The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1471: Iran-Syria Federal Nuclear Technology Level

In the imperial court press conference hall, reporters from all over the world gathered.

Brigadier General Qu Yaoyang, the spokesperson of the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard, stood on the podium, facing the numerous reporters present, and said:

"In the past twenty-four hours of war, the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard has completed its strategic goals, kept NATO navy out of the threat range, and successfully mastered Iran’s air supremacy. Next, we will take advantage of the victory to pursue and assist Islam and Lansing. The Revolution, the Life Guards, retake Isfahan, and wipe out the viable combat forces of the U.S. Eighth Army..."

A brief description of the process of this war and the victory achieved, and then it was the reporter's turn to ask questions.

"Excuse me, General Qu, in this war, whether your army is finally willing to accept the UN's proposal and negotiate with the US military."

Qu Yaoyang replied: "Peace talks can never be achieved unilaterally. As long as the US military is willing to withdraw from Iran, then we are not willing to continue to expand the war."

"Is the withdrawal of NATO coalition forces from Iran the bottom line of the peace talks of the Supreme Council of Islamic Rights?"

Qu Yaoyang replied: "One of the original intentions of this war is to prevent Iran, which has nearly hundreds of millions of people, from falling into endless war disasters. As a country under perennial war, we can best appreciate what war has brought us. Harm, as long as NATO is willing to withdraw its troops from Iran and stop interfering in Iran’s internal affairs, we will also stop all military actions against NATO and are willing to sit down and negotiate peace with NATO."

"What if NATO is unwilling to accept your peace terms?" The Associated Press reporter raised his hand and asked.

With a serious face, Qu Yaoyang said forcefully: "Then we will have the NATO army completely withdraw from Iran."

“It is rumored that the Syrian-Israel Federation has obtained dozens of nuclear warheads from Israel. Is this true? Will the Syrian-Israel Federation use these nuclear weapons at critical times?” A reporter from Xinhua News Agency raised his hand and asked.

"As for the rumors from the outside world, although I have no more information to disclose, I can tell everyone clearly that even if we have nuclear weapons, we will not be the first to use nuclear weapons in this war. What we pursue is peace, not destruction. The world, but if someone tries to use weapons of mass destruction in this war, to provoke a chemical weapons war or a nuclear war, then we will resolutely use the same means to fight back."

Having said this, Qu Yaoyang paused and continued: “The Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard has a large number of top biotechnology scientists and a large number of top experts in physics engineering. Our top leader’s knowledge in the field of physics, we have never It is a question of wanting and not wanting. If we really face the threat of nuclear war, then we will also use the same deterrent methods to ensure that nuclear war does not break out."

The best way to deal with nuclear threats and nuclear blackmail is to use the same means for strategic deterrence.

Qu Yaoyang has made it very clear that whether we have obtained nuclear weapons from Israel or not, it is quite simple for the Islamic Federation to obtain nuclear weapons.

After all, Ruichen Cai was a globally well-known PhD in physics before establishing the Future Technology Group. He has published many related academic papers and has caused a sensation in the global physics field many times.

Before this, in fact, many people have already speculated that Cai Ruichen, who owns the Future Technology Group, is very likely to have begun research and development of large nuclear fusion reactors.

Had it not been for the scarcity of helium III on the earth, the future technology group might have already begun to use nuclear fusion reactors.

This conjecture is completely grounded. Cai Ruichen published a most detailed paper that fully explained the principles of nuclear fusion. Although many details in it were covered up, from the published papers, the world of physics Experts in China have already concluded that Cai Ruichen has the ability to build a large nuclear fusion reactor that can be used in the energy sector.

Cai Ruichen, who was only in his teens, built a small nuclear fusion reactor in his own laboratory at the California Institute of Technology. It was the 48th nuclear fusion reactor in the world at that time. The individual of the reactor.

One of the most basic conditions for building a nuclear fusion reactor and enabling it to operate is to master the ability to enrich uranium.

Although the world has never heard of what nuclear physics experiments are being conducted by the Future Technology Group, Cai Ruichen’s personal talent has clearly told the world that the Future Technology Group’s nuclear physics technology will never be weaker than that of other companies so far. Achievements in the field.

With a wealth of theoretical data, as well as hands-on experience, there is even a behemoth like the Future Technology Group. There is no difficulty in making nuclear weapons.

Some people even joked that as long as the Future Technology Group is willing, it may not take two months to develop nuclear weapons.

Especially when Israel launched its final counterattack, dozens of nuclear missiles were launched, which shocked the whole world.

Since then, the world has also paid attention to the issue of whether the Islamic Federation is developing nuclear weapons. After all, the Islamic Federation has indeed faced nuclear strikes. Once the Islamic Federation really wants to develop nuclear weapons, no one can stop it.

Although there is no clear news from, the Future Technology Group has always given people a very mysterious feeling. Many advanced weapons and equipment are also highly concealed, and the outside world rarely sees it. After all, it is normal to join the Future Technology Group to secretly develop nuclear weapons.

This war broke out. Among the countries participating in the war, the United Kingdom, the United States and France are all countries with nuclear weapons. Many people are also worried about whether this war will eventually lead to a nuclear war.

From a technical point of view, the technological level of the future technology group, the development of intercontinental nuclear missiles, there is no technical bottleneck at all. Once a nuclear war breaks out, it will definitely be a disaster for the world.

Even though I have never seen any nuclear tests conducted by the Syrian-Israel Federation, everyone is unaware.

At this moment, the war has started for 24 hours, and NATO has been retreating all the way. Many countries have begun to worry, calling for peace between the two sides and not allowing the war to continue to escalate, which eventually evolves to an unmanageable level.

But that's how it is said, but everyone knows in their hearts that the dawn of peace is too remote at present.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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