The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1472: Nails of the Indian Ocean

In the middle of the Indian Ocean, Diego Garcia Island is the southernmost coral island of the Chagos Archipelago in the Indian Ocean. It is one of the British Indian Ocean Territories with a population of more than 3,000 people. The island is a V-shaped circular island that opens to the north.

The island covers an area of ​​nearly 30 square kilometers and is less than 2,000 kilometers from the South Asian subcontinent. It is located at the confluence of many maritime transport lines between the Cape of Good Hope, Singapore, the Red Sea, and Australia. The geographic location of maritime transport is very important.

During World War II, the island used to be an important port for the British air force base and navy.

In the 1970s, the United Kingdom and the United States reached an agreement and the United States leased the island. Since then, it has become the main air base and naval supply station for the U.S. Air Force and Navy in the Indian Ocean, and an important part of the U.S. military’s global military base. It has a very large arsenal and a modern advanced communication center.

The Gulf War, the Afghanistan War, and the Iraq War, including the current Iran War, played an important role in the Islamic-Syrian Federal War.

The 3,000-meter runway on the island has repeatedly taken off large bombers and transport aircraft to support wars, and can also take off carrier-based aircraft to supplement the combat effectiveness of aircraft carriers.

In the 1970s, after the United States took over here, it carried out various modernizations. It not only became one of the important mid-distance stations for the U.S. military’s global communications, but it was also able to dock nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers. It can also repair docked warships.

It is fully equipped to ensure all the activities of the US aircraft carrier battle group, amphibious landing operations and strategic bombers in the Indian Ocean.

From the Iran War to every previous war in the Middle East, the US stratospheric fort bombers took off from here to bomb the war countries.

Originally, when the U.S. military planned an air strike against the Syrian Federation, the last wave of air strikes was the 24 B-52 stratofortress bombers stationed here.

In fact, before launching a war against Iran, the U.S. military had prepared a stockpile of all weapons and equipment used against Iran in this military base in the Indian Ocean several years ago.

The most important of these are the well-known "Bunker Smasher" smart bombs of the US military. These smart bombs are delivered to Iran through large bomber heads, ready to be ready to destroy tens of thousands of important targets in Iran within a few hours.

In the previous Iran war, the US military did use this air base. Combined with the dozens of stratospheric fort bombers in the base, this military operation to smash Iran's war capabilities was achieved, and a large number of important military and industrial facilities in Iran's Islamic State, Lange, and Life Guard were completely destroyed.

However, the biggest function of this military base is to control the Indian Ocean. This is the unsinkable super aircraft carrier of the US military in the Indian Ocean. On 300,000 square kilometers of islands, various military facilities are extremely complete and can satisfy a large number of fighter jets in the first time. , And within two hours, put it into any battlefield in the Indian Ocean.

From the geographical position of this island, it is 4,500 kilometers from the Persian Gulf, 3,500 kilometers from the east coast of Africa, 5,000 kilometers from Australia, 2,000 kilometers from India, and 35,000 kilometers from Indonesia. Hundred kilometers.

The island is usually equipped with a large number of tankers to ensure that all fighter jets that come to station can directly fly from all nearby US bases to bases on the island.

At the same time, on the islands, the US military has been stationed for a long time with a force of 3,000, including 1,500 civilian personnel and 1,700 military personnel, most of which are maintenance personnel, officers and soldiers of the navy and air force.

This island is also an important relay station for the US military to deliver troops to Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.

There are several large transport ships on the islands, and usually more than a dozen warships of various types are stationed on the islands, which can support the delivery of major tanks, armored vehicles, ammunition, fuel, parts, and even field mobile hospitals.

Moreover, the five large transport ships on the island each carry enough materials to meet all the consumption required by the Marine Corps for nearly thirty days of battle in any place.

In fact, Britain owns more than 2,300 islands in the Indian Ocean, and this island is the true core of these islands.

For the Navy of the Red Police Corps, Diego Garcia Island has a level of threat that is not inferior to NATO's Indian Ocean Joint Fleet.

Because of the existence of this island, the Red Police Navy’s combat range has been severely restricted. Under normal circumstances, it is not even possible to approach the island within a thousand kilometers.

Coupled with the presence of NATO forces on the east coast of Africa and Australia's military presence, the Red Police Navy’s activities in the Indian Ocean have become difficult.

It is tantamount to being severely restricted under the control of all parties around NATO.

This is one of the reasons why Cai Ruichen has always felt that the Red Police Navy is very difficult in the Indian Ocean.

It is not that the Red Police Navy is not strong, but the location guarded by Diego Garcia Island is too deadly for the Red Police Corps Navy.

The most important thing is that the submarines of the US military can rely on this island for activities, which is extremely lethal to the threat to the fleet.

At this moment, the number of American troops on Diego Garcia Island has increased from 3,000 to 5,000 due to the war, and a Marine Corps with a strengthened battalion is also stationed.

At the port, transport ships come to load and unload materials at any time, and provide necessary military support for all US military operations in the Middle East

What the Red Police Corps does not yet know is that, in fact, NATO’s highest command in the Indian Ocean is not in the fleet, but on the island of Diego Garcia.

The three-star US Navy Admiral Powell, and French Admiral Delsey, the two jointly command all operations of the fleet.

He is also responsible for all logistics arrangements for the fleet and air force, and also directs all US submarines throughout the Indian Ocean to conduct operations.

The twenty-four hours of war with the Syrian-Israel Federation has humiliated the faces of the US military and NATO. The Indian Ocean Fleet has lost more than a dozen capital ships. For the two commanders, this is simply a nightmare.

Although the Pentagon and NATO Headquarters did not do anything to the two of them, their words have begun to be strict. They must ask the navy to make a breakthrough, use all the superior resources of the Indian Ocean, and look at the Iraqi-Syrian Federation a little bit of color, and wash away NATO’s body. shame.

The goal of washing away the stigma is naturally the dual aircraft carrier battle group of the Islamic Federation in the Indian Ocean.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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