same as that of the rifle.

Automatic feed, automatic attack, wheeled advancement, crawler advancement, and robotic arm crawling. No manual labor is required. The attack is extremely accurate and instantaneously powerful fire coverage. This is all the advantages of the calmer. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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