The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1468: NATO is just a paper tiger

"NATO is facing the heaviest blow, and a large number of air bases in Europe were destroyed by the Islamic Federal Air Force."

"The NATO Mediterranean Fleet was forced to leave the Mediterranean into the English Channel"

"The NATO Indian Ocean Fleet lost more than a dozen main battleships and has entered the middle of the Indian Ocean."

A series of three pieces of news once again caused an uproar in the world. It took only 24 hours for the Iraqi-Syrian Federation to fight NATO. This is not the first time that NATO and US forces have had negative news.

However, just over an hour ago, the main force of the US Air Force’s fourth-generation fighters was wiped out and the US military had already suffered huge losses.

Now that the navy and European air bases have been destroyed, it's worsening the situation.

All the people who were optimistic about NATO before had their heads lowered in disbelief, and found helplessly that the world was beginning to be a bit strange.

The world's most powerful military alliance organization was actually defeated by a developing Middle Eastern country that was only a few years old.

As powerful as the navy, they lost more than a dozen capital ships, and were driven out of the battlefield. This was a heavy blow to the morale of countries participating in this war.

At this moment, even if the whole world admits that they underestimated Cai Ruichen and the Iraq-Syria Federation, they would not be able to restore the lost image of NATO.

Even Russia's Associated Press of Russia said: Facts have proved that NATO is completely a paper tiger.

As soon as this report came out, Russia was greatly inspired. After all, the confrontation that continued from the Cold War to today is still fresh in the memory of Russians.

The strong military pressure facing Western Europe has always been the target of Russian confrontation. The strength of NATO has greatly restricted Russia's actions.

But now, everyone in Russia has discovered that NATO is nothing more than that. A small Iraqi-Syrian federation can make NATO such a ghost. With proper tactics, Russia can definitely do better than the Islamic-Syrian federation.

In fact, not only Russia is re-understanding NATO, but many countries are also re-examining the strength of NATO.

However, there are still many countries that are still supporting the NATO coalition forces, especially the Asahi Shimbun of Japan. They immediately commented: the next war is the key. The NATO Indian Ocean Fleet is capable of destroying the dual aircraft carrier battle group of the Islamic Federation. The situation is about to reverse.

The Asahi Shimbun’s comments focused on the Indian Ocean. The reason is simple. The Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force has a large number of main warships in the Indian Ocean. They are fighting in coordination with the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet. , And then regrouped and launched a resolute counterattack against the Islamic Federation from the sea and Turkey.

News similar to the Asahi Shimbun’s comments quickly appeared in the American, British, and French media. The news of the failure could not be covered up. It could only give the people as much confidence as possible.

And such comments are spreading in the United Kingdom, the United States, France, and Japan with an overwhelming momentum. Many people also believe in this analysis and still have the belief that this war will win.

It's just that the previous comments haven't passed yet, and more detailed news also appeared in the reports of future media companies.

On the live news of the Future Media Company, the Supreme Military Command of the Iraq-Syrian Federation released an official propaganda film, cutting all the scenes of each war in the twenty-four hours into one. It takes nearly twenty minutes, like a blockbuster of a big investment war.

In the propaganda film, from the first round of missile strikes to all the pictures of the attack on the Arabian Peninsula, the surrender of the U.S. Army in the Arabian Peninsula, the picture of the invasion of Kuwait and the defeat of the U.S. contingent, to the picture of annihilating the fourth-generation U.S. fighter.

Finally, the scene where thirty-six very elegant bombers appeared. In the narration of the promo, they told the world directly that this was a model with a maximum take-off weight of more than 200 tons and a maximum speed of more than three. Mach's stealth bomber.

The entire promotional film reached its climax when the Aurora bomber appeared on the scene.

In previous reports, many people were speculating about why the Islamic Federation forced the NATO fleet out of the Mediterranean Sea, destroyed more than a dozen capital ships of the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet, and drove the fleet to the middle of the Indian Ocean. What equipment was used? Destroyed the European American air force base.

Now the answer has come out. At the same time, the Syrian-Israel Federation is also telling the world that the world's first supersonic stealth heavy bomber officially in service has appeared, and it is serving in the I-Syrian Federation Guard, and it can still be used in an attack. Thirty-six planes were dispatched in one go.

Back then, at the height of the Cold War confrontation, the United States also developed the world's first heavy-duty supersonic bomber, the XB-70, with a take-off weight of more than 200 tons and a speed of Mach 3.

Regrettably, the United States at that time found that after producing two prototypes, the subsequent mass production costs were too high and far exceeded the expenditure budget. After seven test flights, the project was terminated.

Of course, it is also because the U.S. military discovered that the Soviet Union at that time was not as powerful as the U.S. imagined, and ballistic missiles could also fully satisfy the nuclear strike against the Soviet Union. There was no need for a supersonic bomber to continue the nuclear strike mission. .

In the end, it also led to the world's top bomber, which was directly shot dead.

Now When the Iraqi-Syrian Federation displayed the Aurora bomber, many people directly think of the supersonic bomber project terminated by the United States.

Looking at it now, it is definitely a huge regret.

However, the news that gave the world more is a deep shock to the soul.

It may be difficult for ordinary people to understand the meaning of a heavy supersonic bomber. What is even more terrifying for the Iraqi-Syrian Federation is that before this, the outside world had rare news in this regard. Powerful posture.

One or two bombers such as bombers are already an extravagant hope for most countries. However, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation has produced more than 30 without a word, and all of them can go directly to the battlefield. So far it is terrible.

Many people are also horrified to discover at the same time, what if this Aurora bomber is not carrying conventional missiles or bombs, but nuclear warheads?

This made many people startled in a cold sweat. Of course, the most interesting thing is how many cards of the Yixu Federation have not been exposed, and whether there are even more unknown weapons and equipment hidden? (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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