The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1469: Golden Knight Exposure

The Iraq-Syria Federation is full of too many mysteries for the whole world. Although it has only been twenty-four hours since the beginning of this war, it has also exposed too many shocking strengths.

In particular, the stealth fighter capability demonstrated by the Iraq-Syria Federation and the Aurora bomber are all known as the world's top military technology.

To the outside world, these technologies are actually not mysterious, but they can be used in actual combat, causing heavy losses to opponents, and perfectly showing the importance of these military technologies in the field of military warfare.

However, just as countries began to analyze the military technologies of the Islamic Federation, the latest battlefield intelligence was also reported by Future Media Corporation.

"Air combat in Isfahan, Black Hawk 0:112, victory over the US and French Air Forces"

"The 3rd Armored Division of the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard captured the Tarawa Heights controlled by the 11th Mechanized Infantry Brigade of the U.S. Army with a lightning strike, opening the door to Isfahan"

These two news made the world that should have been numb, once again deeply shocked.

It is said that there are more lice and it is not ticklish, but the world has discovered that it is not the case. There are also more similar news, shocking or not, depending on the nature of the news.

Of these two reports, the one that really shocked people was the first one.

The outside world has always been very interested in the Black Hawk fighters of the Syrian Federation. Israel has the world's most elite air force, but the Black Hawk fighters of the Syrian Federation Guard can almost be described as vulnerable.

At that time, many people said that it was because the Israeli Air Force's fighters were generally very old. If they had such an advantage over the new third-generation fighters of the Western world.

If this kind of future advantage is used as an excuse to comment, he is once again defeated by a conclusive record.

The Black Hawk not only confirmed the outstanding performance of its air force fighter jets during the Israeli war, it also left the world speechless at this moment.

Because in this report, the future media company's writing clearly introduced the US and French Air Force fighter models.

From the latest Fighting Falcon and Eagle fighters to the French Pride Rafale fighters, in this air battle, even a Black Hawk fighter was not injured.

With such a huge disparity, the whole world has nothing to say.

Regarding such news, both France and the United States chose to be silent, and it can be regarded as acquiescence to the report of the Islamic Federation.

In fact, France and the United States at this moment have not yet figured out which force the Iraqi-Syrian Federation dispatched in this air battle. It was only through the mouths of a few pilots who returned from parachuting that the opponent was not only advanced in fighter jets. The most important thing is that the pilots are all top ace pilots, experienced, and good at figuring out the opponent's psychology. The tactical tactics are even more desperate, which is very terrifying.

As for who this opponent is, all the pilots have said one thing in common, that is, the double vertical tails of this batch of Black Hawk fighters have a touch of golden paint, which belongs to the same combat wing.

As for the designation of this alliance, the United States and France still haven't figured it out.

Just as the two countries were about to order the intelligence department to investigate clearly, the US CIA Director Brentty knocked on the doors of Obama and Bama's offices.

In Brenti's hand, holding two pieces of intelligence, "Mr. President, regarding the opponent in the air battle in Isfahan, our intelligence agent in the Islamic Federation, sent this intelligence."

Brenti put a piece of intelligence in his hands on the desks of Austria and Bama, and said: "According to the intelligence, this time we and the French air force encountered the most powerful air force team in the Syrian-Israel Federation-Golden Cavaliers United."

The "Golden Knight" was a little battered and opened the folder in front of him.

According to the intelligence, there are very strict classifications in the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Air Force. The ordinary fighter divisions are not ace fighters. There are three levels of ace fighter divisions, namely the bronze knight, the silver knight, and the golden knight.

Among them, the Golden Knights are the most elite troops. They are known as the trump cards of the trump cards. They are all experienced in combat and have the most flight time. Only the absolute king of air superiority in the confrontation exercises can obtain the honorary title of the Golden Knight and intervene. To this team with lofty honors.

Brenti saw Austria and Bama immersed in the intelligence content, and said: “According to the information we have received, the main air force of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation was not destroyed in the first round of air strikes. After that, there were two other ace Air Force Wings. Every pilot in it was Cai Ruichen's treasure."

"Are our ace pilots far inferior to each other? Are our soldiers' heads all shit?" Obama and Bama said angrily, shaking the documents in their hands.

Austria and Bama no longer want to hear the words that the Iraqi-Syrian Federation is powerful. This can only show the incompetence of the US military.

Recalling the contact with Cai Ruichen again and again, Austria and Bama were quite depressed. Why is that young man able to have all of this? Why is the United States' development over a century, but not as good as the other side's time.

None of Austria and Bama can figure out these questions...

"The Black Hawk fighter has superior air combat performance. Compared with the fourth-generation fighter, the difference lies in the lack of stealth capability. If our stealth fighter can participate in air combat, it can definitely suppress the opponent's Black Hawk fighter..." Lenti whispered.

Austria and Bama waved his hand to let him out after hearing the words.

Brenty put down the other piece of information in his hand, then turned and left.

Open it to see is about war intelligence on Tarawa Highlands in Isfahan...

Just after Future Media Corporation released these two news, the Associated Press War also reported a large number of ground war pictures taken by the Associated Press war reporters on the front lines.

In the picture released by the Associated Press, the first thing that attracted the attention of this information was that it was rushing to the battle fortress in the highlands.

A ground war bunker that can run on the ground at a speed of 8.90 kilometers per hour and a total combat weight of more than two hundred tons.

The above all kinds of hideous weapons and equipment, even if you take a look at the photo, combined with the messy battlefield in the background of the photo and the various destroyed US tanks and armored vehicles, give people a kind of suffocation.

On the edge of these battle fortresses, you can also see heavily armed infantry and terrorist robots wandering around.

This kind of picture also gives people a sense of sight as if they were watching a sci-fi blockbuster poster.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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