The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1473: Red Police Naval Crisis

NATO wants to wash away its shame, and the Red Police Corps and Navy do not want to use a fun and dripping war to show their powerful strength.

From the development of the Red Police Corps to the present, in every war, it has always been the stage for the air force and the army.

This also caused the Navy of the Red Police Corps to take a sigh of relief. There is no other way. They watch other arms gain results every day. The Navy is such an important arms, but it is like a cold bench. How to make the officers and soldiers of the Navy not worry.

During the Israeli War, although the Second Amphibious Assault Fleet participated in the war, it was only a warm-up exercise for the Navy.

The Israeli Navy is not enough. The opponent that can really excite the Red Police Navy officers and men should be traditional naval powers such as Britain, France, the United States and Japan.

It is not the kind of offshore naval country with a displacement of only one or two thousand tons, which can only undertake offshore defense.

On the other hand, the Red Police Navy, from its development to the present, started out as a blue water navy. The battlefield that gallops is not the sea but the ocean.

Only the ocean is the battlefield of the blue water navy, the sea is too small.

In the war with the United States, the combat order was immediately communicated. Lieutenant General Sha Yiqi, the commander-in-chief of the Red Police Corps, who went to sea with the navy fleet, naturally became the highest commander of the three major fleets of the Red Police Navy.

At present, the two major fleets have moved to the southern Indian Ocean, avoiding all the positions within the reach of NATO coalition forces in the Indian Ocean, and the third fleet has also begun to move when ground forces enter Iranian territory.

The third fleet in the Basra shipbuilding base had secretly left the dry dock in the dark, just as the Persian Gulf had entered the control stage to ensure that the fleet could enter the Arabian Sea silently.

Therefore, Lieutenant General Sha Yiqi, the commander of the navy, was able to command the three major fleets.

The core battleship of the Third Fleet is another heavy nuclear-powered aircraft carrier named after the Palestinian capital Jerusalem. The full displacement of the Jerusalem aircraft carrier is exactly the same as that of the Baghdad and Damascus.

The number of **** ships attached to them is also the same. The fighter jets and combat personnel on it are all available, and once they appear on the field, they already have complete combat capabilities.

Among the three major fleets, Baghdad and Damascus aircraft carrier battle group, there are two amphibious assault fleets, the Red Police Corps' first amphibious fleet and third amphibious fleet.

The current naval establishment of the Red Police Corps is the same. An amphibious fleet has one amphibious assault ship, two dock landing ships, and other related auxiliary warships to provide air defense, anti-submarine, and shore fire support.

But this time is different. In the third and first amphibious fleet, there are five more modern professional tank landing ships.

Strictly speaking, these tank landing ships are not units of the Red Police Base. They are dedicated tank landing ships developed by scientists in the combat laboratory based on the needs of the Red Police Corps’ future large corps for overseas landing operations. The main battle equipment on the ground will not be left behind when operating with the navy, and it can quickly transport tanks to shore.

It has a certain amount of offensive firepower and a platform for vertical take-off and landing aircraft, but it does not have the capability of air defense and naval warfare. All the internal spaces are mainly loaded with amphibious tanks and armored vehicles. Tools to send.

Cai Ruichen did not intervene in all the operations of the Red Police Corps and the navy, and gave all command to Lieutenant General Sha Yiqi.

Therefore, in this naval battle, everything was under the command of Sha Yiqi from the beginning.

Before the war broke out, Sha Yiqi had already set his sights on Diego Garcia Island in the middle of the Indian Ocean. If the Red Police Navy wanted to fight against the NATO fleet in the Indian Ocean, the huge threat of Nadiggarcia Island had to be dealt with. Drop.

Just how to get Diego Garcia Island is a difficult question.

Diego Garcia Island is surrounded by the sea and belongs to a coral island. There are no mountains on the island, and there are not many vegetation. The island is flat, there are no obstacles, and the surrounding sea is clear. If it is not used as a military base, it can definitely be called a resort. .

The aboriginal people above have actually disappeared. The current population of more than 4,000 is actually mostly family members in military bases. They all live on a small island on the northernmost part of the Chagos Islands.

Once this island is attacked, all NATO forces in the Indian Ocean will be surrounded. At that time, the Red Police and Navy will only be able to face a decisive battle.

Unless it is able to capture the islands quickly, and solve this big problem before all NATO military forces arrive, the result would be perfect. But it is too difficult to achieve this step.

If it were placed in the past, it would be better, but now, the US military has more than 3,000 military personnel on the island, and there is also a Marine Corps stationed with a reinforced battalion. It is almost impossible to solve it silently. thing.

This is also the most critical issue at the moment. Once this military base cannot be captured quickly, it will definitely face the full encirclement of the NATO coalition forces. There is also the US military on Diego Garcia Island in the middle. For the Red Police Navy, it is most likely to be One move completely ruined his own stinky chess.

Sha Yiqi also asked Cai Ruichen about his desire to capture Diego Garcia in advance, and Cai Ruichen's answer was very simple, let him figure it out, and finally said that he was looking forward to the island of Diego Garcia. Take a walk.

Although Cai Ruichen did not have clear support, he also clearly told Sha Yiqi to follow his own ideas and let go of his hands and feet. As long as it is not a stupid command error, Cai Ruichen will not hold him accountable.

The scholar died for his confidant. Although he did not get any advice from Cai Ruichen, he was extremely affirmed, which made Sha Yiqi firm himself like never before.

"Notify Haifeng to come and see me." Sha Yiqi thought for several hours in the command center, and then a simple plan was perfected in his mind. After the tactical idea was completed, he immediately ordered the adjutant next to him. .

A few minutes later, a helicopter docked on the helicopter platform of the command ship, and a slender female officer walked down from the helicopter. On the meticulous camouflage uniform, the rank of two stars was very conspicuous.

On the helicopter platform, a major was already here waiting for him, and he saluted him and said: "Colonel Bai, the commander is waiting for you in the command center."

Bai Jiayu (guest appearance on real-name book friends and sisters), codename-Haifeng, the proud disciple of superhero Tan Ya, is currently the captain of the Haifeng Special Commando of the Red Police Corps Marine Corps. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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